Blue Full Moon at 29 Capricorn ~ Listen to the Oracles & let the Divine Feminine lead

by | Jul 19, 2024 | Lunar Insight

The Full Moon at 29’08 Capricorn is exact on Sunday July 21st, 2024 at 6:17am EDT- marking the midpoint of the current Lunar Cycle we are in that began with the New Moon in Cancer conjunct Sirius on July 5th. This is the 2nd of two Full Moons in Capricorn- the first was on June 21st a day after the Solstice. This Full Moon is an Astrological Blue Moon (when we have 2 Full Moons in the same sign- the 2nd one is a Blue Full Moon)- and fascinatingly in this Summer season (or Winter in the Southern Hemisphere) we actually have 2 back to back Blue Moons! The next one will be August 19th when we have a Seasonal Blue Moon- which occurs when there are 4 Full Moons in the Season with the 3rd of the 4 being considered the Blue Moon.

There is a saying ‘once in a Blue Moon’ which implies something happening that is rare. Yet we are getting two Blue Moons back to back- so I keep feeling and hearing ‘twice in a Blue Moon’. I wonder what could be super rare that ends up occurring twice this summer (or winter)? I think of someone winning the lottery and then getting another ticket the next week only to win again. It’s rare enough to win the lottery to begin with- so how rare would it be to win twice :-0 I am not saying run out and get lotto tickets but think of this as a metaphor and open up to the possibilities coming in!

This Full Moon is at the Karmic Completion Degree of Capricorn (29 Capricorn or rounding up it can be called 30 Capricorn). This is the same degree Pluto has been transiting back and forth over last year and this year. This Full Moon is conjunct Retrograde Pluto at 0’55 Aquarius- energizing the transitional threshold of the Lord of the Underworld out of the sign of the patriarchy, big business and corporations and into the sign of AI, technology, and humanity. (You can read my blog about Pluto at 29 Capricorn here- )

The Full Moon conjunct Pluto (the Higher Will and Power) is trine Mars (the lower will and power) newly in Gemini who is transiting the Fixed Star Alycone of the Pleiades. The Pleiades are the Doves of Peace and Mars in Gemini is helping our message, communication and thinking come from a Higher Place. Trine to Pluto on the Full Moon we are being shown what needs to transform, be released and/or purged from the patriarchal past. This Full Moon could be quite illuminating about what is being asked of us personally and collectively as we make this shift from an old era to a new one.

It is interesting to see that all the Outer Planets are in aspect or heading into aspect to the Pleiades right now! Uranus is in late Taurus heading to the Pleiades (exact next year), Neptune is at 29 Pisces sextile the Pleiades and Pluto is at 1 Aquarius trine the Pleiades. The Pleiadian alignment is off the charts and it is a great time call on the Divine Feminine to descend into us and through us so that peace, Love and unity may prevail. I will be doing an interview with Martha Alter Hines about the Pleiades that will air in the afternoon/evening of Saturday July 20th so stay tuned!

One of the most significant aspects to the Full Moon chart is that the Full Moon conjunct Pluto is also conjunct the asteroid Kassandra at 29’47 Capricorn. Kassandra was a prophetess, oracle and priestess of the Goddess. One of the versions of her myth states that she existed at the time that patriarchy was taking over power. This process of transition was violent with the destruction of matriarchal temples and traditions and the raping of their priestesses. Apollo became the god of the temple she was previously serving the Goddess at. Apollo found himself attracted to Kassandra but she was not interested and refused him- so he got pissed. He then cursed her and said “you have the gift of prophecy but no one will believe you”. True to form- she saw everything ahead of time and would try to warn people but they would laugh at her, make fun of her, call her crazy. She saw the fall of Troy coming before it happened but her ability to see into the future was not able to help save anyone because they would not listen.

Kassandra tightly conjunct this Full Moon and Pluto at the Karmic Completion degree is incredibly powerful. To me it is a huge sign to PAY ATTENTION TO THE FEMALE ORACLES. There are many women who are incredibly intuitive but they are belittled, questioned, maligned, or silenced. I do feel at this time there are messages coming in that must be heard and silencing the channels who can bring through these messages is not in our best interest as a humanity. Further if we do not LIKE the message, we should also not be ignoring it or trying to change it to sound better. Being willing to see, hear and speak Truth- at any cost- is important medicine right now!

The Full Moon is also square a standstill Eris who stations Retrograde just over 8 hours after the Full Moon. The Sun at 29’08 Cancer opposes the Moon at 29’08 Capricorn (conjunct Pluto) and they all square Eris at 25’30 Aries forming a T-square of intensity. The precise Sun/Eris square was on Wednesday July 17th- so from the 17th through Sunday the 21st this Erisian, Discordian energy can be felt. Eris’ energy is great for disrupting old orders and revealing what is going on behind the curtain. With the Sun in Cancer and the ruler of Cancer in Capricorn- we do want to be aware of any repressed emotions or tendencies to be stoic and reserved when there is a lot going on beneath the surface. Eris can be like the volcano that explodes because the tension of repression got to be too much.

