~Monday March 24th through Sunday March 30th~ 


***All Times are Eastern Daylight Savings Time***



Monday March 24th-
At 3:48pm the Sun cojoins Retrograde Mercury at 4’24 Aries- aligning the Conscious Self and ego with the Mind and Intellect who is in the Underworld. We just had Sun/Venus on 3/22 and now we have Sun/Mercury- both of these mark the midpoints of the Retrograde Cycles the Heart (Venus) and Mind (Mercury) are in the midst of. They both align with the Sun while sextile Pluto as well (for Mercury that is tomorrow 3/25). Essentially 3/21-3/25 is like one giant Sun/Venus/Mercury conjunction with all 3 bodies sextile Pluto!!! New cycles are being seeded that are intimately connected to the transformation, evolutionary energy of Pluto. With Pluto in Aquarius community, humanity and the collective are AWAKENING AND TRANSFORMING- but with Aries involved WE EACH MUST DO OUR PART. This is one part individual (Aries) one part community (Aquarius)- one part Initiation (Aries) and one part Culmination of a lot of things that have been built by many people over thousands of years that has led us to where we are right now (Aquarius). Pay attention to the messages you receive and the indicators from the Universe about where your path wants to take you.


Tuesday March 25th-
At 6:02pm Mercury Retrograde in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius- linking the Mind and Intellect with the Lord of the Underworld in powerful ways! Mercury is forthright and honest in Aries and the harmonious link to Pluto helps us to get deep and penetrating in conversation and thinking so we can get to the bottom of things. This is great for therapy, shadow work, research and investigation. Speak up and use your voice today!


Wednesday March 26th-
At 4:13pm Mars in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries- creating tension and friction between the Will and Drive and the Wounded Healer for the 3rd and final time. Due to Mars recent Retrograde journey this is the completion of this aspect- so thinking back to 2/3/25 and 10/13/24 to connect the dots and see the Greater Story Arc unfolding is key. Chiron is in Mars’ Sign so there is a double down energy playing out right now in regard to the wounded masculine. How we assert ourselves, take a stand, set boundaries and express anger is in focus. Some of us overdo this in aggressive, combative ways. Others of us stuff this, act out passive-aggressively and/or internalize it and have it manifest as depression and dis-ease. Right relationship with the Mars-principle of ego, Will and drive is key!


Thursday March 27th-
At 4:41am Retrograde Venus moves out of Aries and backtracks into Pisces- shifting the Goddess of Love and Beauty from Alpha to Omega, from Yang to Yin, from Firey passion to Water devotion. Venus in Pisces is in her exaltation- a very blessed placement for the personal heart as this is the sign of the Higher Heart. Our capacity to tap into the depths of Unconditional Love, Divine Love, Altruism and Kindness is amplified. Of course Venus is Retrograde- so we are being asked to reevaluate things and see what needs completion or releasing, versus what can come forward with us in the new cycle. This can relate to relationships, finances, abundance, our values, self worth and self Love. Take time to turn within. Aries like to go go go and do do do – but Pisces likes to BE. Give yourself time for inner journeys right now- they can be worth more than their weight in gold!

Retrograde Venus cojoins Neptune at 29’53 Pisces at 9:13am- aligning the lower heart with the Higher heart in beautiful ways. When personal love joins with Divine Love the capacity for off the charts compassion, agape, altruism, forgiveness and kindness is present. This can be uber romantic, idealistic, creative, mystical, artistic and psychic. We just want to make sure we are grounded with good boundaries- as it’s easy to project all our Light onto others and miss seeing the shadow. It’s also easy to see the potential but that potential may not be realized for 10 more years or 10 more lifetimes. So staying in the present moment so we can SEE WHAT IS while living with an open heart that is sacredly guarded by healthy boundaries is key. This is the second of 3 Venus/Neptune conjunctions (the first was 2/1) due to Venus’ Retrograde journey. PAY ATTENTION to what is incoming right now and connect the dots back to early February to see the storyline unfolding. In 2 days Mercury cojoins Neptune- so the Heart (Venus) and the Mind (Mercury) are aligning with the Higher Heart at the Karmic Completion degree of Pisces but also the final degree or Omega Point of the entire Tropical Zodiac. This is an activation of Neptune at the end of Pisces right before shifting into Aries on 3/30. Pay attention to what is coming up for completion, resolution, healing, or is some way returning. Scheat is the Fixed Star at 29 Pisces and one of the older meanings of the Star was ‘The one who goes and returns’. What is returning and calling you forward? Pay attention!


