The New Moon at 9’51 Aquarius is exact on Wednesday January 29th, 2025 at 7:36am EST- commencing a new Lunar Cycle that focuses on community, humanity, revolution and change! As we are in the Age of Aquarius (and have been since the 1500’s- learn more in my Age of Aquarius webinar HERE)- this New Moon with Pluto now officially in Aquarius for good (my video about this can be found HERE) can be a massive activation of the next chapter of the Age of Aquarius unfolding on the Planet.
My New Course “The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel” opened up for registration with this New Moon-
This New Moon marks Lunar Imbolc and initiates the Asian New Year of the Wood Snake (I talked about this in my Livestream event for the 2025 Yearly Forecast which you can watch HERE). There are a few times in the year that we can see ‘new beginnings’. In our modern calendar we are told that is on January 1st. In our Tropical Zodiac system we are told that occurs when the Sun moves into Aries (Spring Equinox for those in the Northern Hemisphere). From the perspective of the Sun’s journey it can be seen as the Winter Solstice (the point of the Sun being reborn). And to the ancient Celtic people the new beginning was at Samhain- the Dark of the Sun time (the Solar version is around November 6th-7th)- a nod to the many mystical creation stories that talk about everything being born out of the Darkness.
Well we can add one more version of new beginnings when we look at the New Moon in Aquarius. Many Asian cultures see this as the beginning of the Lunar New Year. From a Living Sky perspective the Sun/Moon conjunction in Tropical Aquarius is actually in the Constellation of the Sea Goat- beginning its movement into the Celestial Sea part of the Sky (Capricornus/Aquarius/Pisces) where we have the waters of creation below and the Celestial Birds (Aquila, Lyra, Cygnus) above.
If you recall, in the Bible after Noah was in his ark for some time he sent out birds (a raven and a dove) over the waters to search for land. This is similar to what we see in the even more ancient Babylonian myth where three birds were sent out after their version of the flood (a dove, a swallow, and a raven). The Celestial Birds and the Celestial Waters are the gateway to birth/rebirth/creation- so it makes sense that the New Moon in Aquarius is a new beginning point. We can also add Gene Key 41- the Start Codon of the entire Gene Key system- that is placed here in 2-7’37 Tropical Aquarius as well. So this New Moon truly has a new beginning energy and it can be a great time for each of us personally and collectively to be intentional about what we call in for the upcoming Lunar Year.
In the New Moon Chart we have Pluto, Mercury, Sun/Moon and Ceres all in Aquarius- bringing a visionary, inspired and eclectic energy into the New Moon Chart. So much Aquarius definitely puts the potlight on humanity and on revolution, invention, rebellion and change. In my Age of Aquarius webinar I talk about the Light and the Shadow of this New Age. It is particularly important to be aware of the shadow of Aquarius when it comes to technology, AI and group mind. As we all need to be aware of the misuse of technology and consciousness, and setting things into motion that we cannot undo (like Pandora’s box being opened- there’s no going back!!!).
But there are a lot of positive things this New Age can bring to us as well. A sense of community and humanity, social media as a means to learn more about the Truth (vs what the media owned by big businesses/corporations/billionaires feed us that is connected to their personal agendas). Aquarius is amazing for OPENING OUR MINDS and being willing to see more Truth- even if it shocks our socks off. The modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus- and this Higher Mind planet wants Truth and nothing but the Truth so help us God/Goddess/All That Is.
Truth can lead to Enlightenment (where literally all the Lights go on and we see everything clearly) but as Adyashanti so eloquently reminds us “Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretence. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” So if our goal is the pursuit of Truth- we have to be willing to have everything we believe in questioned, potentially shattered and all that is untrue eradicated! Sounds very Plutonian does it not?
Well Mercury the Mind is conjunct Pluto in Aquarius- both of them rise before the Sun right now but we cannot see them as they are too close to the Sun (and we cannot see Pluto without a telescope). So something is just starting to come out the shadows and into the Light- showing us a Truth we maybe did not want to see, but a Truth we NEED TO SEE. Rumi says “A seeker of Truth looks beyond the apparent and contemplates the hidden”. Mercury conjunct Pluto is amazing for this- as it’s an aspect of a researcher, investigator, shadow worker and psychologist. Mercury/Pluto in Aquarius says ‘Let’s get to the bottom of things- so the Truth can set us free!”
