Weekly Astrology Forecast

by | Sep 15, 2024 | Weekly Astrological Forecast


~Monday September 16th through Sunday September 22nd~ 

***All times are Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT)***



Monday September 16th-
At 5:29pm Venus in Libra opposes Retrograde Chiron in Aries- creating tension between the Goddess of Love and Beauty and the Wounded Healer planetoid. Venus/Chiron can bring up some big time old wounds and pain in relationships and in regard to our self-worth and self-love. Venus in Libra can be over focused on others and what they are doing and how they value us- and the healing happens when she stops looking outside and instead looks within. With the Libra/Aries polarity activated- we all want to find balance between our yin and yang, our feminine and masculine, our relational focus and our self focus. If we are sweeping our anger/will/drive under the carpet and pretending everything is perfect- this kind of astrology will bring up and out what has been swept under the carpet. On the other hand if we are overly aggressive and self-focused the course correction here is to start thinking of others before the self and seek to find peace and harmony into our relationships. Bringing greater awareness and healing into relational dynamics is on offer right now.

Mars in Cancer squares the Mean Nodes of the Moon at 5:55pm- creating tension between the Will and Drive and the Nodes of Destiny and Karma. When Planets square the Nodes we can find ourselves at turning points. Mars rules the North Node so the impetus is to push us out of the nest and grow beyond our preconceived limitations and boundaries. Action, agency and forward movement are supported right now. Being aware of tendencies to be passive aggressive or sweep things under the carpet is key- as Mars/Aries like to clear the air and be direct- even if it hurts feelings if it is honest and truthful and done with compassion it is the right thing to do. Choose your path wisely today and ACT on it!


Tuesday September 17th-
At 11:22am the Sun in Virgo quincunxes Retrograde Eris in Aries- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego that likes everything organized and perfect and the Goddess of Discord and Chaos who prefers upheaval to sweeping things under the carpet. Sun/Eris can activate feisty and fiery energy today! Be willing to see the shadow and work with it consciously for best results. Don’t internalize anger and rage but have healthy outlets for it. Consciously used- Eris is a force for profound change in the world! Wield her energy wisely.

Mercury in Virgo sesquiquadrates Retrograde Pluto at 29’46 Capricorn at 10:34pm- bringing tension between the Mind and Intellect and the Lord of the Underworld. Mercury/Pluto can be great for penetrating communication and getting to the root and Truth of matters. It’s excellent for therapy, research and investigation. Yet the nature of the aspect is tense so this can also unearth power/control dynamics and make for intense communication. Steering clear of playing the victim or tyrant is key! Focus on seeing Truth and attending to reality for best results.

It is interesting to note that the Mercury/Pluto aspect is at the exact same time TO THE MINUTE of the Lunar Eclipse (written about below)- WOW! As the Full Moon Eclipse is in Pisces conjunct Neptune- the nebulous, idealistic, fantasy based Piscean energies can be amplified. Yet Mercury is in Virgo and Pluto is at the Karmic Completion degree of Capricorn. The Earth signs are saying BE HERE NOW and SEE WHAT IS. This is the medicine for the Eclipse Portal ahead.

The Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25’40 Pisces is exact at 10:34pm, marking the midway point of the current Lunar Cycle we are in that began with the New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd. This is the first of two eclipses- the next one is a Solar Eclipse at the New Moon in Libra October 2nd. This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is a Super Moon! The Eclipse will take place 9 hours before Perigee- when the Moon is closest to Earth. So this can amplify (and perhaps also exacerbate) the emotional, intuitive and spiritual energies of Pisces. This Full Moon Eclipse is conjunct Neptune who is the Ruler of the Lunation. Saturn is also widely conjunct the Full Moon- bringing the Lord of Karma and Father of Time (Saturn) and the God of the Seas and the Unconscious (Neptune) into focus. The Moon aspects all 3 Outer Planets- sextile Uranus, conjunct Neptune and sextile Pluto. The Transpersonal energy is SUPER STRONG- and can be amazing for surrendering the ego self so that something Higher can come in and through. The key is how to do this while also staying grounded and in the body ;) Dreams can be off the charts, intuition and psychic energy can be strong. But this can also exacerbate the desire to check out, escape, spiritually bypass and/or turn to addictions to numb out. It is recommended to CHECK IN- do not check out!

