Fall 2013 Quarterly Horoscopes

(for Oct/Nov/Dec of 2013) ARIES- The Fall season coincides with the second set of eclipses of 2013, and the first one falls in your sign- bringing focus to your life direction and your relationships. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is exact on 10/18 and it is asking you...

July/August Monthly Horoscopes

ARIES- This summer there is a focus on your growth and expansion emotionally and relationally- particularly when it comes to family connections and dynamics. With planets piling up in your 4th house and the Grand Water trine Lighting up your other water houses- its...

June 2013 Monthly Horoscopes

JUNE 2013 …as seen in Find Bliss Magazine! ARIES- This month focuses on your home, family, roots and foundation. With Cancer in the root of your chart you seek comfort, safety and security in the place that you lay your head at night. This either brings back...

May 2013 Monthly Horoscopes

MAY 2013 HOROSCOPE as send in Find Bliss Magazine! ARIES- This month has a huge focus on testing and mastery over the material aspects of life. How you deal with debt, money, power and control is a huge focus. The pull towards making decisions based on material...

April Monthly Horoscopes

ARIES- April has your name written all over it as all the personal planets end up in Aries at some point during this fire starter month! With Uranus in your sign for 7 years you are awakening to a greater sense of yourSelf, your path and your role as an activist....