Weekly Astrology Forecast

by | Feb 17, 2025 | Weekly Astrological Forecast


~Monday February 17th through Sunday February 23rd~ 


***All Times are Eastern Standard Time***


MY FREE MASTERCLASS on the Neptune/North Node conjunction is happening this Saturday February 22nd at 2pm EST!

You can register for this FREE event here- https://divineharmony.mykajabi.com/neptunenorthnodemasterclass222


My new live course ‘The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel’ will commence on March 1st with Venus’ Station Retrograde. We will journey together with Venus in the Underworld and will be working with the Grails in the sky, the Grails in our bodies, the Grail Mysteries, the Sophia mysteries and more!

For more information click here- https://divineharmony.com/theholygrailbecomingthevessel2025/


Monday February 17th-
At 1:21am Mercury in Pisces semisquares Chiron in Aries- creating tension between the mystical and magical Mind and the Wounded Healer in the sign of the God of War. Mercury/Chiron can be great for empathic, intuitive communication and being in therapy- but the tense nature of the aspect can exacerbate our desire to escape (Pisces) or argue and fight (Aries). Healing around the split in the mind is key. Pay attention to your dreams upon waking for important messages from the Unconscious about where your healing path is calling you forward.

The Sun in Aquarius quincunxes the Mean South Node in Virgo at 5:00am- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the South Node of Karma. If we are overdoing the mental, intellectual, cerebral side of Airy Aquarius- we can find our bodies (Virgo) talking in the form of health things that need tending to today. Alternatively we may find that we are stuck in the mundane and the tendency to be critical or see the trees- when what we need to do is rise above to get the Bigger Picture and see the entire forest, not just the individual trees. Tune into where you are being shown something that needs tending to today!


Tuesday February 18th-
At 5:07am the Sun moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces- shifting the Conscious Self and ego from Air to Water, intellect to emotion, yang to yin. The Sun in Pisces is dreamy, intuitive, magical, imaginative and romantic! The coming month is a great time for meditation retreats, introspection, dream work, divination work and taking time to turn within. There are two times in the year that are death portals so-to-speak. Once is from Samhain to Yule (around Halloween to Winter Solstice) which is the end of the Solar year. The other is when the Sun transits Pisces- moving through the last sign of the Tropical Zodiac. Next month when the Sun moves into Aries we have Spring Equinox/Ostara and we will have the new astrological year commence. As with all cycles in life- before something new can take hold we are asked to close out and complete the previous cycle. This is a great time to detox, release, renew, recycle and review the last year. A lot can be learned when turning within.

Venus in Aries semisquares Uranus in Taurus at 11:11am- creating tension between the Goddess of Love and Beauty and the Rebel and Revolutionary. Venus/Uranus can be amazing for embracing change and opening to new things in relationships, love, finances, self worth and self Love. Yet the nature of the aspect is tense- so we may find sudden and unexpected things arising that seem to come out of nowhere. Being open to change- not stuck in old ways with heels dug in- is key. With Venus in fiery Aries we can harness the power of agency and take action in our lives in ways that ‘move the needle’ in our lives! Actions taken with consciousness and awareness (rather than reactivity and impulsivity) are recommended.


Wednesday February 19th-
At 10:46am Mercury in Pisces semisquares Eris in Aries- creating tension between the Mind and Intellect and the Goddess of Discord and Chaos! Eris likes to reveal the shadow. Everything no one wants to look at or own- she comes in and reveals it and makes us face it and work with it. This is a day to pay attention to communication, thinking and intuition and see what is behind it. Being willing to hear the Truth, being willing to speak the Truth and being willing to own where you may have fallen out of the Truth is key today!

Juno moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius at 10:31pm- shifting the asteroid Goddess of Partnership and Marriage from Water to Fire, depths to heights, intensity to lightness. Juno in Sagittarius values relationships, commitments and partnerships (financial, business, romance and otherwise) that provide freedom, space and opportunities to explore and grow. Relationships benefit from a breath of fresh air, travel and learning. Just watch out for relationships based on shared bias, dogma and self righteousness (shadow Sagittarius!). Be more committed to Truth than you are to anything else and let the Truth set you free!


