Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces ~ Dispelling the Veil of Illusion (9/17/24)

by | Sep 13, 2024 | Lunar Insight

The Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25’40 Pisces is exact at 10:34pm EDT, marking the midway point of the current Lunar Cycle we are in that began with the New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd. That New Moon formed a Grand Earth Trine that focused on healing and wholeness. Getting discerning about what needs to be focused on or addressed has been part of the process. This Full Moon in the opposite sign of Pisces can be bringing to Light what is being bypassed, ignored or only seen in its positive potential.

Virgo discernment means SEEING CLEARLY- the Light AND the shadow, the good and the bad, the right and the wrong. It’s only from this place of seeing WHAT IS- that we are truly empowered to create what is possible. Shadow Pisces focuses on what could be, should be, might be or used to be- but not on what is here and now. The medicine of this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is FULL PRESENCE TO WHAT IS- which is supported by Shadow Work, Embodiment and other emotional and somatic practices that help us be present in the body, with our emotions, in this now moment.

This is the first of two eclipses- the next one is a Solar Eclipse at the New Moon in Libra October 2nd. Eclipses are New Moons and Full Moons with amplified energies of change, transformation, endings and new beginnings. So strap on your seatbelts as we move into the Eclipse Portal!

This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is a Super Moon (we are in back-to-back Super Full Moons right now- from August through November)! The Eclipse will take place 9 hours before Perigee- when the Moon is closest to Earth. So this can amplify the intuitive and spiritual energies of Pisces, but also exacerbate emotions and sensitivity. To add to this picture- the Full Moon is conjunct Neptune who is the Ruler of the Lunation. This doubles down on the Neptunian energy- positively and negatively. Emotions, feelings, empathy can be HIGH- but so, too, can the desire to check out, escape, be in denial and not see or deal with reality.

Saturn is also widely conjunct the Full Moon- bringing the Lord of Karma and Father of Time (Saturn) and the God of the Seas and the Unconscious (Neptune) into focus. Saturn is the opposite energy of Neptune. Where Neptune wants to diffuse and dissolve- Saturn wants to ground and anchor. Saturn governs the Root Chakra in Embodied Astrology and Neptune is connected to both the Higher Heart and the Crown Chakras. The Higher Heart wants Love! The Crown wants inspiration and Spirit! Both are beautiful but if we are not grounded and dealing with reality we can find ourselves floating off the planet, spiritual bypassing, turning to addictions to numb out and choosing (consciously or unconsciously) to just generally not BE HERE NOW. So balance is key ;)

The Full Moon Eclipse aspects all 3 Outer Planets- sextile Uranus, conjunct Neptune and sextile Pluto. The Transpersonal energy is SUPER STRONG- and can be amazing for surrendering the ego self so that something Higher can come in and through. The key is how to do this while also staying grounded and in the body ;) Dreams can be off the charts, intuition and psychic energy can be strong. But this can also exacerbate the desire to be in fantasy or alternatively collapsing into fear from the emotional overload. One of the biggest lessons of Pisces is learning to discern intuition from fear and fantasy- this Full Moon Eclipse can deliver lessons along these lines. It is recommended to CHECK IN- do not check out! Grounding practices, meditation, steering clear of mood altering substances and more can be helpful.

The Full Moon also squares Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter is generally positive but squares can exacerbate the Jupiterian tendencies to overdo, overindulge, overspend and have no boundaries. Jupiter in Gemini can also create an excess of mental thoughts when what we need to do is FEEL not think- face our emotions not use our minds to try to bypass.

This Full Moon is triggering the USA’s Progressed Moon opposite Natal and Progressed Neptune. The Progressed Moon in Pisces opposed Natal Neptune on June 5th and Progressed Neptune on August 28th. At the time of this Full Moon Progressed Neptune is at 25’54 Virgo- 14 minutes from an exact hit from the Full Moon Eclipse. The Progressed Moon is at 26’46 Pisces- so this eclipse is just over 1 degree conjunct it. As the USA is currently undergoing transiting Uranus square the Natal Moon in Aquarius- the double dose of Moon energy (which represents the people in a chart of a country) cannot be ignored! Will the veil come off the eyes of the people or will the beer googles and rose colored glasses get thicker? Where do we need to collectively as a country SEE THE TRUTH?

You read more about the significant astrology of the USA Natal and Progressed Charts happening right now at the links below.



