~Monday February 24th through Sunday March 2nd~ 


***All Times are Eastern Standard Time***


My FREE Masterclass is now available to watch as a replay here- https://divineharmony.com/astrology-blog/masterclass-replay-limited-time-discount-offer-for-my-course/

My new course The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel starts on Saturday March 1st with Venus’ Descent into the Underworld. You can learn more and register here- https://divineharmony.com/theholygrailbecomingthevessel2025/

PLEASE NOTE- I added a 6 month payment plan due to student request

Also I will have an INSTAGRAM LIVE on Tuesday 2/25 at 7pm to talk about the course and answer any questions <3
You can join me here- https://www.instagram.com/divineharmony


Monday February 24th-
At 10:38am Pluto cojoins Pallas Athena at 2’46 Aquarius- aligning the Lord of the Underworld and the Goddess of Wisdom and Intelligence. The contemporary Greek and Roman versions of Athena are very patriarchal. In those myths she is a daughter of the system- being born of the head of Zeus. Her dad ate her pregnant mother after he heard a child born to him would overtake him. Then one day he has a splitting headache and takes an axe to his head and Pallas Athena springs from his head fully grown and in full armor. So she comes from the head- not the heart. She was born of a man- not a woman. And she is disconnected from her inner child- having never had the experience of being one (or being vulnerable). This more modern story can speak to women who are serving the patriarchy and it can speak to the oppression of the feminine and disconnection from the Mother (Mother Earth and the Mother archetype). Anciently and pre-patriarchally Pallas Athena has a very different story! (I teach this content in my course available on demand- The Alchemy of the Asteroid Goddesses which you can find here https://divineharmony.mykajabi.com/offers/7HFMyx2k/checkout)

Positively Pluto/Pallas is great for sleuthing, researching, intensive therapy, shadow work and getting to the bottom of things. Pallas’ capacity to see clearly combined with Pluto’s depth perception can manifest this way. Shadow Pluto/Pallas can manifest as manipulating the Truth in shadowy, controlling, subversive, even black magic kind of ways.

Another symbolic meaning of Pallas conjunct Pluto can be about deconstructing the patriarchal feminine- really showing us where we have adhered to a patriarchal standard and internalized it not knowing we are living from a system of oppression that we SAY we are against but actually unconsciously operate out of. Pluto conjunct Pallas can be about the death of the patriarchal version of Pallas- and the transformation/resurrection of her into her ancient, matriarchal archetype.

With both in Aquarius part of what can be shadowy and/or transforming is humanity’s consciousness, AI, technology, and groups or communities we are a part of. Pallas also governs politics- so watch the political world today for big reveals about shadow and/or awakening and transformation that is playing out on the world stage.


Tuesday February 25th-
At 7:02am Mercury cojoins Saturn at 20’15 Pisces- aligning the Conscious Mind and Intellect with the Lord of Karma and Father of Time. Mercury/Saturn can be serious and focused but it can also feel heavy, karmic and/or depressing. Get real moments in communication and thinking can be incoming. Pay attention to information, communications and ideas arising right now. Be aware that if you feel depressed or heavy- this, too, shall pass. But use the energy to dig deep and realistically assess what is and is not working personally and collectively. From there it will be clear what has to change. With this conjunction in pisces we are being asked to discern between intuition and fear or fantasy. Pisces likes to float up and out but Saturn demands we be rooted and grounded. Balance is key.


Wednesday February 26th-
There are no major transits today.


Thursday February 27th-
At 4:38am Mercury in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus- linking the lower mind with the Higher Mind in beautiful ways! This is great time to keep your mind open and listen for messages incoming via intuition, dreams, connection with the Unconscious, your imagination, psychic knowing and more. Aha moments, bolt out of the blue awarenesses and sudden innovative answers to questions you have are possible right now! Our minds are all being given a big cosmic dose of Higher Wisdom, Cosmic Insight and Divine Perception. Be willing to question what you think you know and allow the new information and realizations to come through!

The New Moon at 9’41 Pisces is exact at 7:45pm EST- commencing a new Lunar Cycle that focuses on the mystical, spiritual, compassionate and dreamy realms of the sign of the Fishes. There is SO MUCH PISCES in this New Moon chart- from Ceres the Great Mother, to the Sun and Moon, Mercury and Saturn, Neptune and the North Node. The Pisces area of your chart is getting a deluge of inspiration, compassion and/or saturation of emotion. Depending on how you relate to Water can inform if this energy feels juicy and amazing or overwhelming and over-sensitizing. The New Moon in square Jupiter in Gemini which brings opportunities to learn, teach, travel and open our minds to new things- but it can also overdo the mental space. Pisces demands we FEEL TO HEAL- not overthink and try to divorce ourselves from our emotions.

