Super Full Moon in Aries conjunct Eris- Coming alive at the appointed time (10/17/24)

by | Oct 15, 2024 | Lunar Insight

The Super Full Moon at 24’35 Aries is exact on Thursday October 17th, 2024 at at 7:25am EDT- marking the midway point of the current Lunar Cycle we are in that began with the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Libra on 10/2 (which you can read about here- That New Moon was a South Node Solar Eclipse – magnifying what is karmic in our relationships and alliances. We have been asked to look at what we have been sweeping under the carpet, ignoring or denying. Any areas of life we have been maintaining surface appearances or keeping the peace at any cost can be up right now!!!!

This Full Moon in Aries can be a massive ACTION POINT- calling us to deal with things, take action, speak up and face things HEAD ON. If we do not do this – the astrology right now could force our hand and cause a bit of chaos while doing so :-0

This Full Moon is conjunct Eris and Chiron and square Mars- amping up the Mars/Eris/Aries energy TENFOLD. Today Mars is seen as the God of War and the Greek myths talk about how he was the God of bloodlust. He was known to be on one person or country’s side and then he would switch sides to join the other side- simply to keep the war and battle going on as he fed off the war energy. Ancient Ares/Mars was more of a defender of crops against bad weather and pests, and also seen as a Sacred Protector and Defender of children, women, purity and innocence. I personally think we need to reclaim ancient Ares and do away with the modern warmonger version- as the latter will lead to the extinction of humanity now that we have ‘weapons of mass destruction’ in our hands.

The Sun in Libra is conjunct Juno- the Goddess of partnership and marriage- with both opposite the Moon/Eris/Chiron conjunction. Juno highlights alliances of all kinds- romantic, financial, business, even that of countries. From Wednesday October 16th through Saturday October 19th the Sun/Juno conjunction opposes Eris- the Goddess of Discord and Chaos. Eris shakes things up to wake us up, so we are not just maintaining facades while ignoring backdoor shadows. If there are any relational dynamics where things are not balanced- where we give more than we get, take more than we give, or have relational spaces that are really not healthy and perhaps are even toxic but we are busying maintaining appearances- Eris will pull back the veil to reveal the Truth of what is beneath the surface!!!

Eris is amazing for striving despite difficulty (the ancient etymology of her name literally means to strive)- and she is amazing for activism and taking a stand. But she is also a wild card energy that can be explosive in nature- we do not call her the Goddess of Discord and Chaos for nothing. If you have seen the movie Wonder Woman (spoiler alert!)- you know that at the end of the movie the God of War turned out to be Wonder Woman’s brother. In Greek myth Ares and Eris are brother and sister- so Wonder Woman is a manifestation of Eris and in my opinion she is the Highest expression of Eris- as she stands up for the underdog and protects women and children and has a heart but also is ready to fight the forces of evil!  Open heart, health boundaries.  Love and Power- going hand in hand with Love leading and Power serving.

Chiron in the Full Moon chart brings the Wounded Healer into focus. This can be a very emotional full moon- bringing up all the rage and anger we have stuffed OR the grief and sadness that we use rage and anger to cover up so we can avoid or deny it. Chiron can also be the medicine to deal with emotions that have been blocked- so using practices that help express and release emotions in skillful, healthy ways is key (Shadow Work is amazing for this!).

Mars is the ruler of the Lunation and he is in Cancer and square the Sun/Moon opposition. He is separating from his square to Chiron (exact October 13th) and he heads to square Eris on October 21st and eventually makes his way to oppose Pluto at 29 Capricorn on November 3rd. As of October 4th we are in the front end shadow of Mars Retrograde. He will station Retrograde on December 6th- so all the aspects being made right now are the first of 3. It is VERY IMPORTANT to pay attention to what is going on personally and collectively as we are all getting a heads up on what this Underworld Journey of the God of War in the sign of home, family and country is going to be about.  If you pay attention you can start dealing with things now in the front end shadow before they become bigger issues during the actual Retrograde (the preview period is always a great time to get a head’s up!!!).

Mars in Cancer is Mars in his Fall- he is not comfortable in the sign of the Moon. When Mars is in Cancer he can be passive aggressive or emotionally aggressive.  He can also be emotionally subjective and narcissistic, only able to see things from his own perspective, completely unaware of others and their needs or experiences. At best, Mars in Cancer stands up for children, home, family and country- but his extreme patriotism can also get out of hand in aggressive or violent ways.  Cancer in the highest is the Divine Mother and all countries, cultures, skin colors, genders, ages, etc… are her children. Uniting around being humans rather than polarizing between us and them is the only path to evolution for humanity- not to mention the only path of survival when you are looking at things from a wider angled lens.

In the Full Moon chart Ceres the Great Mother is way out of bounds and she is just separating from a precise opposition to Sirius the Spiritual Sun of our sun (and associated with the Great Mother in Egyptian myth). Ceres is about families, mothers and children- but also about basic security and resources. In Capricorn she is exposing what is toxic, stagnant or stuck in the patriarchal paradigms that our western cultures are founded upon. Take, hoard, mine- fear based holding on while others suffer and have nothing- is the shadow of this. I do believe the Great Mother is revealing the shadow of extraction culture and what it is doing to our environment- with unprecedented hurricanes and fires and flooding happening all over- we would do well to listen to the Great Mother and find a new path forward that benefits all beings everywhere.

