New Moon in Leo ~ Becoming the Vessel, Calling in the Light (8/4/24)

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Lunar Insight

The New Moon at 12’34 Leo is exact on Sunday August 4th, 2024 at 7:13am EDT. This initiates us into a new Lunar Cycle focused on creativity, self expression, shining, radiance and living from the Truth of our Hearts! The portal between August 4th and 8th is exceptionally powerful. Every year we have Solar Lughnasadh (one of the 8 sacred gateways of the Sun) on August 6th or 7th- and on August 8th we have Lion’s Gate. But this year we have the New Moon preceeding both by a few days so we have extra power coming in this Leo/Solar/Lioness Gateway! I have timed the start of my new course Calling in the Light with this portal intentionally ;) (You can learn more about the course here-

PLEASE NOTE- I have published the Lunar Gate Call for this New Moon early and I have posted it as public access here-

The Sun and Moon in Leo are joined by Vesta the Priestess asteroid Goddess and Venus the Goddess of Love and Beauty – amplifying the Leo radiance and big heartedness that Leo is known for. To add to this Venus is at 29 Leo heading to cojoin the Royal Fixed Star Regulus- the Heart of the Lion- and we have even more majesty, power and success energy incoming. All the Leo bodies- from Vesta, to the Sun and Moon, as well as Mercury in Virgo who is about to station Retrograde will align with Regulus in the coming season!  Regulus has precessed into Virgo in 2012 and will be in Virgo for the next 2000+ years.  This heralds a shift of power from yang, solar, hero, fame and fortune focused- to yin, earthy, servant of the people, devotion to earth and Divine Feminine focused.  You can learn more about Regulus in my Masterclass on Regulus into Virgo here-

The New Moon forms an amazing bowl or chalice as I like to call it- linking the Nodes of Destiny & Karma (North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra) with the Sun and Moon in Leo and Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. Mars and Jupiter trine the South Node and sextile the North Node- while the Sun and Moon trine the North Node and sextile the South Node. With these 4 bodies harmoniously linking with the Nodes we have some amazing energy to harness that can support us in dealing with the karmic past and moving into the future with less baggage. With Leo involved this could relate to creativity, leadership, self expression and living more authentically where we are truly aligned with the Truths of our Hearts. With Gemini involved this could relate to speaking up, expressing our Truths, coming back to beginner’s mind and learning new things.  The capacity for gestating and initiating new things at this New Moon is really powerful- it is truly an amazing New Moon to work with consciously!  (I will talk more about this in the Lunar Horoscopes up by the New Moon)

With Venus at 29 Leo she is triggering all 3 Outer Planets- square Uranus, quincunx Neptune and quincunx Pluto (she is also trine to Eris). Neptune and Pluto in particular form a Yod or Finger of God/Goddess where the finger points to Venus. Neptune is the Higher Heart, Pluto is the Higher Power- and they both are asking the lower, personal heart (Venus) and the smaller self/ego self (Leo) to surrender to something Higher. This New Moon can definitely put leaders in the spotlight and it will be the leaders who are servants, the leaders who are not in it for power or prestige but are in it to genuinely make a difference and be the ‘servant of the people’- that can be bolstered by the astrology right now.  (Those who are NOT there could be some shocking, revealing events!)

Yet the New Moon is also sesquiquadrate Neptune in Pisces- so we really do need to be aware of ‘why we are in it’. Are we doing things for gain, for celebrity, for being in the spotlight? Is there spiritual ego or just plain ego playing out behind the scenes? The Star Sparks degree has more to say on this (read on down below).  But it is important to check in.  If our hearts are truly aligned then this New Moon cycle can be incredibly supportive- but what we say, think, do and feel are out of alignment- this New Moon cycle can be a massive reality check and perhaps bring in some sudden and unexpected endings to that which we have been holding onto that no longer serves.

