Weekly Astrology Forecast

by | Jan 20, 2025 | Weekly Astrological Forecast


~Monday January 20th through Sunday January 26th~ 


***All Times are Eastern Standard Time***


ANNOUNCEMENT- I have a new course coming in March called The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel.  Early bird offers will be coming this week.

Be sure to be on my newsletter list as that is where I will send out the information first- https://divineharmony.com/newsletter/


Monday January 20th-
At 2:13am the Sun at 0’28 Aquarius sextiles the Mean North Node in Aries (and sextiles the South Node in Libra)- linking the Conscious Self and ego with the Node of Destiny and Karma. Today is a great day to take action based on our visions and original ideas. It is also a great day to join forces with others that have common vision and purpose. Community Activism is a great place to channel this astrology! Opportunities to see and release the past so we can move forward and onward are incoming today1

Retrograde Mars in Cancer squares Eris in Aries at 11:52am creating tension and friction between the lower will and drive and the Goddess of Discord and Chaos. This is the 2nd of 3 Mars/Eris squares due to Mars’ Retrograde journey. Think back to 10/21 when the first one occurred and connect the dots with today to see the Greater story arc unfolding! With the Goddess who reveals the shadow that is hidden in focus- expect the boat to be rocked in your life! If you can work with these energies and be willing to pull back the curtain and look at what is hidden behind the facade- both in yourself, in your personal life and the world around you- then these energies can work for you rather than against you. Having healthy outlets for emotions- particularly anger and rage- is key right now. Watch out for aggression in yourself and others and do your best to respond rather than react. Interestingly this precise square occurs mere minutes before the Presidential Inauguration in the USA. Mars Retrograde in Cancer can be passive aggressive and emotionally subjective. Make sure you THINK before you act, speak or set something into motion today!

Eris is the Archetype of the 21st Century (she was discovered in 2005) and understanding her frequency- both Light and shadow- is really really really key as we move deeper into this Century that lies ahead.  My Masterclass on Eris is available on demand here- https://divineharmony.com/eris-the-guiding-archetype-of-the-21st-century/

At 8:19pm Retrograde Mars in Cancer trines Juno in Scorpio- aligning the Will and Drive who is in the Underworld with the Asteroid Goddess of partnership, alliance and commitment. Mars/Juno is a lovely aspect but tomorrow Juno quincunxes Eris- so Juno is triggering the Mars/Eris square today through tomorrow. Positively we can use our will and drive to come into right relationship with ourselves, others and the world around us. We can navigate relational territory with a willingness to pause, count to 10, breathe and find a place of response rather than reactivity. Yet Mars does not like being reigned in and Eris is the Goddess of Discord and Chaos after all- so there can be some chaotic, unsettling events playing out on the home/family front, in partnerships and relationships, and more. Make sure you are dealing with your emotions in healthy ways- Not stuffing/denying, not exploding out in them/reacting- for best results.

The Sun in Aquarius semisquares Saturn in Pisces at 9:27pm- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the Lord of Karma and Father of time. This is the last part of the Sun/Saturn cycle- a year long cycle of mastery and dealing with karma. In Pisces Season the Sun will cojoin Saturn in Pisces and start a new cycle- but right now it’s about completion of the old one. The Sun in Aquarius likes to be unbound, free and unrestrained- yet Saturn IS restraint and he forces us to grow up, deal with reality and most importantly when in Pisces- deal with our emotions. Both Aquarius and Saturn tend to want to repress emotions but Pisces is the vast oceanic place of the collective Unconscious. If we are running away from our emotions or overindulging in them- Saturn is schooling us in how masterfully meet the unconscious so that we can process and release the past without running away from it or staying stuck in it, Reality checks coming in tonight are showing you where your greater work lies- get to it! ;)


Tuesday January 21st-
At 3:06am Mercury in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries- creating tension between the Mind and Intellect and the Wounded Healer. Mercury/Chiron can bring up old wounds and pain in communication and thinking. It’s super important to THINK before you speak right now. Therapy and any kind of inner work/shadow work can be supportive as we delve into the wounding that runs us from the subconscious. Communications can get intense so be sure to be kind because everyone you meet is fighting a battle. But also be sure to have clear boundaries and stand up for yourself in healthy ways. It’s all about a balance ;)