With all 3 Outers (if you include Eris all 4 Outers) linking with the Full Moon- there is some very strong Transpersonal energy present. We can use this energy to access Higher Wisdom (Uranus), Higher Love (Neptune), Higher Power (Pluto) and motivate us to take action to take a stand for Truth (Eris). The shadow of Transpersonal energy can lend to us wanting to go up and out – instead of coming down and in. Escapism, spiritual bypassing and ungroundedness can ensue. Balance is key- one foot in this world and one foot in the Higher World, one foot grounded into being human and one foot grounded into being Divine. If we are trying to anchor the New Earth – bringing Heaven to Earth- we have to be the bridge between these energies. If we are only floating in the transcendent we will not be able to bring things into manifestation.

The Ruler of the Lunation is Saturn who is Retrograde in Pisces. When you look at tight aspects he is unaspected- when you widen out aspects he is making an approaching square to Jupiter in Gemini (exact at the next Blue Moon on August 19th!) but that is the ONLY aspect he makes. An unaspected planet (or least aspected) is very pure in its energy but it also has a hard time relating to other bodies in the chart. We have to work to access the power of that planet and if we do we can really use it powerful ways. Saturn in Pisces is asking us to ground our dreams, bring into manifestation our ideals, and not check out or bypass but rather check in and show up for life as it is in this now moment. Saturn in Pisces is also about moving through fears around feeling our emotions fully and facing what is in the unconscious. Saturn in Pisces in his highest can truly help us bridge Heaven (Pisces) and Earth (Saturn)- but the shadow of this placement is it can also exacerbate our desire to escape and be in denial of WHAT IS. Shadow Work, emotional work and somatic work can all be amazing this weekend- with some big reveals and profound transformations possible.

With Uranus conjunct the Medusa Star Algol and both of them opposite the asteroid Goddess Lilith- there is some fierce Dark Feminine energy on tap. This is amazing for seeing into shadows and getting to the Truth as the Dark Feminine is able to see beyond the ego facade and see what is going on behind the curtain. This is amplified by Kassandra on the Full Moon. I would not be surprised if there are female voices that are very present and powerful at the time of this Full Moon- speaking up, calling things out, pulling back the veil to show what is really going on.

The last thing I want to share is the Sabian Symbols for the Sun degree (30 Cancer) and Full Moon degree (30 Capricorn). 30 Cancer is ‘A daughter of the American Revolution’ and talks about glorification of the past. 30 Capricorn is ‘A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs’ and is about executive power. To me these are 2 old paradigm archetypal energies we need to purge and release from the collective- and particularly from my country of origin which is the United States of America. Women glorifying a violent tradition of taking land from indigenous people and men glorifying power and making decisions for all of humanity from a position of wanting to stay in power- both are toxic.

We can think of the Karmic degrees of Capricorn and Cancer as what we need to purge and release as we move out of an old cycle and into a new one (the shorter 20+ year cycle of Pluto into Aquarius and the much larger 2000+ year cycle that is the Age of Aquarius). And we can think of the 1st degrees of Aquarius & Leo as where we need to go (they come right after 30 Capricorn and 30 Cancer). Below you can read the full text for the Sabian Symbols for 30 Capricorn and 30 Cancer. And it is the Star Sparks degrees for 1 Aquarius and 1 Leo I am including below for the vision of the future.

The Star Sparks degree for 1 Aquarius is ‘a two-headed calf’ and it speaks to opposing viewpoints and the need to find a 3rd point of view. This happens when “A vision is held here of a world in the near future where all sides are included, where the myriad aspects of existence are simultaneously upheld, honored, seen, appreciated, given their voice, their power, their spark of contribution and inclusion. This will happen when there is no further need to deny or negate, to judge or get rid of the shadow, the other side. The sun rises inside the shadow. Christ returns unto the soul, unto the life, bringing wholeness and the Oneness so desperately sought.”

The Star Sparks degree for 1 Leo is ‘a divorced husband and wife enjoying each other’s company’ which kind of speaks for itself. Can we move beyond duality- right and wrong, good and evil, democrat and republican, masculine and feminine- to find a bridge of peace between polar opposites? This is the work right now. If we want humanity to not just survive but to THRIVE- we must find a new way forward where everyone is included, people are not dehumanized, hatred of ‘the other’ is not the default response and unity is truly worked towards so it can be achieved. Anyone who thinks this is “woo-woo” does not really get the alternative. The current paradigm of division leads to the destruction of humanity. War consciousness and polarization only leads to ONE END. We all need a serious reality check on this.

Lest you think ‘oh those other people are the ones who need to do this work’ I would like to remind you that is starts with us. As the bible states- take the moat (splinter or stick) out of your own eye before you point out the moat in someone else’s. Or as Jesus said- “let he who has not sinned cast the first stone”. Let us set aside sticks and stones- and find the healing salve to bring humanity into Unity. And since the outer reflects the inner- we should start at the Source (within). This is why for the last 5 years I have been so devoted to teaching Shadow Work and this is also why on Sunday August 4th I am teaching my new course Calling in the Light. Both Light & Shadow are the dance of Love (says Rumi). The Yin and Yang of wholeness only becomes whole when we do not polarize.