As I shared above, a couple days after the New Moon we have Solar Lughnasadh on August 6th- which is the Solar Gate of Sacrifice and Harvest. This is the first Gate of the Sun after the Summer Solstice. The Summer Solstice was the Highest Point of Light but now the Sun is descending in the sky and it is bringing that Highest Light down and in. This is the first of 3 harvest festivals and is tied into the myth of the Goddess or God sacrificing her/his body for the nourishment of the people via the food that is harvested. Then 2 days later on 8/8 we have Lion’s Gate!  My Solar Gate Call for Solar Lughnasadh will be up by August 3rd if not sooner.  I have an entire Masterclass on the Lion’s Gate portal that you can tune into here-

Also this month we have the Heliacal Rise of Sirius which varies based on your location on earth. In Giza at the pyramids it happens on 8/8 Lion’s Gate ;) I will be teaching about Sirius in the 1st week of Calling in the Light and we will be working with Sirius in our natal charts as well.  You can also check out my Masterclass on Sirius here-

Ceres is still very much out of bounds- in the Underworld as she is Retrograde. The Great Mother is searching for her lost daughter Persephone. In her grief and loss she descends to the bowels of the Underworld- and in Capricorn she is grieving the patriarchy and the ways it has raped, killed, destroyed and dishonored the feminine. Did you know that Pluto abducting Persephone is likely a latter version of the story- which was rewritten when patriarchy was taking power from the matriarchal deities? Interestingly Ceres is opposite Pandora- the woman who opened up the box of ills and got more than she bargained for. Negatively this can be about unexpected consequences but positively this can be about radical new paths and new situations opening up to us! Perhaps Pandora’s box is opening up to show us truths that were there before- that are not evil or ills of the world as they said to be- but are actually the gifts, benevolence and Light of the world that got trapped in a box by patriarchal constructs and power hungry energies taking over? Hmm…

We have an interesting alignment between Uranus, Lilith and Algol. Uranus is conjunct the ‘demon star’ Algol and opposite asteroid Lilith- straddling the Taurus/Scorpio axis of form and transformation, what we hold onto and what we let go of. Algol is the eye of Medusa and her story is also a mythic re-write. Previously she was a powerful goddess in her own right but her story was rewritten and she was raped by Poseidon, punished by Athena, turned into a gorgon with snakes for hair and killed by Perseus. It is amazing the atrocities that the Greeks and Romans wrote into their myths. Disgusting and toxic- and more telling about what was going on in their minds and hearts than anything else!!! With Uranus conjunct Algol and opposite asteroid Lilith- I feel the radical awakening of the repressed Dark Divine Feminine rumbling like a volcano ready to explode.  (If you like learning pre-patriarchal myths my Stargate Mystery School goes very deeply into this and is available on demand here-

I leave you with the Star Sparks degree for this New Moon- it is rich, evocative and deep. Does it hit you in the heart? Does it crack your heart open? Does it soften your ego? Does it inspire you? It certainly does for me! You can read the full text below- but in short this degree speaks of the journey of surrendering ego (small self) so that something so much bigger, wider, vaster can come through. This is not about killing the ego but about releasing attachment to little me so that the chamber of Spirit Initiation can fully activate. We are asked to conquer our own weakness, to emerge victorious from the ancient battle with ourselves, to become at one with Christ in every cell of our being! No small task ;) But when we get out of our own way it’s totally doable!



P.S. I am posting my Lunar Gate Call for this New Moon as PUBLIC ACCESS for all to tune into. You can listen to it here-

Come join CALLING IN THE LIGHT! Course starts Sunday August 4th. You can learn more about the course and register for it here-

You can watch my Livestream event that gives detailed information about the course here-


by Ellias Lonsdale

Leo 13
A man painting scenes on a ceiling.

He sees. He knows. He feels it all. For he has been through it forever. Now he has a task to do which is so very challenging and demanding. He must take all his gifts, everything he has worked so hard to achieve over many lifetimes. And he must sacrifice what he could draw from his own attainments, so that these things will be released into the whole and freed from him; no longer his in any way.

This is one of those assignments too much for mortal flesh to bear. How can he resist importing into his supreme expression little hints and undertones of his own personal stuff, just enough to gratify the one who feels placed in front of a destiny that is unfair, rigged against him. An absurd kind of situation to face.

When he does persist in loading separative baggage onto selfless expression, he comes up against a mountain of internal feeling of wrongness, of being far off the mark, of not knowing what to do with these old patterns. His conscience won’t let him get away with much of anything. But that doesn’t stop him from trying. Anybody else would do the same.

He is inside a chamber of Spirit initiation. Every bit of his experience is part of it. The fragments he plays out and can’t quite strip away are boulders in his path. Everything looms large. Nothing is just a matter of finding a reasonable approach. The stakes are high. The tale here is epochal.

As grandiose as it looks to self and others, this frequency will not yield to any way to defuse it, lighten it, make it acceptable and easier. He is asked to conquer his own weaknesses, to emerge victorious from his ancient battle with himself, and to become at one with Christ in every cell of his being.