For more on this Full Moon Eclipse check the Lunar Insight posted here- https://divineharmony.com/lunar-insight/full-moon-lunar-eclipse-in-pisces-dispelling-the-veil-of-illusion-9-17-24/


Wednesday September 18th-
At 4:50am Mercury in Virgo opposes Retrograde Saturn in Pisces- creating tension between the Mind and Intellect in one of his signs of rulership and the Lord of Karma and Father of Time in the sign of spirituality and surrender. Mercury/Saturn can be heavy and even depressing. Heavy or karmic conversations or thinking can arise. At best we can use this astrology to get real, be honest and deal with reality. Watch out for tendencies of escapism and denial (too much Pisces) or judgement and criticism (too much Virgo). Balancing discernment with compassion is key.


Thursday September 19th-
At 12:18am Venus in Libra opposes Retrograde Eris in Aries- creating tension and friction between the Goddess of Love and Beauty and the Goddess of Discord and Chaos! Venus in Libra wants beauty, balance, harmony and peace in her relationships. She is currently making a lot of challenging aspects to Saturn on 9/11, Chiron on 9/16 and two more after today to Uranus on 9/20 and Neptune on 9/21. As such- any shadow that has been swept under the carpet in relationships, partnerships and more can be coming up and out BIG TIME. If we are overly focused on keeping the peace at any cost- this period of time is likely to be very challenging. We are being asked to find ways to compromise and collaborate without losing our boundaries, stuffing our anger or staying in relationships or situations that are no longer healthy for us. Seeing where we do things to keep the peace but in doing so are dishonest or not fully truthful with ourselves or others is also key. Venus/Eris brings up all the shadow not being looked at but if we navigate this with consciousness Eris can help liberate us from karmic patterns and relationships that hold us back or hold us down!

The Sun in Virgo trines Retrograde Uranus in Taurus at 10:04am- linking the Conscious Self and ego with the Planet of Revolution and Unexpected Change. Earth trines are excellent for the material world- finances, work, health and other matters that relate to form and materiality are all supported right now. This is a great day to see what needs to shift and change and do the slow, steady work to bring that change into full manifestation. Stay focused on being of service and allow the Universe to open doors for you!


Friday September 20th-
At 1:36pm Venus in Libra quincunxes Retrograde Uranus in Taurus- creating tension between the Goddess of Love and Beauty and the Rebel, Revolutionary and Great Awakener. Both bodies are in Venus ruled signs so change is incoming regarding the feminine, relationships, material life, values and more! Being open to change and being willing to let go of that which is not serving is SO KEY right now. DO NOT hold onto things that are toxic for you out of fears around safety, security or money. Trust the Universe has your back and that a new beginning will come out of some other beginnings end <3

Mars in Cancer opposes Ceres in Capricorn at 3:03pm- creating tension between the Will and Drive and the Great Mother asteroid Goddess. This can bring up some intensity in home/family situations, with children or parents, and in the work or career front. Mars helps us take action but he can also stir the pot of intense emotions. Dealing with things head on with compassion and boundaries is key!

At 8:17pm the Sun in Virgo opposes Retrograde Neptune in Pisces- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the Planet that dissolves ego boundaries. Where Sun in Virgo is all about discernment and precision- Neptune in his home sign of Pisces is about diffusion and surrender. Sun/Neptune can be great for mystical experiences, creativity, compassion and idealism- but in tense aspect there can be a split between body and Spirit, mind and emotions, reality and dreams. Seeing where we are overdoing either at the expense of the other so we can rebalance right now is key. Straddling the fine line of Human (Virgo) and Divine (Pisces) is the sacred work today! (The Sun/Neptune opposition triggers the Lunar Eclipse energies from Tuesday September 17th- so connect the dots from then to today and be willing to SEE THE TRUTH)


Saturday September 21st-
At 4:50am Mercury in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini- creating tension between the Mind and Intellect and the Planet of expansion and excess. This can be great for travel, learning and mind expansion. Both signs are Mercury ruled Signs- with Mercury in exaltation and Jupiter in the sign of Mercury (in Detriment). Having an open mind and being willing to speak up AND also listen is key. Watch out for excess thinking and criticism. Discernment is wise- judgment not so much. Be willing to question your thoughts and beliefs for best results!

Venus in Libra quincunxes Retrograde Neptune in Pisces at 4:53pm- creating tension and friction between the Goddess of Love and Beauty and the planet of Romance, Spirituality and Transcendence. Venus is the lower heart and Neptune is the Higher Heart- put the two together and Unconditional Love, romance and idealism are strong! Yet this is a tense aspect so we can also wear rose colored glasses and see what we want to see- or perhaps even be in denial of reality when it staring us in the face! Being willing to see the Truth as it is- not just the beauty and the ideal- is key.