The New Moon is also trine Jupiter in Gemini- the Planet of Expansion and Abundance in the sign of the personal mind. In its Highest Jupiter in Gemini is about coming back to Beginner’s Mind and being open, ready and willing to learn new things. Gemini at its best comes from genuine curiosity. Like a child learning so many new things each day- Gemini knows there is always more to learn and always more to discover. If we are coming from the place of “I know everything already” we have essentially parked it on the side of the road and we are heading to devolution- the opposite of evolution. Coming from a place of being the master and knowing everything is NEVER the place a really great teacher or leader will come from. If you perceive this in someone- run in the opposite direction (it’s a sign of patriarchal dominance, control, rigidity and refusal to change).
The New Moon trine Jupiter is INCREDIBLY AUSPICIOUS!!! What we set into motion at this New Moon has wings to FLY in incredibly significant ways. The precise Sun/Jupiter trine is on January 30th which is also the same day that Uranus the modern Ruler of the Lunation stations Direct – so from the New Moon until the next day we have a potent time for seeding new intentions and setting things into motion (and really going until February 3rd when Mercury trines Jupiter). It may not be until February 4th when Jupiter stations Direct that we really see things start to pick up- but the energy is there to tap into and work with wisely. The key is to be focused on innovation, thinking outside the box, doing things from a new perspective and breaking free from old paradigms. This is a time to let your highest hopes, dreams and wishes for yourself and humanity take flight!
On this precise day we have the Mean Nodes of the Moon moving out of 0 Aries/Libra and into 29’59 Pisces/Virgo. The Nodal Shift occurs every 18-19 months or so and it speaks to the shifting terrain of our Destiny, growth and evolution (North Node) and our karmic past and what needs to be brought to completion (South Node). With the Mean North Node crossing the precise moment of the Aries Point (0’00 Aries) and backtracking into the last degree of the Tropical Zodiac- aka the Omega Point at 29’59 Pisces- we have a movement from Alpha to Omega, from ultimate Yang to ultimate Yin, from action and assertion to surrender and receptivity.
The North Node in Pisces FEATURES VERY STRONGLY in the weeks and months to come- as we will have conjunctions to the North Node by Neptune on February 22nd and Saturn in April. I will be offering a new course timed with this astrology and more importantly timed with Venus Retrograde. The course is called ‘The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel’ and I will have more info coming out at the New Moon in Aquarius so STAY TUNED!!! (I will announce it first via my newsletter which you can sign up for here-
There are so many Asteroids and Fixed Stars involved in the New Moon chart- but there is only one I will speak to (so as not to make this Lunar Insight longer than it already is!!!). The Sun and Moon are conjunct Icarus. If you know your myths you know he was the guy who flew to close to the Sun. In the story Icarus and his Father were imprisoned for possibly revealing the secrets of the labyrinth. His father was a master craftsman and he made them wings so they could fly away from the tower they were imprisoned in and escape. Icarus’ father warned him not to fly too close to the water or the feathers in the wings would get soaked but also to not fly too close to the sun or the heat would melt the wax holding the feathers together. This is symbolic for not overdoing/excessively defaulting to Water (emotions, feelings, feminine, underworld energy) but also not overdoing/excessively defaulting to Fire (ego, will, masculine, going up and out). Icarus did not listen and he flew too close to the Sun- so the wax melted and he fell to his death by plunging into the sea and drowning.
This is a reminder to all of us to watch out for ‘escapes that are careless of consequences’ and tendencies to impulsivity and a desire to get away from restrictions (Martha Lang Wescott’s key words for Icarus). When we add in the Aquarius energy- I feel into where does humanity want to escape consequences? Where do we want to go up and out- not feel our emotions or deal with the shadow. We can see this in what is going on in the environment- with people thinking Mother of Pearl clouds (polar stratospheric clouds/aka nacreous clouds) are pretty when they are in fact a sign of global warming (more info HERE). We can also see this in the rolling out of AI technologies we do not know enough about the consequences of because we have not done long term studies on them – i.e. cloud seeding, MRNA vaccines, conscious AI and more.
