the full moon at 16’02 gemini is exact on Wednesday december 7th at 11:08pm EST, marking the midway point of the lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in sagittarius on november 23rd. that new moon was conjunct mercury and venus- the mind and heart-...
Lunar Insight
Get an in-depth look at New Moons, Full Moons and Eclipses. Divine Harmony’s Lunar Insight blog is freely available and updated bi-monthly just before every New and Full Moon. Get a deeper perspective and greater clarity into the effects of the Moon cycle and how you can work with the Lunar Magic present.
Please note the Lunar Insights are posted a few days to a week before the lunation is exact.
new moon in sagittarius- riding the waves of expansion and Light! (11/23/22)
***check out my new moon/black sun/black friday sale on all class series and masterclasses! for more info click HERE*** the new moon at 1’37 sagittarius is exact on wednesday november 23rd at 5:57pm EST, commencing a new lunar cycle focused on expansion, travel,...
total lunar eclipse in taurus- a crossroads of destiny (11/8/22)
the total lunar eclipse at 16’00 taurus is exact at 6:02am EST, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the partial solar eclipse at 2’00 scorpio on october 25th. this lunar cycle is an eclipse portal aligned with the nodes of...
solar eclipse/new moon in scorpio- in the teeth of the whirlwind (10/25/22)
the partial solar eclipse at 2’00 scorpio is exact on tuesday october 25th at 6:48am EDT, marking lunar samhain and a new lunar cycle focused on death, transformation and facing the shadow. samhain is the dark of the sun and the gate of death and descent (more on that...
new moon in libra conjunct SGC- seeing beyond the veil of illusion (9/25/22)
***for a deeper dive on the Super Galactic Center listen to the latest Solar Gate Call & Lunar Gate Call*** the new moon at 2’48 libra is exact on sunday september 25th at 2:54pm PDT/5:54pm EDT, commencing a new lunar cycle that is focused on relationships, balance,...
full moon in pisces- seeing beyond the veil (9/10/22)
the full moon at 17’41 pisces is exact on saturday september 9th at 5:59am EDT, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in virgo tightly square mars on august 27th. that new moon kicked off the mars retrograde period...
new moon in virgo- discernment vs judgement and how to see the Truth without shaming
the new moon at 4’04 virgo was exact on saturday august 27th at 4:17am EDT, commencing a new lunar cycle that focuses on work, service, health and well being. this is one intense lunar cycle as the new moon is EXACTLY square mars by 3 minutes with the exact sun/mars...
fixed grand cross full supermoon in aquarius- somethings gotta give (8/11/22)
the full supermoon at 19’22 aquarius is exact on thursday august 11th at 9:36pm EDT, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in leo trine a standstill jupiter on july 28th! that new moon was all about new beginnings...
new moon in leo- get ready for take off (7/28/22)
the new moon at 5’39 leo is exact on thursday july 28th at 1:55pm EDT, commencing a new lunar cycle that focuses on creativity, authenticity, self expression and living from the Truth of our hearts! with the sun in the sign of the sun (leo) - this coming lunar cycle...
full moon in capricorn- breaking free from old paradigms (7/13/22)
***come join a FREE MASTERCLASS about Lion’s Gate on Sunday August 7th, 2022 at 2pm EDT*** you can sign up for this free webinar here- the super full moon at 21’21 capricorn is exact on wednesday july 13th. 2022 at 2:37pm...
new moon in cancer- the power of emotion (6/28/22)
the new moon at 7’23 cancer is exact on tuesday june 28th, 2022 at 7:52pm PDT/10:52pm EDT- commencing a new lunar cycle that focuses on home, family, nurturing, nourishment and emotional well being. this is the sign of mothers and children- and with the recent...
full moon in sagittarius- see through illusion & the Truth shall set you free (6/14/22)
the full moon at 23’25 sagittarius is exact on tuesday june 14th at 7:52am EDT (i am posting for east coast time now- please adjust for your time zone accordingly). this marks the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the unaspected new...