valentine’s day…

by | Feb 14, 2013 | Astrology Blog

it’s an interesting valentine’s day week this week, isn’t it? with mars/chiron kicking off the week there are deep wounds being addressed, but also deep and powerful creativity and Unconscious material being unearthed. the only aspect today is a parallel between the sun and saturn- which can be grounding, loyal and committed or it can be heavy, karmic and depressing. the sun will makes its way into pisces and cojoin neptune in a week. between that and all the pisces energy present right now, there is this wavering between saturn/root chakra energy and neptune/crown chakra energy today. how do we root down so we can expand up? how do we address realities in relationships while still staying open in our hearts? how do we deal with the practical while staying connected to the mystical? after mars’ intense activations of mercury, neptune and chiron in the last week- he is heading into some powerful, transformative and positive aspects by the weekend. mars will trine saturn and sextile pluto- activating the saturn/pluto sextile that is dominating the skies all year long. the opportunities for deep and profound growth and change, shadow dancing and transformation are potent right now. yet this work requires diving down deep. pisces has the tendency to want to be transcendent and rise above or see things through rose-colored glasses. this is not what saturn/pluto demand of us right now. the pisces can be a balm to the Soul and help us make it through a tough and arduous journey (if we can avoid denial or addictions as a means to cope- a lower vibration piscean speciality!). but it’s saturn/pluto where the work is at. add to the fact that chiron in pisces is also aspecting both saturn and pluto and we have the perfect storm created for deep and lasting transformation and Soul revelations. it’s interesting that valentine’s day falls during the time of aquarius. aquarius is not the first sign that comes to mind when i think of love and romance. leo, libra, pisces- yes! aquarius- not so much. aquarius is the sign of freedom and independence. when you have aquarius or uranus showing up in relationship parts of the chart you have a need for relationships that are different, outside of the box, and can even at times be non-committal (or worse- commitment phobic). i had an astrologer once tell me that uranus in 7th meant you were never meant to be married. i completely disagree with that as i have had clients happily married for many years with uranus in the 7th- but one thing they did experience with that placement was a need for freedom and space in their relationship, an attraction to eccentric/different people and non-traditional partnership (gay couples, couples who lived in different cities, etc…). if we think of the new paradigm of partnership coming in (read my article on it here-–v15-121) then aquarius as the sign for valentine’s day makes a lot of sense. aquarius is the visionary and the genius. aquarius is the sign that sees the changes and evolutions coming in, well before they actually manifest or others can see them. a new paradigm of partnership is being birthed right now and having valentine’s day fall during aquarius is the perfect symbolism for the new, visionary, expansive and evolutionary form of partnership coming in. (hint: this is INNER work as much as it is outer work- so if you are not in partnership right now don’t think that this shift does not affect you or impact you) this week is a great week to do very deep Soul work. as my previous post was titled- ‘deep wounds require deep healing’. with so much pisces energy present this month the Unconscious material that is accessible right now is HUGE. all we have to do is have the courage to dive into it. with chiron in pisces we need to go into our deepest collective and personal wounds and pain before we can transcend and transform them. with saturn and pluto aligned with chiron we have a solid foundation upon which this deep Soul work can be done. it’s not easy, it’s not fun- it may not even be pretty- but it’s necessary. the only way out is through. be a midwife to your own transformation and rebirth! blessings on your sacred path… ~divine harmony p.s. join my beloved and i tomorrow for our blogtalk radio interview on conscious relationship! we speak from a place of walking the path- not from a place of having it all figured out ;) check it out tomorrow, friday february 15th, live at 11am EST/8am PST or listen to it archived! blessings ♥