The New Moon conjunct Icarus trine Jupiter can in fact exacerbate the excess energy of Jupiter. Keep in mind Jupiter is Detriment in Gemini- because Jupiter rules the sign opposite of Sagittarius. Jupiter wants to see the Bigger Picture! Gemini is focused on its own immediate perspective and limited thinking. The shadow of this can express as setting things into motion from our limited, small mind perspective- without realizing the consequences of what we set into motion. It would be good for all of us- personally and globally in terms of leaders- to really THINK THINGS THROUGH for a good long while before we set anything into motion (like the Stargate AI project).
There is a lot of positive energy to tap into at this New Moon for sure- but we would all do well to be aware of our own subjectivities, blind spots, hubris, and thinking we know everything already- or we can find ourselves flying too close to the Sun and our wings will burn off!
I leave you with the Sabian Symbol and Star Sparks degrees for this New Moon (full text below). I am including both 10 Aquarius (New Moon degree rounded up to nearest whole degree) but also 11 Aquarius as that is the degree for Icarus. Looking at them in relationship to each other is interesting.
For the Sabian Symbols- 10 Aquarius is “A man (or woman) who had for a time become the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realized that as a person he is not this ideal”. It reveals that ‘The “star” on the movie screen is not the actual person. The star’s popularity fades away, the person remains. What has this episode of popularity actually done to the person?” This makes me think of the Blake Lively drama going on right now. It is a degree that polarizes the person versus the archetype and comes with a critical need for self-revaluation.
11 Aquarius shows what happens next if the person is willing to self reflect. “During a silent hour, a man (or woman) receives a new inspiration which may change his (or her) life.” This degree speaks to the “essential value of keeping open to the descent of spiritual or Soul forces.” It reminds us that “there is a creative power within, a power that can be tapped, or rather that should be allowed to flow into the brain-consciousness or the hands which write or fashion materials into original forms.” It is the ultimate surrender when we BECOME THE GRAIL that is EMPTY TO RECEIVE- “the OVERSHADOWING of the individual consciousness by an inner, yet transcendent, Power.”
The Star Sparks degrees strangely both talk about birds (a nod to the birds flying over the waters of creation and the Babylonian and Biblical stories of birds after the flood). Aquarius 10 is a Black Raven with a bright red head- and speaks to someone being the channel for “pure shadow all the way”. Her role is to “make what has been hidden away dramatically obvious and inescapable”. The degree goes on to say “What motivates her mightily is the chance to deprive hypocrite fools of their masks and their self-righteousness. For she has been around and she has learned that what seems so bright and high-blown contains within itself seeds of a very great downfall.” This is the Icarus myth in another form!!! “By walking along the far edge, she makes the rest of us get honest and real” because “somebody has to have the raw nerve to expose and make visible”!
11 Aquarius shows us “Crows eating the corn that the farmer has sown”. Another black bird- this time a group of them (the collective noun would be a murder of crows). This degree speaks to “darkness, evil, shadow depths” which make it “so very easy to view the worst as coming at us, and we are the victims.” “Whatever you fear and doubt, the outer will supply all the evidence you would ever need that it’s literal, it’s factual, they are doing this to you, it’s so unfair.” And yet the degree goes on to say “The whole story will show that evil serves the good, that blame is a loser’s game and that something else is evolving here that needs the play of opposites to sharpen its wits.” A reminder of what Rumi so eloquently said “Both Light and Shadow are the dance of Love.”
This New Moon we can use the Aquarian energy and Jupiter in Gemini to shed Light on the shadow and open up to receive new Truths that shock our socks off! We could also use it to overdo, act from hubris and set things into motion that like Pandora we may wish we had left in the box and kept it sealed. What will you choose? What will humanity choose? The good news is your own personal choice contributes to the collective tipping point that lies ahead.
“A pure heart, open to the Light, will be filled with the elixir of Truth” ~Rumi
My new course incoming with this New Moon will serve your journey of opening up to receive the inspiration of the Universe and grounding and anchoring the Love, Light and Truth streaming in- so that we each Become the Vessels we wish to see in the world. As within, so without <3
My Lunar Gate Call will is up as PUBLIC ACCESS for all to tune into here-
Title of Lunar Insight is taken from the quote by Albert Einstein- staying OPEN TO CHANGE and new things/truths/energies coming in is key right now!
