Astrology Blog by Divine Harmony

Stay up to date with the latest Astrology news and Cosmic Insights from Divine Harmony. The Astrology Blog features unique and FREE Astrological insights on a variety of topics. Astrology Blogs also feature news about Divine Harmony’s new and upcoming offerings!

interesting astrology :)

this week features some interesting astrology: both venus and mercury move into the sign sagittairus on wednesday, and all week long they make the exact same aspects- first by venus and then by mercury. the week starts with these two bodies at the end of scoprio...

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very auspicious day today!

today is a very auspicious day :) on the heels of the positive, potent and powerful new moon in scorpio that occurred wednesday- we have the second of three jupiter/pluto trines occurring this morning (at 9:46am PDT) and this evening the sun in scorpio harmoniously...

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the dark moon in libra…

currently the moon is in efficient, analytical, critical virgo but by monday morning (8:49am PDT) it will move into relationship-focused, beauty-seeking libra. the dark moon is the last part of the moon cycle- also known as the balsamic phase of the moon. it commences...

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the neptunian vibes…

we have some nice neptunian vibes going on right now- starting last night when neptune trined juno. neptune governs romance, spirituality, mysticism, idealism, compassion and empathy. when he makes nice aspects like trines he enchances the rose colored glasses vibe ;)...

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the finger of the world…

this week features some interesting astrology. you may or may not know that there is an aspect called the finger of god or finger of fate- it involves two planets harmoniously aspecting each other by a sextile (60 degrees) and they both quincunx (150 degree aspect) a...

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the saturn vibe lightens up…

yesterday the sun cojoined saturn midday- bringing a similar energy as well as similar lessons to deal with as last week when mercury and saturn did the same dance. with the sun, mercury and venus now past this conjunction the saturnian vibe should lighten up...

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happy full moon- exact tonight!

the full moon in aries is fast approaching. this entire lunar cycle has been intense- starting with a new moon opposite uranus and square pluto and culminating with a full moon conjunct black moon lilith (the dark feminine archetype) and opposite saturn. repressed...

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sun sign horoscopes

hello friends :) i have received several emails recently asking me about sun sign horoscopes and so i thought it might be best to just post an answer here so anyone else who is wondering the same thing can find the answer to their question. a few people who knew their...

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growing pains

starting today and lasting through thursday mercury makes some pretty intense, but also evolutionary aspects. this is huge for geminis and virgos who are mercury ruled- but also for anyone with planets around 18 degrees of cardinal signs (aries, cancer, libra,...

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venus/saturn/juno in libra

we are on the heels of the new moon in libra- typically a time of new chapters, new starts or new beginnings in the areas of romance, Love and finances. yet this new moon was opposite wild card uranus in the independent, masculine sign of aries and square to the lord...

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in the dark of the moon…

we are in the dark of the moon right now- the time that occurs at the end of the lunar cycle before the new one begins. we have a new moon early tuesday morning (pacific time) so from now until then we are in the dark moon- a time that is ripe for endings, releasing,...

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happy equinox!

today marks the equinox- that time when the day and night are equal. in the northern hemisphere this marks the beginning of fall and in the souther hemisphere it's the beginning of spring. the sun moved into libra this morning (friday 9/23) at 2:05am PDT. we have...

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