the full moon/lunar eclipse at 15’34 sagittarius is exact on friday june 5th 2020 at 12:12pm PDT (maximum eclipse is at 12:25pm PDT). this marks the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in gemini on may 22nd and this commences...
Lunar Insight
Get an in-depth look at New Moons, Full Moons and Eclipses. Divine Harmony’s Lunar Insight blog is freely available and updated bi-monthly just before every New and Full Moon. Get a deeper perspective and greater clarity into the effects of the Moon cycle and how you can work with the Lunar Magic present.
Please note the Lunar Insights are posted a few days to a week before the lunation is exact.
new moon in gemini- holding the tension of the opposites (5/22/20)
the new moon at 2’05 gemini is exact on friday may 22nd 2020 at 10:39am PDT- initating us into a new lunar cycle that focuses on information, communication, thinking and perception. there is SO MUCH GEMINI in the new moon chart- not just the sun and moon but also...
full moon in scorpio- making the darkness conscious (5/7/20)
the full moon at 17’20 scorpio is exact thursday may 7th 2020 at 3:45am PDT, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in taurus conjunct uranus (april 22nd). the taurus/scorpio axis being highlighted during this...
new moon in taurus- waking up in the body
the new moon at 3’24 taurus is exact wednesday april 22nd 2020 at 7:26pm PDT. this new moon is focused on what it means to be embodied and fully present in this experience we are having on the planet right now. i just recorded my Lunar Gate Call for the new moon and...
full moon in libra- 4/7/20- seeking balance in an out of balance world
the full moon at 18’43 libra is exact on tuesday april 7th 2020 at 7:35pm PDT, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in aries on 3/24. that new moon was 5 days after spring equinox (in the northern hemisphere) which...
new moon in aries- 3/24/20- the beginning of deeper healing <3
the new moon at 4’12 aries is exact on tuesday march 24th 2020 at 2:28am PDT. this new moon in the first sign of aries is lunar spring- typically symbol of beginnings, rebirth and renewal. yet solar spring (at the spring equinox) occurred during the dark of the moon-...
full moon in virgo- 3/9/20- let humility and discernment lead
the full moon at 19’37 virgo is exact at 10:48am PST, marking the midway point of the lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in pisces on february 23rd. the virgo/pisces axis is highlighted right now and doubly so at this full moon as the sun is conjunct...
new moon in pisces- renewal in the primordial waters of creation <3.
the new moon at 4’28 pisces is exact on sunday february 23rd, 2020 at 7:32am PST. this new moon in the last sign of the zodiac is a deep dive into the watery abyss of the Unconscious. pisces is amazing for dreams, intuition, imagination, mysticism, spirituality,...
full moon in leo- 2/8/20
i did not post a lunar insight but below is the shorter version of what i posted in my weekly and the star sparks meditation for the degree of the lunation. (this full moon was on my saturn and rather than power through i just surrendered!) the full moon at 20’00 leo...
new moon in aquarius 1/24/20- conceiving and gestating the Age of Aquarius
the new moon at 4’22 aquarius is exact on friday january 24th at 1:42pm PST- marking lunar imbolc (the lunar celebration of the festival that marks the beginning of spring) and a new lunar cycle that focuses on innovation, invention, community and Higher Vision. this...
lunar eclipse in cancer- 1/10/20- honor the Mother
The first Full Moon of the new year and new decade is exact on Friday January 10th 2020 at 11:21am PST. This full moon marks the midpoint of the eclipse portal we are in that began with the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on December 25th 2019. Eclipse portals are times of...
solar eclipse 12/25/19- blessed and conscious endings lead to new beginnings
at 9:13pm PST on wednesday december 25th 2019 we have the new moon/solar eclipse at 4’06 capricorn- the last of the capricorn eclipses conjunct the capricorn south node. we have had 3 of these year and we will have one more capricorn south node eclipse on 7/4/20 (the...