Friday March 28th-
There are no major transits today.


Saturday March 30th-
The Partial Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 9’00 Aries is at 6:57:46am EDT- kicking off a new Lunar Cycle that focuses on ACTION, resurrection, setting new things into motion and making things happen. Interestingly the Sun/Moon conjunction stands alone with the only aspect made a minor one – a semisquare to Uranus. This makes both the Sun and Moon in the New Moon chart the least aspected and in my Astrology & Your Shadow course this would be called the Golden Shadow. The Golden Shadow is a pure place in the chart of energy that does not need to alter or change or be in relationship with anything else- which requires compromising or interacting with other energies. The pure power of an Aries New Moon means that we can truly SET NEW THINGS INTO MOTION at this New Moon that have wings to fly and legs to grow! Being intentional about that which you set into motion will be key. This is a North Node Eclipse- despite the North Node being in Pisces Now it is conjunct the New Moon- so Destiny is at hand and Growth is calling us forward. Listen, trust, have courage and LEAP. If you are following your Higher Self and Inner Voice- the net will surely appear or new land will have risen to meet you and hold you!

I will have a Lunar Insight for this Solar Eclipse New Moon up by Tuesday 3/25, the Lunar Gate Call will be up by Wednesday or Thursday, and the Lunar Horoscopes will be up by end of the day today.

At 10:18pm Retrograde Mercury moves out of Aries and backtracks into Pisces- shifting the Mind and Intellect from Alpha to Omega, Yang to Yin, Fire to Water. Mercury’s Descent takes him deeper into the primordial Waters of creation. This is a very psychic, intuitive placement where the deluge of inspiration can be coming in in massive ways. Pay attention to your dreams, intuition, clair gifts, and more. Give yourself time for reflection, introspection, meditation and sleep. The archetypal and mythic worlds speak to us in these spaces- so turn within and LISTEN.

Retrograde Mercury cojoins Neptune at 29’59 Pisces at 10:46pm- linking the linear logical Mind with the intuitive, imaginative Planet. The energy right now can be deeply psychic, mystical, imaginative, intuitive and creative. This is a great time study the occult and the mysteries and open up to hearing messages from Source! This is the second of 3 Mercury/Neptune conjunctions due being Retrograde (the first was 3/2). PAY ATTENTION to the guidance you are receiving from Spirit and the Universe. Trust, have faith and surrender for best results.

At 11:14pm the Sun in Aries semisquares Uranus in Taurus- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the Rebel and Revolutionary. The Solar Eclipse this morning was semisquare Uranus- so tonight the Sun perfects that minor tense aspect. Unexpected and chaotic things can come in- but so can big energies of change, revolution and shift! Watch out for aggression, reactivity and impulsivity- while at the same time not being complacent and staying stuck. Finding the right balance is key!


Sunday March 30th-
Neptune moves out of Pisces and into Aries at 7:57:48am EDT- commencing a new 165 year cycle of Neptune as he transits over the RESET POINT of the Tropical Zodiac. 0 Aries corresponds to the Spring Equinox from the Northern Hemisphere perspective and Neptune crossing here is an activation of the Gate of Resurrection that only happens with Neptune once every 165 years. What is even rarer this year is that we have Neptune conjunct the North Node at the very end of Pisces (on 2/22/25), the Moon Max out of Bounds which only occurs once every 18.6 years and then Neptune crossing the Aries point. The combination of these events is very rare. The last time this happened was in 1206 at the time of the Cathars. (Watch my FREE Masterclass under ‘Astrology Videos’ for more info). A new cycle of spirituality, creativity, artistic expression and mythic realms is being born right now. Next year we get the Saturn/Neptune conjunction at 0’45 Aries (2/20/26)- which will bring into manifestation what is taking for now. Use this year to immerse yourself into the spiritual, mystical, creative and archetypal energies present. From now until next year’s Saturn/Neptune conjunction- something will take form and come fully into manifestation. But the time you spend this year allowing it to gestate is key to the birth nexxt year. We are in a 9 year (2025 adds to 9) which is the Hermit Card in the Tarot. We are also in a Yin Snake year in the Asian New Year tradition. Both of these are mystical, spiritual and INWARD FOCUSED archetypes. Despite all the Aries flying around this is not a time to act without thinking or set things into motion prematurely. We want the outer informed by the inner- not the other way around!!! Take time to turn within- and find the heart-core of what is calling you and then do the work to slowly, with intent- bring that out into the world. Blessed be!

Have a Blessed week…