You can read my Lunar Insight on this New Moon here- https://divineharmony.com/lunar-insight/new-moon-in-pisces-a-return-to-love-2-27-25/

My Lunar Gate Call will be up by Tuesday 2/25. Lunar Horoscopes will be up by the New Moon tonight.

Gate Calls and Horoscopes are membership content. You can sign up to become a member here- https://divineharmony.com/become-a-member/


Friday February 28th-
At 11:08pm the Sun in Pisces semisextiles Venus in Aries- entering us into the last part of the Sun/Venus cycle that is about completion of a previous one. On March 22nd we have the Sun conjunct Venus- from now until then we are in the ‘Dark of Venus’ time. It is the time to DESCEND and release and let go and complete things from the previous cycle.

Think back to August 13th 2023 when the current Venus cycle we are in began (in Leo) and then think back to June 4th 2024 when we had the midpoint of the cycle (in Gemini). Right now something seeded in August 2023 and culminated in June 2024 is coming to closure and completion. Reflection on this previous journey can help you to see what needs to be brought to completion in order to prepare for the new cycle that starts on March 22nd.

We will be working with Venus in deeply mystical, alchemical and archetypal ways in The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel! You can learn more are register here- https://divineharmony.com/theholygrailbecomingthevessel2025/


Saturday March 1st-
At 7:36pm Venus Stations Retrograde at 10’50 Aries- initiating the Underworld Journey of the Goddess. Venus stations Retrograde in Aries and will station Direct in Pisces- so she was cross over the Omega and Alpha points a total of 3 times. This is a MASSIVE ending and new beginning portal. On mundane terms we are asked to reevaluate our relationships, finances, values and self worth and self Love. On a mystical level we are completing an old patriarchal cycle led by the War God archetype of violence, dominance and winning. And we are returning to an older cycle based on Love, compassion and honoring of the Feminine Principle that will weave with the present day and come into a new form that fits where we are now. We are retrieving frequencies from the Age of Pisces that did not activate fully and come into form fully. This time now echoes back to all of the previous times that mystical traditions and spiritual upliftment was seeded- and it is a time of FLOWERING of all that was planted in those various cycles. This is tied into the 2027 Human Design prophecy of the Great Mutation.

February 2024, February 2025, February 2026 and February 2027 can be seen as the activation points that correlate to the 3 stars of Orion’s Belt.

February 2025- Neptune conjunct the North Node at the end of Pisces, Major Lunar Standstill Max Moon Out of Bounds (a once in 819 years phenomenon)

February 2026- Saturn conjunct Neptune at 0’45 Aries- activating the ALPHA POINT

February 2027- the Mutation Degree Shift

Recall that Orion’s Belt points to Sirius- a very sacred and mystical star venerated by all ancient mystical cultures. In Egypt Sirius is a Divine Feminine Star and the 3 February Activations in the next 3 years are the 3 Stars of Orion’s Belt activating and lining up for the Full Activation of Sirius that is in process.

(This is channelled material- astrology is the guiding framework but the message is channelled)

We can consider the time right now as the beginning of the ending that leads to the new beginning- that will unfold over the next 2 years <3

May it happen with the utmost grace and ease- so may it be <3


Sunday March 2nd-
At 1:19am Mercury cojoins the Mean North Node at 28’18 Pisces- aligning the Conscious Mind and Intellect with the North Node of Destiny! This will be the first of 3 conjunctions of Mercury to the North Node due to his upcoming Retrograde journey. PAY ATTENTION to the messages you receive, information you hear or learn, dreams that come in and more. You are being given insight into the journey ahead that asks you to rethink, review and revise your spiritual path and opening up more to inspiration, dreams, visions and the transcendent.

At 11:22am Mercury cojoins Neptune at 28’57 Pisces- linking the linear logical Mind with the intuitive, imaginative Planet. The energy right now can be deeply psychic, mystical, imaginative, intuitive and creative. This is a great time study the occult and the mysteries and open up to hearing messages from Source! This is the first of 3 Mercury/Neptune conjunctions due to his upcoming Retrograde. Today Mercury is triggering the separating Neptune/North Node conjunction from 2/22. PAY ATTENTION to the guidance you are receiving from Spirit and the Universe. Trust, have faith and surrender for best results.

The Sun in Pisces squares Jupiter in Gemini at 1:19pm- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the Planet of Expansion, Abundance and excess. This perfects the square from Jupiter to the New Moon that was seeded in the New Moon chart. At best Jupiter provides us opportunities to learn, grow, travel and expand our world view. Jupiter in Gemini’s magic is when we are willing to come back to Beginner’s Mind and learn new things. Questioning our beliefs, our thoughts and perceptions can lead us to some profound AHA MOMENTS. Just watch out for the tense nature of the square to Jupiter- which can manifest as mental excess, overdoing thinking at the expense of feeling, and going up and out instead of coming down and in ;)


Have a blessed week…
