Midwifing the Age of Aquarius – an Online Winter Solstice Retreat (12/19-12/21)

by | Nov 27, 2020 | Astrology Blog

Come join a Winter Solstice Online Retreat with Sianna Sherman (yoga), Masood Ali Khan (sacred music) and Divine Harmony (astrology) :)

This 3 day online gathering (December 19th-21st) will help you to align and work with the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at the 1st degree of Aquarius- the astrological signature for Birthing the Age of Aquarius on this Beloved Planet we all reside on.

Up until now the Age of Aquarius has been a vision, an ideal, a dream- and now it comes full term and is being birthed out into the world!!!! And guess what? WE ARE THE MIDWIVES!

This Online Solstice retreat will include Astrology, Yoga, Sacred Music, Ritual and Ceremony. It will be a sacred circling of community to honor this incredibly profound portal we are moving through.

For more information and to register click here-

***We have 13 BIPOC scholarships available***

I hope you will join us as we move through this very profound Solar, Planetary and Stellar Gateway.


~Divine Harmony