I hope you will join me for what I can feel will be an epic time together Calling in the Light! (More info linked below)



P.S. My new course Calling in the Light starts on Sunday August 4th! You can learn more about it here-

I also filmed a Livestream about the course here-



Pluto at 29 Capricorn-

Learn more about Shadow Work-


translation by Dane Rudhyar



KEYNOTE: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power.

We are all aware now of the work of secret committees in the White House and at all levels of the government. The student of esoteric philosophy believes in the existence of what has been called an “inner Government” which has the power to direct or guide the evolution of our planet and of mankind. Some people speak of “occult Hierarchy,” or of the “White Lodge.” Here again what is at stake is a “seeing through” the facts of telluric processes and human history — assuming that these facts are at least in part the outcome of the decisions of a supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings. Obviously the symbol can also refer to what occurs at the more ordinary level of business and politics. At any level, it refers to the highest form of social interaction.

This is the last symbol belonging to Scene Twenty and related to the zodiacal sign Capricorn. We see in it the culmination of social responsibility and a reference to EXECUTIVE POWER.



KEYNOTE: The prestige and conservatism of a long-maintained heritage.

Here we have a symbol of the proud preservation of socio- cultural values in a tradition. After several generations the ancestor who was perhaps a violent revolutionist or rabble-rouser – or even a fugitive from justice – acquires a halo of respectability. The tradition that once was born of revolution now extolls “law and order,” attempting to suppress any new forms of the same revolutionary spirit.

This is the last symbol of the section of the cycle referring mainly to the consolidation and concretization of life urges within a stable form of organization. In many instances the scenes presented picture social activities or events, yet at this stage it is the individual person and the problems attendant upon his development that are primarily considered.

This eighth scene with a keynote of “Consolidation,” began with the study of a traditional symbol for personality integration, the Mandala; it ends with an example of what occurs when the individual chooses a path which totally embodies and glorifies tradition, a path which ends in a GLORIFICATION OF THE PAST.


By Ellias Lonsdale


Aquarius 1
A two-headed calf.

Opposite points of view held in tension with each other for the sake of a new synthesis. Very intensive identification within both ends. Often, one voice is conscious and the other subconscious. When this is true, the polarity is fiercely contested underneath and hardly understood on the outside.

Being convinced that life, reality, existence is one way, and then being convinced on another level of an entirely divergent perspective. The overt identification may be with the point of view which is politically correct or acceptable in one’s immediate circle of allegiance. The hidden absorption may be with the perspective that would be judged to be traditional, old-fashioned, out of touch, far too naïve and unworldly.

Strife and conflict, internal and external. Playing out the opposites pervasively. Pulled hard into extreme positions. Wanting to be right. Facing what it is also to be wrong, to be off, to harbor that which makes the soul feel guilty or strange.

Beyond all this confusion lies a synthesis, which is being sought at every turn and eludes grasp until the different sides are exhausted. The third point of view is not just the reconciliation of opposing sides or coming to a reasonable point of resolution. It is far more compelling than that.

A vision is held here of a world in the near future where all sides are included, where the myriad aspects of existence are simultaneously upheld, honored, seen, appreciated, given their voice, their power, their spark of contribution and inclusion. This will happen when there is no further need to deny or negate, to judge or get rid of the shadow, the other side. The sun rises inside the shadow. Christ returns unto the soul, unto the life, bringing wholeness and the Oneness so desperately sought.


Leo 1
A divorced husband and wife enjoying each other’s company.

Each and every polarity we weave exists in fundamental opposition to each and every counter polarity. These worlds tend to pull apart in the stresses of modern life. When our world comes apart, we burst open and we soon find that the enmity, the pressure and the struggle yields to grace, to freedom, to joy, and to love resurgent.

Yet it usually takes the breaking of the vessel, the shattering of the image before we come to our senses. We like to inhabit positions, to believe in roles, to identify with a certain way of life over another. Our outer consciousness delights endlessly in filling these containers of form with our own special touches of the ways we can do it. And when the entire sociocultural sphere contains endless images parading before our inner eye, we can select our own and play it out and imagine somehow that this is the only way to go.

So we insist upon the drama of the karmas being once again enacted in full fleshly form before our very eyes with our own rapt abandon to the occasion. We make as much as we can out of this romantic and tragic, funny and endlessly entangling way to be just-this-one played off against just-that-one.

Our real life begins when we are thrown out of the illusion, suddenly no longer the star performer in the happy story. What counts then is where we go with the fulfillment of our fears—the destruction of our naïve assumptions and wishes. Will we wake up in the appropriate moment, cast loose what we only lightly took on, and enter upon the life that awaits those who are here for something more than what we all get lost in youthfully?

Inside that something more, a second life unfolds, with a void self, a selfless vessel in the central position. It’s not as diverting, or so heroic and fascinating. But showing up is what we get to do at last!