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Pluto into Aquarius Video, 2025 Yearly Forecast Video & more-
Blog about Rainbow clouds and Global Warming-
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by Dane Rudhyar
KEYNOTE: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one’s dream and ideal.
Here we have a final statement on the relationship between mental-spiritual vision and living reality, between persons and the ideal they appear to incarnate, between the “great lover Image” and one’s need for love — a love his presence stimulated and aroused. The “star” on the movie screen is not the actual person. The star’s popularity fades away, the person remains. What has this episode of popularity actually done to the person? This is a question that can be applied to a great variety of circumstances.
This fifth symbol in the sixty-second sequence brings to our attention an issue that is basic and may confront us in various forms. Person versus archetype. This can mean a critical need for SELF-REVALUATION.
KEYNOTE: The need to rely upon inner inspiration and guidance at the start of new developments.
What is implied here is the essential value of keeping open to the descent of spiritual or Soul forces, especially when a new period of individual activity is about to begin. The individual should not depend mainly on outer circumstances and on traditional — and in a sense external, because collectively formulated — incentives. There is a creative power within, a power that can be tapped, or rather that should be allowed to flow into the brain-consciousness or the hands which write or fashion materials into original forms.
This is the first stage in the sixty-third sequence of five phases of activity. It refers to the OVERSHADOWING of the individual consciousness by an inner, yet transcendent, Power.
by Ellias Lonsdale
Aquarius 10
A black raven with a bright red head.
The bringer of dark tidings. The one who is so aware of every conceivable dilemma and obstacle that she insists upon bringing them all up and out. If this proves to be inconvenient and messy, so much the better. She senses her function to be pure shadow all the way.
If she can draw attention to the worst, she believes we will all have a chance. So she must scavenge, cry out, make what has been hidden away dramatically obvious and inescapable. If she has to be the scapegoat, the devil’s advocate, the one who is too much for everybody, she can only say yes to the no, gladly moving with what others would shun.
When she comes calling, everything stands still. We are all at rapt attention. She keeps us spellbound by her articulation of the shadows, the forbidden, the strange. We ask her to do her worst. She is a gadfly. She makes sure we cannot get away with our fantasies and our dreams.
What motivates her mightily is the chance to deprive hypocrite fools of their masks and their self-righteousness. For she has been around and she has learned that what seems so bright and high-blown contains within itself seeds of a very great downfall. She would prefer to hasten the inevitable so we can get on with cleaning up afterwards.
Her energies are abrasive. Her attitude is a brooding one. Her way of operating is skirting dangerously close to really falling under the shadows. But she hones that edge as her own. By walking along the far edge, she makes the rest of us get honest and real.
Because she punctures illusions, we may imagine her to be quite the heavy. But the truth is that she does all this strictly because she lucidly witnesses that somebody has to have the raw nerve to expose and make visible. We are beholden to her, even as she chills and chases us.
Aquarius 11
Crows eating the corn that a farmer has sown.
Darkness, evil, shadow depths are both something we make inevitable by our ideas and behaviors and something that comes to meet us from outside with deadly accuracy of aim. The interior resonance of coming up against the scavenging, consuming energy of things getting taken away from us and shattered is an old karmic place we seldom are consciously inside of now. So the self-generated aspect is hard to get at. The external impact of destructive vibrations is typically obvious, pervasive, and hard to deny. Therefore, it is so very easy to view the worst as coming at us, and we are the victims.
The outer mind persists in its habit of calling the shots, giving us a blow-by-blow description of what is wrong here in the world. It has a lot going for it. The proof keeps on coming. Whatever you fear and doubt, the outer will supply all the evidence you would ever need that it’s literal, it’s factual, they are doing this to you, it’s so unfair.
The subconscious mind is busy ferreting out the truth. At first, it has such an appetite for intrigue, mystery, the drama of what seems versus underlying appearances, but even that place is a trap.
If the subconscious mind can persist in its investigations, it will be shown the whole truth. Then the edge of outer and inner causes will be held in the way the truth reveals. Neither self nor world will be the suspect. The whole story will show that evil serves the good, that blame is a loser’s game and that something else is evolving here that needs the play of opposites to sharpen its wits.
Nothing ever turns out to be as bad as we thought. Life is redeemed wherever we cut to the core faithfully.