The Sun cojoins Pluto at 1’42 Aquarius at 7:29am- forming the first Sun/Pluto conjunction in Aquarius. This can be seen as the ‘official’ kick off to Pluto in Aquarius- as the Solar Principle brings Light to Pluto the Lord of the Underworld in his new home sign of Aquarius , where he will be for the next 19 or so years. The Sun/Pluto conjunction aligns the Conscious Self and ego with the Lord of Transformation, Death and Rebirth- bringing focus to what is in the midst of evolution and transformation or what needs to transform, evolve or die and be fully released in order for new growth to come in. The Age of Aquarius we are most certainly in has many gifts and possibilities- but it also brings with it shadow and pit falls. Being aware of the shadow of AI, group mind, technological advancements that are not balanced with moral intelligence and spiritual awareness is key. Today the Sun can be showing you clearly what Pluto in Aquarius will mean for you personally in the next 2 decades- but also what it will mean for us collectively. PAY ATTENTION!!!

If you have not see my Pluto in Aquarius webinar from 2023 you can watch that here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-UiQcc85xQ&t=7920s

At 10:15am Juno in Scorpio quincunxes Eris in Aries- creating tension between the Asteroid Goddess of partnership and commitment and the Goddess of Discord and Chaos! This can bring disruptive energies into alliances of all kinds- marriage, business, financial, political and more. The shadow is coming to Light and the shadow must be seen and addressed! From yesterday to today Juno triggered the Mars/Eris square- so pay attention to relationships that are revealing the underlying, perhaps hidden, discord and chaos and then pull back the veil to see the Truth and deal with things head on!

Mercury cojoins Pallas Athena at 20’28 Capricorn at 10:11pm – aligning the Mind and Intellect with the Wisdom and Warrior Goddess. Mercury/Pallas is amazing for intelligence, creative thinking, strategy and seeing things with Wider Angle Vision. In Capricorn this can be related to work, career, authority (or authority figures), the government and politics and more. Positively, Mercury/Pallas is great at solving problems and finding solutions in practical, grounded, pragmatic ways. The shadow here is we may have tunnel vision- only seeing things from our own perspective OR the patriarchal perspective we are told is THE ONLY WAY. So being wiling to question things and think outside the box is key.


Wednesday January 22nd-
There are no major transits today


Thursday January 23rd-
At 10:08am Retrograde Mars in Cancer sextiles Retrograde Uranus in Taurus- bringing an energy of liberation and freedom! Uranus provides the release valve and capacity for awakening and change and when teamed up with Mars we can really embrace change and even become the agent of it! Mars/Uranus is showing the path to change, growth, awakening and healing. Pay attention and take conscious action to move into the direction of your deepest healing and awakening today! (Mars in Cancer with Uranus is great for emotional release, shadow work and therapy that helps process and release the past) This is the 2nd of 3 Mars/Uranus sextiles due to Mars’ current Retrograde journey. Think back to 10/24 when the first Mars/Uranus aspect occurred to connect the dots and see the Greater storyline unfolding.

On the same day as the Mars/Uranus sextile we have Mercury linking with both- bringing the Mind and Intellect into the mix. Communication today can be revealing but also confrontational. Navigate with care!

At 3:49pm Mercury in Capricorn opposes Retrograde Mars in Cancer- creating tension between the Mind and Intellect and the God of War! Mercury/Mars can be EXPLOSIVE in communication and we want to be extra conscious as we navigate today. At best we use Mars’ energy to deal with things directly and speak up when we need to- but the shadow of the opposition is communication can get reactive, trigger happy, emotionally subjective and passive aggressive. Luckily Uranus harmoniously aspects both Mercury and Mars- mediating the influence of the Mercury/Mars opposition. If we can tap into the Higher Mind energy of Uranus- which requires we have an OPEN MIND and are willing to see the Truth of ourselves as well as the Truth of others and the world around us- today can be a game changing day that SETS US FREE!

Mercury in Capricorn trines Retrograde Uranus in Taurus at 5:07pm- aligning the lower mind with the Higher Mind in expansive ways! Pay attention to the thoughts, ideas, inventions, communications and connections incoming into your life right now. Aha moments and bolt out of the blue awarenesses or happenstance meetings are divinely inspired/guided. The lower mind needs to surrender and be in service to the Higher Mind. Let the Truth set you free!


