Astrology Blog by Divine Harmony

Stay up to date with the latest Astrology news and Cosmic Insights from Divine Harmony. The Astrology Blog features unique and FREE Astrological insights on a variety of topics. Astrology Blogs also feature news about Divine Harmony’s new and upcoming offerings!

personal retreat…

hello friends/readers :) we are in the midst of some powerful astrology and i have opted to take a personal retreat so that these powerful energies of transformation and change can be solely focused inward. i will be away from my computer from friday the 29th until...

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full moon aftermath…

wow was that one heck of a full moon early this morning! my astro date book called it a storm moon, and i have to say it was not far off the mark! between mars/pluto last night and the full moon opp uranus and square pluto this morning the uranus/pluto frequency is up...

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D day!

hello friends! today is what i called D day on my latest weekly astrology forecast. mars- the warrior, will and drive- aligns with uranus- the great awakener, rebel and revolutionary. this is a POWERFUL aspect and it's quadrupled by the fact that they are both in...

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spring has sprung!

spring has officially sprung (in the northern hemisphere- in the south it is fall)! as of 4:02am PDT this morning the sun moved from the last degree of pisces to the first degree of aries. this is a shift from very very yin, to very very yang, from inward to outward,...

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the fire is building…

how are you all faring in this astro-weather? ever since that new moon on monday things have started heating up! but if you think things are hot- just wait until spring hits! on the 20th the sun moves into aries and the next day venus follows suit. when planets cross...

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navigating neptune…

these horoscopes were written for the online magazine 'find bliss' when neptune first moved into pisces at the start of 2012- yet they still apply because neptune will be in pisces until 2025!  they are especially appropriate right now as over half the planets are in...

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pisces overload!

there is so much pisces in the sky right now- and boy is it intense! i love pisces- i have a lot of pisces/neptune energy in my natal chart. typically if you have a lot of something natally you will feel comfortable in that energy- but this deluge of pisces energy (6...

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full moon in virgo- TODAY!

the full moon in virgo is exact on monday, february 25th at 12:26pm PST, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the new moon in aquarius on february 9th. full moons pit the conscious self and ego (sun) opposite the Unconscious...

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saturn slows down…

saturn is stationary right now and boy can you feel the pull inward and downward? saturn is the planet of mastery, personal responsibility, integrity and commitment. he is also the planet of limitations, constriction, restriction and depression. the feeling that...

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valentine’s day…

it's an interesting valentine's day week this week, isn't it? with mars/chiron kicking off the week there are deep wounds being addressed, but also deep and powerful creativity and Unconscious material being unearthed. the only aspect today is a parallel between the...

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