(See my blog about Pluto at 29 Capricorn and Extraction culture here- )

There are many other aspects to this Full Moon but I will just speak to one more that to me is really important to pay attention to- which is the Asteroid Atlantis conjunct the South Node of Karma. Martha Lang Wescott says that Atlantis symbolizes a sense of impending doom, abuse of resources, water disasters and warnings. If you know your Atlantis myth you know it was a culture with advanced technology but it was out of balance with its humanity, morality and spiritual awareness. Certainly there were some who were very spiritually advanced – but overall the consciousness of the people was not high enough and the technology was being used to manipulate (the earth, the people) rather than liberate. As such the imbalance resulted in the great deluge where most all of the people died.

I do think Atlantis on the South Node is a warning we need to heed. Many people have been sounding calls for decades about where we are headed as a humanity if we do not make some serious changes. Atlantis in Libra speaks to where we bury our heads in the sand because we just want everything to be ok, not freak out, not face the shadow. Libra has many wonderful qualities but shadow Libra maintains appearances so as not to deal with the shadow backdoor. Shadow Libra is so busy trying to make everyone happy- she will not take a stand and speak her Truth. She will stay in relationships long beyond their expiration date and maintain alliances that are unhealthy or unequal. The Aries Full Moon can be the medicine that breaks through the Llbran facade.

This is an intense Full Moon and it is followed by a Mars/Eris square 4 days later (on October 21st)- with the Eris energy strong from the 16th through the 21st. Tread wisely in the days ahead. Have a handle on your emotions, a capacity to pause during reactivity and simultaneously a willingness to deal with things head on instead of sweeping things under the carpet or keeping the peace when it is clear that the relationship or alliance is one sided.

I leave you with the Sabian Symbol and Star Sparks degrees below. The Sabian Symbol talks about ‘the possibility of a new step in evolution- but it is still only a possibility, a promise’. To me this speaks to the next step of evolution for humanity- but it’s not a given.  It’s a possibility that needs to be acted upon to bring into reality.   The Star Sparks degree is one that Eris has been hovering over for years.  I have shared this one before and it is one of my absolute favorites in all of the Star Sparks degrees.

Titled ‘A Great Dragon asleep in a cave’ – to me this is the Mother Dragon (in ancient myths the Great Mother was often seen in this form). This degree is ‘the world’s most fertile frequency” and the energy it contains has been under a spell, an enchantment, a curse- sleeping like Sleeping Beauty and needing to be awakened. To me it is the primordial life force that we are all born with- the Kundalini Shakti- that when fully awakened is a force to be reckoned with. It is ‘a promise to the children of the future to come alive at the appointed times’ and I do believe NOW IS THE TIME- to ‘activate the dormant powers for the sake of the whole’.

This degree also states “the shadow must be honored if the light is to dawn” and this is why I am so passionate about Shadow Work. To tap this frequency and power we have to face and move through where we have blocked the power OR where we have tapped it but used it from an ego-place (learn more about this in my blog about Mana Possession here- We can only open up to this energy to the degree we have done the deep inner work of facing fears and pain and transmuting/transforming them- otherwise we will be blocked or taken over by the power of it.

My course Astrology & Your Shadow is available on demand to support you on your shadow work journey. You can learn more here-

You can learn more about Shadow Work in general here-

May this Full Moon activate, clarify, liberate and set free!!!   Blessed be <3



I have other on demand Courses (Stargate Mystery School, Calling in the Light, etc…) and Masterclasses (Sirius, Eris, etc…) available.

You can learn more about them here-

and here-

(Please Note a few courses/masterclasses can only be purchased via the 2nd link as I have not gotten them up on my website yet)


by Dane Rudhyar


KEYNOTE: The revelation of new potentialities.

In some unspecified way the symbol is a guarantee that man can operate successfully at two levels of consciousness, if he has previously met the condition mentioned in the preceding symbol. “Be open. Be able and willing to shape your translucent mind in the form revealing spiritual fulfillment. And you will be able to experience life and power on inner as well as outer planes.” The implied message is one of faith. Man can only truly experience what he deeply believes he can experience.

This is the last stage of this fifth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. It announces the possibility of a new step in evolution, but it is still only a possibility, a promise. The individual is truly ON PROBATION.


by Elias Lonsdale

Aries 25
A great dragon asleep in a cave.

The dark deep inside seeking to emerge from a spell, from an enchantment, from a curse. The shadows, the beast, the serpent, the dragon of legend and myth stirring, restlessly, pervasively, bringing forth longings and desires previously suppressed and denied.

Secrets and mysteries. Realms within realms. So much to get back in touch with now. A promise to the children of the future to come alive at the appointed times. The urgencies of karma and of destiny. That which cannot be understood, will not conform to convention.

A wildness, a raw primal quality of needing an immense outlet for a huge energy that never had a place here. A desperate drive to let these things emerge, or else feel trapped and stuffed and caught in meaningless retrials of self avoidance at all cost.

An emotional energy of ferocious intensity. So deep. So forbidden. So strange to the modern ways. Called to merge, tap the depths, and not wait, but instead, activate the dormant powers for the sake of the whole.

An absolutely extraordinary ability to draw forth what was hidden in each and all. A threshold capacity to elicit confidence and strength and new forces in those who are seeking a further unfoldment beyond the known.

The world’s most fertile energy frequency. Yet often postponed, shamed, held in reserve. Captured by pasts and futures at war with each other. The shadow must be honored if the light is to dawn. All of this is known and sensed with overwhelming force. It will come out. It will come through.