~Monday March 3rd through Sunday March 9th~
***All Times are Eastern Standard Time***
Monday March 3rd-
At 4:04am Mercury moves out of Pisces and into Aries- shifting the Mind and Intellect from the last sign of the Tropical Zodiac to the first sign of the Tropical Zodiac- from the Omega to the Alpha. Mercury in Aries is fiery, direct, action oriented and ready to speak his Truth! He can also be overly self focused in communication, angry, aggressive and combative. Finding ways to speak and express that are balance is recommended :) With Mercury crossing over the Aries point- pay attention to world events and news playing out on the world stage right now. Something is coming to Light! Mercury will go back and forth between Aries and Pisces due to his upcoming Retrograde Station. Something happening now is a preview of his Descent to come- pay attention!
Tuesday March 4th-
There are no major transits today.
Wednesday March 5th-
At 8:13pm Mercury in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius- linking the Mind and Intellect with the Lord of the Underworld in powerful ways! Mercury is forthright and honest in Aries and the harmonious link to Pluto helps us to get deep and penetrating in conversation and thinking so we can get to the bottom of things. This is great for therapy, shadow work, research and investigation. Speak up and use your voice today!
Thursday March 6th-
At 4:44am Mars contraparallels Pluto- creating an energetic opposition between the lower will and Higher Will in potent ways. Mars’ Retrograde journey has include triple oppositions between Mars and Pluto- the first was on November 3rd, the second on January 3rd with the third and final one happening on April 26th. When Mars and Pluto aspect by declination it energizes this oppositional aspect- so the aspect by declination today is a harbringer of the final aspect by degree coming towards the end of April. We also have the Sun triggering Mars and Pluto on Saturday- so the Mars/Pluto opposition is most certainly up this week!
In its Highest Mars/Pluto is about surrendering our small self and ego self to something Higher. We can use our small self ego in service to the Higher- but the Higher Self MUST LEAD. In it’s lower form it can be about power struggles and power over/power under dynamics that play out with others. With Mars in Cancer this happen with mothers, children, in family relationships, with people you live with or near (neighbors) or people who own the home you live in (landlords). With Pluto in Aquarius this can happen in friendships, social circles, groups you are a part of, and communities you participate in. Pay attention to today (and perhaps last night as this declination aspect occurs early morning) through to Saturday early morning. Notice if there are power struggles arising and if so where do you need to stand in your power from the place of the Heart- not give away your power or lord it over others. Pay attention to any dreams arising in this portal as well- as they can clearly show you your relationship to power and where perhaps shadow needs to come to Light or something needs to be transformed or released entirely.
Friday March 7th-
There are no major transits today.
Saturday March 8th-
At 12:13am the Sun in Pisces trines now Direct Mars in Cancer (as of 2/23)- linking the Conscious Self and ego with the Will and Drive. With both masculine planets in yin feminine water signs- we are asked to channel our will and masculine energy into spiritual pursuits, creativity, compassion and altruism. This is also excellent for taking action and/or using our will and drive energy to expand intuitively, psychically and mystically.
The Sun in Pisces semisquares Pluto in Aquarius at 4:54am- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the Lord of the Underworld. This can evoke emotions and unconscious material that needs to be seen and addressed. If we oversacrifice ourselves, feel too much in a way that overtakes us and/or have no boundaries- Pluto can shine a Light on where we need boundaries, limits and containment. If on the other hand we overthink, going into the head to detach, going into power trips to feel strong and not weak- Pluto can shine a Light on where we need to soften, feel our emotions, surrender and let go.
The Sun triggers the Mars/Pluto declination aspect from Thursday of this week- so connect the dots between then and now, and pay attention to any dreams that may arise this morning that give insight into your own relationship with power and/or what needs transformation or release in your life right now <3
Sunday March 9th-
There are no major transits today.