Thursday February 20th-
At 3:17am Ceres in Aquarius semisextiles Neptune in Pisces- aligning the Great Mother asteroid Goddess with the Planet of Altruism, Compassion and Empathy. Later this week Ceres moves into Pisces but before doing so she links with Neptune- amplifying the Piscean/Neptunian energy of the Great Mother. At best this is about sharing and expressing Divine Love- but Ceres in Aquarius knows that a healthy sense of boundaries and detachment is key so that Divine Love does not becoming enabling or codependent Love. As Ceres makes her way to cojoin Neptune (in May when Neptune is in Aries) there can be a completion of a previous Mother/Family/Caretaking cycle that began back in January 2021 when Neptune and Ceres were conjunct at 18’58 Pisces. The next cycle starts on May 21st with Neptune and Ceres at 1’39 Aries- which is a very different energy. The Pisces energy is loving, compassionate and caring- but also codependent, enabling, over sacrificing and wearing rose colored glasses. The Aries cycle is about action, initiation, and dealing with things head on. In home/family situations, in relationships with family members, in the environment and food supply and more- an old cycle is completing and a new one will commence. Discerning what needs to be released and let go of to create space for the new is key. This transit occurs in the early morning hours- pay attention to your dreams upon waking for messages from the Unconscious about what this cycle that is ending is asking of you for completion.

The Sun in Pisces sesquiquadrates Retrograde Mars in Cancer at 7:00am- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the Will, Warrior and Drive who is in the Underworld for a few more days. Sun/Mars pits the watery, empathic energy against the will and ego that wants to put the self first. Of course balance is key- but the tense nature of the aspect can have us defaulting to one or the other in extreme ways. It is important to be working with emotions consciously right now- as passive/aggressive or emotionally explosive energy is possible right now.

At 3:13pm Mercury in Pisces squares Jupiter in Gemini- creating tension between the Mind and Intellect and the Planet of Expansion and abundance! Mercury/Jupiter can be amazing for learning, travel, teaching, sharing and communication. Yet these two are in very different signs- Pisces is Yin Water and Gemini is Yang Air. Mercury in Pisces FEELS SO MUCH while Jupiter in Gemini wants to detach, rise above and be light and airy. Being aware of where we are defaulting too much to either side- too much emotion/feeling or too much intellect/thinking- is key. Excess is always possible with tense Jupiter aspects- so finding the right balance between the two is key.

Ceres in Aquarius quincunxes the Mean South Node in Virgo and semisextiles the Mean North Node in Pisces at 4:37pm- linking the Great Mother with the Nodes of Karma and Destiny! Ceres just linked with Neptune this morning and now the Nodes- triggering the approaching Neptune/North Node conjunction that is exact this Saturday 2/22. Ceres is showing us where we have overdone the helping, healing and caretaking energy in extreme ways. Where do we need more healthy detachment and space? Where is our own health and well being showing us that we need to do more proper self care? Opportunities for self adjustment are incoming!


Friday February 21st-
At 3:42am Pluto in Aquarius squares Hygeia in Taurus for the 3rd and final time- creating tension between the Lord of the Underworld and the Goddess of Healing and Wholeness. The first square between these two occurred when Pluto was in Aquarius and Hygeia was in Taurus on July 11th 2024. The 2nd of 3 was on October 19th when Pluto was at 29’39 Capricorn and Hygeia was Retrograde at 29’39 Aries. Today the square is from Pluto at 2’40 Aquarius and Hygeia at 2’40 Taurus. Connecting the dots from July 2024 to now can illuminate a deeper story of healing, transformation and catharsis- but also perhaps show where trauma, wounds and pain arising have been coming up to force you to make changes in your life in order to heal. Pluto in Aquarius is also revealing shadow in communities, AI, technology and the shadow human tendency to not want to be in the body and instead come from the brain/head in mechanical ways. Hygeia in Taurus is all about the body and any health things happening personally or collectively are expressions of what is not being addressed emotionally, somatically and/or spiritually. Pluto/Hygeia can bring about health crises that force us to address what is at the root of matters. This can also be about issues in finances and material reality that need tending to as well as Environmental issues that have been swept under the carpet. Pay attention to where your personal path of healing and transformation is calling you deeper.


