I have never offered Black Friday sales- but this year I am doing so! I have discounts on my On Demand classes, Reports and Readings =) ON DEMAND CLASSES: My Foundations of Astrology 5 week online series is 20% off and my Intermediate Level 1 & 2 (8 week series)...
Astrology Blog by Divine Harmony
Stay up to date with the latest Astrology news and Cosmic Insights from Divine Harmony. The Astrology Blog features unique and FREE Astrological insights on a variety of topics. Astrology Blogs also feature news about Divine Harmony’s new and upcoming offerings!
Midwifing the Age of Aquarius – an Online Winter Solstice Retreat (12/19-12/21)
Come join a Winter Solstice Online Retreat with Sianna Sherman (yoga), Masood Ali Khan (sacred music) and Divine Harmony (astrology) :) This 3 day online gathering (December 19th-21st) will help you to align and work with the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at the 1st...
2021 Astrology Panel with Astrology Hub on December 10th and 11th
Come join one of my last offerings in 2020- a FREE online panel featuring 13 amazing astrologers giving you the Cosmic Download on 2021! Astrology Hub is hosting this lovely event and I will be live on December 11th to share my two cents on what is incoming :) This is...
lunar gate call for new moon in virgo (9/17/20) accessible to all <3
due to the wildfires i am posting this lunar gate call for free so all may access- may it be of support in trying times! blessings... ~dh divine harmony · Lunar Gate Call- New Moon in Virgo 9/17/20
UPDATE- in the midst of Oregon wildfires <3
hi all- thank you so much for the emails, texts and comments regarding my safety i moved to ashland oregon monday afternoon and on tuesday the alameda fire started. i am in south ashland, the fire started north and went north. i am okay and safe but it's been quite...
Last Foundations of Astrology class in 2020 starts TODAY- July 1st!
Do you want to learn the sacred and scientific art of Astrology? Did you know that in all ancient mystery schools a working understanding of astrology was a prerequisite to go deeper into the mysteries? Astrology is an amazing tool for self-study and evolution- and...
Solstice Eclipse Gateway- at Home Retreat 6/19-6/20
this coming SOLSTICE ECLIPSE PORTAL on June 20th is HUGE. if you a member on my website you know i record Solar Gate Calls for the 8 Solar Gateways (Solstices, Equinoxes and Cross Quarter days) and i also record Lunar Gate Calls for the New Moons. well this coming...
Solar Gate of Summer Solstice: the Gate of Ascension (6/20/20)- FREE GATE CALL
this is the Solar Gate call for the Summer Solstice (Winter Solstice for those in the southern hemisphere)- the gate of Enlightenment and Ascension on June 20th, 2020. this is a very powerful, rare Solstice as it is followed by a Solar Eclipse less than 8 hours later....
weekly horoscopes 6/8-6/14 <3 FREE FOR ALL <3
these are the weekly horoscopes for monday june 8th through sunday june 14th i am sharing these horoscopes publicly as it's such an exceptional week with the 2nd PLUTO/ERIS SQUARE right smack in the midst of a TRIPLE ECLIPSE PORTAL!!! if you enjoy these horoscopes...
Fearless Heart Activation: Astrology, Archetypes & Shadow TODAY 5/21 at 12noon PDT
during the deep dark of the moon i will be joining my sister Sianna Sherman for her Fearless Heart Activation today, thursday 5/21 at 12noon PDT. we will join in community to dive deep during the dark moon and explore Astrology, Archetypes & Shadow. to register by...
Fearless Feminine Podcast- Interview with Divine Harmony
I was just interviewed for the Fearless Feminine Podcast with my dear sister Melanie Scott. Our Interview is listed under Episode 7 where we talk about astrology, shadow work, the age of Aquarius, the masculine and feminine paradigm and more!  Here are a few Show...
full moon in scorpio- making the darkness conscious (5/7/20)
the full moon at 17’20 scorpio is exact thursday may 7th 2020 at 3:45am PDT, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in taurus conjunct uranus (april 22nd). the taurus/scorpio axis being highlighted during this...