Work in-depth with me One-to-One

My Mentorship Program will launch in 2024!
My passion is teaching and supporting individuals in making their own deep connection to the Stars.
I have developed a new program where I will meet with a small group of students once a month as a group setting and once a month individually. This program will be for those interested in a very deep dive into their personal work and their astrology studies.
Requirements for the Mentorship Program: my Foundations of Astrology Series and at least one of my other series (Intermediate Level 1 & 2, Astrology & Your Shadow, Embodied Astrology, Stargate Mystery School). Preference will be given to long time students or clients.
The group will remain small (no more than 20). And there will be a year long commitment to the program.

Cost for the program will be:
$333 a month
This includes the monthly group class, a one-to-one session with DH and a community page for students to connect throughout the year. Please note Harmony will be present in the community page but not answering questions- that will addressed during personal sessions and/or the group class.
The group class will be 90+ minutes and will cover topics related to the Astrology of the moment and also informed by what the group as a whole is interested in covering.
The individual sessions will be tailored to your life and experience and will be organic (i.e. not premeditated in terms of content unless that is desired).
If you are interested in being on a contact list when this Program is open for registration please click the button below to contact us and be sure to put in your message that you are interested in the Mentorship Program.
Please note a questionnaire and interview process will be part of the application process.
Harmony’s mentorship program has deepened my understanding of Astrology and brought it to life in a way my previous studies never did. I’ve been a student of Harmony’s for many years, but it was through our one-on-one work that my knowledge about astrology went from an abstract concept to an integrated and embodied part of my day-to-day life. In our monthly sessions, we create an astrological map of the events, shifts, challenges and opportunities which illuminate the relationship between the planets and stars and every aspect of my life. Guided by her grounded mastery of the subject, Harmony has both elevated and deepened my understanding of Astrology. Through our work, I’ve found greater wisdom and trust in the unfoldment and evolution of my soul, as guided by the stars.