I leave you with the Sabian Symbol and Star Sparks degrees for this uber Neptune/Pisces Lunation. The Sabian Symbol talks about THE FALACY OF TOTALITARIANISM. The degree states “In any society that glorifies individualism, everyone should therefore accept this fact and not try to compel other individuals to conform to a single pattern of response.” This means we need to not expect everyone to think, feel and believe as we do.

I was sharing with my daughter and sister that one of the big issues in the USA today (and humanity at large) is that everyone believes they are right and they believe the other people are wrong. They see life through their own lens and just assume others do as well or that they SHOULD. This is totalitarianism. Especially in the HIGHLY DIVIDED POLITICAL ARENA right now in the USA- we would all do well to put ourselves in other’s shoes and actually be willing to see things through another’s eyes. If we can only see our own viewpoint and we think others are stupid, bad or evil- we are contributing to the split- we are not helping to heal it!

The Star Sparks degree is titled “the Aurora Borealis”. It talks about the utopia we all want to find and it also talks about how something has to be surrendered in order to get there. We have let go of our tyranny, rigidity, our falseness. And the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (that takes us to the Aurora Borealis) is this: “As we fuse with Source, we will know beyond the shadows, with compassion, at long last why we and all the others had to fall for every delusion. We will know why we had to get hooked on each limited version of awakening to that which is the Center Point of all of existence.”

I cannot help but think of these degrees in the political climate nightmare happening right now. People calling each other names, people devolving into bullies. And lest you think it’s the OTHER party- It’s happening on ALL SIDES. So let’s take the moat out of our own eyes first before we point it out in the other’s. If you think your party is all right and the other is all wrong- you are part of the problem. Seeing the shadow in our own party, questioning things and being willing to be wrong do not make for a weak person- they are signs of strength and wisdom and interest in wholeness, healing and integrity- rather than power, control and winning. May we find the path of wholeness and get on it quickly- in the USA and in the world at large. So may it be <3



For your Shadow Work and Embodiment Journey my courses below are available on demand <3

Astrology & Your Shadow- https://divineharmony.com/astrology-your-shadow/

Learn more about Shadow Work here- https://divineharmony.com/shadow-work/

Embodied Astrology- https://divineharmony.com/embodied-astrology/

Other Courses & Masterclasses available can be found here- https://divineharmony.com/my-astrology-classes/




KEYNOTE: A keen appreciation of the value of individualized responses to any challenge of life.

The rather obscure original notation for this zodiacal degree, “A new moon that divides its influences,” when translated into practical terms refers to the fact that, confronted with the opportunity to expand their energy along new lines, modern individuals will react according to their own personal characters. One basic cosmic-spiritual impulse will lead these varied personalities to take equally varied steps. In any society that glorifies individualism, everyone should therefore accept this fact and not try to compel other individuals to conform to a single pattern of response.

This first symbol of the seventy-second and last series of five stresses the essential nature of the cyclic process of actualization of human potential, i.e. the emergence of the individual (cf. symbol for Phase 1). This should lead to a realization of THE FALLACY OF TOTALITARIANISM: at times we can all act like despots, demanding that others react to any situation exactly as we do.


STAR SPARKS by Elias Lonsdale 

Pisces 26
The aurora borealis.

A transfixing vision of ultimate perfection and wholeness. The raw feeling for what is intended, what is possible, where it all will go after we have returned to ourselves. The consistent and nagging presence close at hand of the optimal ideal state as calling, claiming, propelling us toward it.

What we see there and feel there is utopia, is the place over the hill, is the green pasture of infinity. What we seek through this focus is our belongingness to the Cosmos, to the Divine World Order. And what we find when we go there is that something has to be surrendered in order to get through, which turns out to be the main point.

Whatever we have held over ourselves and over our world as the way it’s gotta be becomes what must be given over to make the passage to that dream vision real. What we assume it will be takes on a tyranny, a rigidity, a falseness. But that which we surrender into as the actual fulfilled image is substantial, is nourishing, is what it was cracked up to be.

Therefore, we are highly motivated here to get through our own pretense and memories and to get on with the infinite dance of existence beyond the known. In fact, we are so deeply inspired by that which dwells beyond all familiar projection that we outlast every cycle of inflation or tangential fascination with ease. All of it is just grist for our mill.

We are coming into a divine inheritance. This is profligate, lavish. Once we are at one with it, we will realize and experience that at every juncture we were guided and orchestrated beautifully to take on and take through us each temporal version of the great mystery. As we fuse with Source, we will know beyond the shadows, with compassion, at long last why we and all the others had to fall for every delusion. We will know why we had to get hooked on each limited version of awakening to that which is the Center Point of all of existence.