Astrology Blog by Divine Harmony

Stay up to date with the latest Astrology news and Cosmic Insights from Divine Harmony. The Astrology Blog features unique and FREE Astrological insights on a variety of topics. Astrology Blogs also feature news about Divine Harmony’s new and upcoming offerings!

new moon in aries- changing the game

the new moon at 26’02 aries is exact on sunday april 15th 2018 at 6:57pm PDT. a new moon already resonates with the energy of aries- the first sign of the zodiac that is all about new beginnings and initiating things. so this is an extra fiery and potent new moon for...

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happy friday the 13th!

i love friday the 13th. western culture has a stigma about it being evil and unlucky, but if you look deep into the roots of both friday and the number 13 you will find some interesting mysteries hidden there. friday is vendredi in french- named after the goddess...

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daily astrology blog 4/2/18

...hello all and happy monday! i am back from my online hiatus. i was in my last weeks/days of my progressed dark moon- ending a 30 year cycle and about to start a new one. all i wanted to do was be in a cave alone to meditate lol. social media was not my friend these...

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daily astrology 3/26/18

happy monday! you can find the full weekly forecast for this week's astro under the weekly astrology forecast (under the cosmic insight tab in the toolbar). this week's astro and next week's astro is INTENSE. a full moon in libra on saturday square mars conjunct...

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