Saturday February 22nd-
My FREE MASTERCLASS happens today at 2pm EST :)  Hope to see you online!

You can register here- https://divineharmony.mykajabi.com/neptunenorthnodemasterclass222

At 10:47pm Neptune cojoins the Mean North Node at 28’40 Pisces- aligning the Higher Heart and Planet of Compassion and Altruism with the North Node of Destiny! Venus aligned with the North Node on 2/3 and now Neptune follows suit- bringing profound activations to the North Node newly in Pisces (as of 1/29 with the Mean Nodes). The North Node in Pisces reminds us that our destiny and evolution is deeply connected to living from the heart, opening up to our intuition and dreams, and valuing the spiritual as much if not more than the material. Neptune is a very slow moving planet and his alignment with the North Node in the sign he rules is of huge importance. Spiritual and mystical teachers and teachings can open the way- as can your own connection to your Inner Teacher, your intuition and psychic gifts and your capacity to receive inspiration from the Universe. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DREAMS RIGHT NOW- they can be off the charts!


Sunday February 23rd-
At 11:58am Mercury in Pisces trines Standstill about to go Direct Mars in Cancer- aligning the Mind and Intellect with the Will and Drive as he is about to come out of his Underworld journey! PAY ATTENTION to conversations, information and realizations incoming today. They can reveal things coming full circle- helping you to make sense of the Mars Retrograde you have been on since December 6th. It’s a great aspect for speaking up, setting things in motion and putting our money (or action) where our mouth is!

The Sun in Pisces semisquares Chiron in Aries at 12:53pm- mirroring the Mercury/Chiron semisquare from Monday of this week. There can be tension arising between the mystical and magical Pisces Sun and the Wounded Healer. Sun/Chiron is showing us what needs healing around our sense of self, ego, identity and more. Healthy relationship with emotions is key. Grief (Pisces) and Anger (Aries) tend to cover for each other. One we are more easily able to express and the other gets stuffed down. Working on the one that needs presence is key right now for healing and wholeness to unfold.

At 5:52pm Ceres moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces- shifting the Great Mother asteroid Goddess from Air to Water, intellect to emotion, mind to heart. Ceres in Pisces is the ultimate Unconditionally Loving Mother. She sacrifices herself for others and her altruism, genuine care, depth of love and empathy are second to none. This is a time to think of the collective and to go beyond personal needs so that we are attuned to the Greater Needs of the Soul, Spirit and Humanity. Just watch out for the shadow of Ceres in Pisces- playing the victim, martyr or savior, giving until you have nothing more to give and confusing enabling and codependence with Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love requires love for self which expresses with clear and healthy boundaries <3 OPEN HEART, HEALTHY BOUNDARIES is key!

At 9:00pm Mars stations Direct at 17’00 Cancer at 9:00pm- bringing the God of Will, War and Drive out of the Underworld. The days surrounding Mars’ station can be a bit wonky- but once he picks up speed it will be time to starting taking definitive action based on all that we realized in the last couple of months while he was in his Retrograde journey. Dealing with things on the home/family front, around childhood past, with mothers and children, and in regard to nurturing and nurturance can be up right now. Mars at standstill can make for extra frustration or irritation as Mars really does not like being slowed down or limited in any way. With Mars in Cancer we would all do well being intentional with our emotional expression- not repressing but also not exploding in our emotions. If we can tap into the sweet space of emotions as information- whatever is coming up today has a message for us about what we need to see and deal with. Once Mars picks up speed- you will find your own speed picking up as well. Set things into motion with intention for best results!


Have a blessed week…
