the total solar eclipse at 12'22 sagittarius is exact on friday december 3rd, 2021 at 11:43pm PST- initiating us into a new lunar cycle that is focused on belief, truth and expansion. we are in the eclipse portal right now- the last lunar eclipse was in taurus and...
Lunar Insight
Get an in-depth look at New Moons, Full Moons and Eclipses. Divine Harmony’s Lunar Insight blog is freely available and updated bi-monthly just before every New and Full Moon. Get a deeper perspective and greater clarity into the effects of the Moon cycle and how you can work with the Lunar Magic present.
Please note the Lunar Insights are posted a few days to a week before the lunation is exact.
lunar eclipse in taurus conjunct algol- the Fierce Feminine is on the rise (11/19/21)
PLEASE NOTE- my work is copyrighted and is not to be used in part or in whole for your own writing or teaching. if my content inspires you you may explicitly reference it and link to my original article and website. i have recently found, yet again, another person...
new moon in scorpio- midwifing death in the dark of the sun (11/4/21)
***THE USA'S PLUTO RETURN IS COMING!!!*** come join a panel all about it friday november 12th at 5pm PST. to register click here- the new moon at 12’40 scorpio is exact at 2:14pm PDT, commencing a new lunar cycle focused on diving...
full moon in aries with eris & atlantis- the past is present (10/20/21)
the full moon at 27’26 aries is exact on wednesday october 20th, 2021 at 7:57am PDT, marking the way point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the powerful and intense new moon in libra on october 6th with pluto stationary and square to eris on...
new moon in libra- cracking the facade (10/6/21)
***my new online course Embodied Astrology will be starting October 13th, 2021! for more info and to register click here- the new moon at 13’25 libra is exact on wednesday october 6th, 2021 at 4:05am PDT- commencing a new...
full moon in pisces- checking out or checking in? (9/20/21)
***come join a FREE masterclass on Sirius- the Spiritual Sun of our sun. we will explore the historical, mythical and mystical meaning of this Sacred Star. sign up for for free here- ***my...
new moon in virgo- seeing clearly (9/6/21)
the new moon at 14’38 virgo is exact on monday september 6th, 2021 at 5:52pm PDT- commencing a new lunar cycle focused on work, service, health and mind/body connection. new moons are times to plant seeds and set intentions and this is a great time to focus on what...
blue full moon in aquarius- calling on the Highest potential of humanity (8/22/21)
the blue full moon at 29’ aquarius is exact on sunday august 22nd, 2021 at 5:01am PDT- marking the midway point of the lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in leo on 8/8 the lion’s gate! we have this blue full moon opposite regulus- the royal fixed star...
new moon in leo- leading with the Heart (8/8/21)
the new moon at 16’14 leo is exact on sunday august 8th, 2021 at 6:50am PDT- commencing a new lunar cycle focused on passion, creativity, authenticity and leading from the heart. this is an EXCEPTIONAL new moon and portal of time due to a TRIPLE ALIGNMENT of solar,...
full moon in aquarius- finding your center amidst the storms (7/23/21)
the full moon at 1’26 aqua is exact on friday july 23rd, 2021 at 7:37pm- marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in cancer on july 9th. with cancer and aquarius activated in this lunar cycle we would do well to focus...
new moon in cancer- a transpersonal lunation (7/9/21)
the new moon at 18’02 cancer is exact on friday july 9th, 2021 at at 6:17pm PDT- commencing a new lunar cycle that focuses on home, family, emotions, feelings, safety, security and nourishment. for a deeper dive on this lunar cycle listen to the Lunar Gate Call...
full moon in capricorn- anchoring the Light (6/24/21)
the full moon at 3’28 capricorn is exact on thursday june 24th at 11:40am PDT, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the north node solar eclipse in gemini on june 10th. that new moon eclipse opened a portal for us to open our...