~Monday October 21st through Sunday October 27th~ 

***All times are Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT)***


PLEASE NOTE- I am currently writing the Weekly Forecast with only major Planets and major aspects. I will resume the minor bodies and aspects when I am able <3


Monday October 21st-
At 7:22pm Mars in Cancer squares Retrograde Eris in Aries- creating tension and friction between the lower Will and Drive and the Goddess of Discord and Chaos. This is a powerhouse of an aspect that is the culmination of some very intense Eris energy that began 10/10 and peaked at the Full Moon on 10/17. Mars is in Fall in Cancer – as the Will and Drive wants to be direct but the Cancer Crab moves side to side. At best Mars in Cancer is great for standing up for home, family and country- at worst Mars in Cancer acts out all his repressed childhood emotions and is emotional reactive and emotionally subjective. Add in Eris and we have Discord and Chaos being thrown into the mix (Eris is in Mars’ sign to boot!). Having healthy outlets for emotions- particularly anger and rage- is KEY. Or we could find ourselves reacting and setting things into motion that we cannot take back. Watch out for aggression in yourself and others and do your best to respond rather than react (or if you cannot do that take a time out, breath, count to 10 and return to things later). Mars in Cancer likes comfort, safety and security- but if we hold onto that in a way that prevents change and Truth being revealed then the astrology incoming could knock our socks off! Another important thing for Mars in Cancer- just as we each want to stand up for home and family, so do others- including those we label as our ‘enemies’. If we could find common ground and common humanity- we can move through this portal with a new lease on life if we so choose.

Venus in Sagittarius trines the Mean North Node in Aries and sextiles the South Node in Libra at 11:44pm- linking the Goddess of Love and Beauty with the Nodes of Destiny & Karma. Pay attention to turning points today in relationships, finances, values and self Love. We are being shown Greater Truths and we are asked to act on what we see. Venus rules the South Node and in harmonious aspect she is helping us to see the past more clearly so we can complete it or release it.


Tuesday October 22nd-
At 2:35am Mercury in Scorpio trines Retrograde Saturn in Pisces- aligning the Mind and Intellect with the Planet of Mastery and Responsibility. Mercury/Saturn is great for having serious conversations and getting to the bottom of things. Our minds are focused and we can go deep right now- getting to the Truth of matters. With both bodies in Water Signs- this can be an amazing day for therapy!

The Sun at 29’40 Libra squares Pluto at 29’40 Capricorn at 10:15am- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the Lord of the Underworld. Sun/Pluto brings up all manner of stuff from the shadow and Unconscious realms in relationships, work situations and more. The Sun in Libra wants peace and harmony but Pluto wants to expose what is toxic, stagnant, stuck behind the surface. Our willingness to not just keep the peace but to dive deep is key right now. Steer clear of power/control dynamics and instead work to stand in your power and Truth!

The Sun moves out of Libra and into Scorpio at 6:15pm- shifting the Conscious Self and ego from Air to Water, intellect to emotion, harmony focused to getting into the shadows. The Sun in Scorpio is a very deep time of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere this Sun sign takes us into the Dark of the Sun portal (the last Solar Gate of the year- with the next yearly Sun cycle commencing with Winter Solstice when the Sun rebirth itself). This is a time of death, loss, letting go and turning within. Honoring the dark as well as the Light is key to living a balanced life. Giving ourselves time to dive deep and move through deep inner processes is key in the coming 2 months!


Wednesday October 23rd-
There are no major transits today.


Thursday October 24th-
At 8:13pm Mars in Cancer sextiles Retrograde Uranus in Taurus- bringing an energy of liberation and freedom! Uranus provides the release valve and capacity for awakening and change and when teamed up with Mars we can really embrace change and even become the agent of it! Mars/Uranus is showing the path to change, growth, awakening and healing. Pay attention and take conscious action to move into the direction of your deepest healing and awakening today! (Mars in Cancer with Uranus is great for emotional release, shadow work and therapy that helps process and release the past)


Friday October 25th-
There are no major transits today.


Saturday October 26th-
There are no major transits today.


Sunday October 27th-
At 2:24am Mercury in Scorpio quincunxes Retrograde Chiron in Aries- creating tension between the Mind and Intellect and the Wounded Healer planetoid. Both bodies are in Mars-ruled signs which can make for intense, conflict oriented or aggressive communication. Mercury in Scorpio wants to get to the Truth but the Chiron wounding around right use of anger and will can exacerbate tendencies to either stuff anger and be passive aggressive or overreact in anger and be dominating and emotionally violent. The potential for healing is possible if we bring a lot of consciousness to our words, thoughts and intentions right now. Pay attention to what is coming up in communication, thinking and information today.

At 4:50am Mercury in Scorpio quincunxes Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini- creating tension between the Mind and Intellect that wants to go deep and the Planet of Expansion that wants to stay on the surface. Gemini and Scorpio are very different. Gemini likes to stay light and airy- while Scorpio goes down deep and does not come up for air. Communications can be intense and revealing- but this can also exacerbate paranoia (Scorpio) or avoidance and denial (Gemini). Finding the right balance between the depths and lightening up to get perspective is key.

The Sun in Scorpio quincunxes the Mean North Node in Aries at 5:17pm- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the North Node of Destiny. Paying attention to where we are being show the past and the future and turning points right now on our trajectory is key. Dealing with intense emotions and relational dynamics (romantic, sexual, emotional- as well as business and financial) is key. Taking action is demanded but we want to make sure we are not taking action from a subjective place that does not see the entire picture at play.


Have a blessed week…