At 7:58pm Retrograde Saturn in Pisces quincunxes Juno in Libra- creating tension between the Lord of Karma and the asteroid Goddess of partnership and marriage. Saturn/Juno can bring reality checks into relationships and partnerships- with a need to SEE REALITY and deal with WHAT IS. The tendencies of both Pisces and Libra are to sweep things under the carpet to keep the peace- but that if that has been the M.O. things can be quite challenging right now. On the positive side, Saturn lets us see clearly the relationships in our lives that having staying power! Take the rose colored glasses off and deal with reality today and tomorrow (Venus will tensely aspect Saturn tomorrow)!

Mercury in Virgo quincunxes Retrograde Chiron in Aries at 10:59pm- creating tension between the Conscious Mind and Intellect and the Wounded Healer planetoid. Mercury/Chiron can bring us face to face with old wounds and pain around communication, seeing/dealing with reality and how we deal with our anger and rage. The masculine is in the midst of major healing and upgrade but first all the shadow around masculine energy within and without needs to come to Light.


Sunday September 22nd-
At 2:12am the Sun at 29’44 Virgo trines Retrograde Pluto at 29’44 Capricorn- aligning the Conscious Self and ego with the Lord of the Underworld & Planet of Transformation. This is a great transit for diving deep and getting to the root and Truth of matters. Both Virgo and Capricorn have discernment and integrity- and when we focus this clarified vision within we can see all manner of things right now! Wielding power with humility and commitment to Truth is supported today. With both bodies in earth signs we can use the purging and transformational energies in matters pertaining to health, work, right use of power and authority. Let go of the old so that the new can come in!

The Sun moves out of Virgo and into Libra at 8:44am- marking the Solar Gate of Mabon/Fall Equinox (or Ostara/Spring Equinox in the southern hemisphere). The coming month has a focus on balance, harmony, peace, connection and collaboration. In the coming weeks the sun in libra makes A LOT of tense aspects to Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Eris, Neptune and Pluto- all the Outer/Transpersonal Planets plus Saturn the Gatekeeper. Some tender territory is incoming in relationships of all kinds and you will have had a preview of this when Venus in Libra made all these same aspects from 9/11 through today (so connect the dots). This is not a time to sweep things under the carpet or play the doormat. Seeing reality rather than fantasizing about some unrealized ideal or some long forgotten past is key in the coming weeks. Libra is a sign that can help wield the Sword of Truth. Seeing self and others from a balanced places helps us to see clearly and be decisive in the coming weeks. Fore more information on this Solar Gateway listen to my Solar Gate Call posted a few days before the Sun ingresses into Libra.

At 5:15pm Venus at 29’43 Libra squares Retrograde Pluto at 29’43 Capricorn- creating tension and friction between the Goddess of Love and Beauty and the Lord of the Underworld. Venus/Pluto can be deeply passionate, sexual, intense and potent! But the tense nature of the square can also bring up all kinds of shadow, power/control dynamics, possessiveness, jealousy and toxic elements in relationships or in regard to finances. With both bodies in the Karmic Completion degrees there can be some big time intense things up right now in relationships, finances, career and more. Navigate with care and be willing to see the shadow and get to the Truth of matters!

Venus at 29’54 Libra sesquiquadrates Retrograde Saturn in Pisces at 8:52pm- creating tension between the Goddess of Love and Beauty and the Lord of Karma and Father of Get Real. Yesterday was Juno/Saturn today is Venus/Saturn- both can be testing our relationships, partnerships, romantic alliances and more. Saturn demands we take the rose colored glasses off and face the Truth- within and without. Venus at Karmic Completion degree can be bringing a lot of things to a head in relationships that have gone way beyond their expiration date. Being willing to see what needs to end- relationships, patterns of being in relationship, patterns of avoidance and more- is key today!

At 10:36pm Venus moves out of Libra and into Scorpio- shifting the Goddess of Love and Beauty from Air to Water, intellect to emotion, from her sign of rulership to her sign of detriment. Venus is in detriment in Scorpio because she naturally rules the opposite sign of Taurus. Venus likes partnership and connection that is peaceful and harmonious but Venus in Scorpio likes connection that is deep, intense and transformative. I personally love Venus in Scorpio- as the heart can be deep and the desire for transformation can be strong! Venus in Scorpio can be great for intimacy, sexuality and transformation via deep connection with others. Just watch out for the shadow side of Venus in Scorpio- being possessive, jealous, controlling and holding onto past hurts for way too long!


Have a blessed week…