Friday January 24th-
At 10:09am Mercury in Capricorn squares Eris in Aries- making for some revealing and unexpected communication or information. As this happens in the early morning hours you can feel this build from last night into this morning and it may appear via dreams as well. Mercury in Capricorn likes what is linear, logical and controllable. Eris in Aries likes to upset the apple cart by showing us what no wants to look at or talk about. Be extra conscious in communication today and don’t engage in combat just for the sake of it. If you need to take a stand- do so- but be sure you are aware of your own shadow that might be running things from behind the scenes. This is a time to watch out for unskillful expression of anger and rage- but it’s also a great time to use your voice, stand up for what you believe in and hold your ground. Balance is key.


Saturday January 25th-
At 4:43pm Mercury in Capricorn sesquiquadrates Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini- creating tension between the Mind and Intellect and the Planet of Expansion and excess. Mercury/Jupiter is typically great for learning, teaching, communicating and being open minded. Yet Mercury is in Capricorn which is NOT known for open mindedness and Jupiter is Gemini the sign of Detriment and has a shadow tendency of staying on the surface and not going deep to find the Deeper Truths. At best we can use Mercury/Jupiter to open our minds to new things and new information- but we have to be aware of the tendency to be rigid and dogmatic (Mercury in Capricorn) OR superficial and only skimming things rather than getting to the depth of something (Jupiter in Gemini).

At 6:54pm Venus in Pisces trines Retrograde Mars in Cancer- linking the Divine Lovers in harmonious, beautiful ways! Venus/Mars can be dreamy, romantic, creative and fertile. With both bodies in water signs our emotions can run deep and so can our intuition and psychic gifts. Pay attention to dreams today as they can be insightful in terms of what we are wanting to create or gestate in our lives. Venus in Pisces is dreamy and deeply loving, Mars in Cancer is caring and protective- both influences are great in romance but also great in setting into motion creative or spiritual projects that have long term viability in the future. Use some of the best astrology this month wisely!


Sunday January 26th-
At 10:40am Retrograde Mars in Cancer opposes Pallas Athena in Capricorn, creating tension between Will and God of War and the Wisdom and Warrior Goddess! Both of these deities have War associations – but Mars is Retrograde so his ego is being reigned in and Pallas is in Saturnine-Capricorn so she also has some of her energy in reserve. This is an opposition though so there could be power dynamics unfolding in family situations, in work/career, with authority figures or in politics and government. We want to be aware of when we are being run by our emotions and subjectivities (Mars in Cancer) and make sure we have the capacity to reign things in (but not repress them) so we can see things from a Bigger Picture perspective (Pallas is great for that!).

Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces at 1:33pm- linking the Planet of Communication with the Higher Heart and planet of Intuition. Mercury/Neptune is great for taking dreams/intuition/vision and communicating them or working with them in practical, tangible ways. There is a capacity to bridge the mundane and the sacred right now. Communication can be both grounded and inspiring. Pay attention to dreams received over night for messages from the Unconscious!

At 6:11pm Venus in Pisces sextiles Retrograde Uranus in Taurus- linking the Goddess of Love and Beauty with the Rebel, Revolutionary and Great Awakener! Venus is exalted in the sign of the Higher Heart and is full of compassion, romance, intuition and mysticism. Her link with Uranus can bring new, evolutionary energy into relationships, finances, our values and embodiment. This is a time to think and feel outside of the box and embrace positive change! PAY ATTENTION to where you are being shown the areas of life that expansion, innovation, and sudden or unexpected new things are incoming!!!

Saturn in Pisces semisquares Pluto in Aquarius at 7:44pm- creating tension between the Lord of Karma and Father of Time and the Lord of the Underworld and God of Death and Rebirth. Saturn was the ancient God of Death and Endings and Pluto is the modern one- but they both are known for the intensity connected to karma, transformation, self mastery and dealing with reality. Saturn is in Pisces- which is not a comfy place for him. Saturn wants to be grounded and masterful and Pisces is etheric and flowy. At best we can use Saturn to ground our dreams, visions and intuition- but the shadow of this position can express as fear/repression of the unconscious and emotions OR difficulty dealing with reality preferring to escape, go up and out and not really BE HERE. Pluto in Aquarius is exposing the shadow of group mind, social connections, communities and friendships. This is the third and final Saturn/Pluto semisquare- the first was May 6th 2024, the second was on September 25th, 2024. This 9 month transit has been a tense check point of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction from January 2020- that seeded the new Saturn/Pluto cycle. Connecting the dots with what reality checks have been coming in that are related to what was seeded at that time is key. The 2nd semisquare was September 25th with Pluto at 29 Capricorn- but the first and last one are with Pluto will in Aquarius- today’s semisquare (1’53 Aquarius) is almost at the exact degree as the first semisquare (2’06 Aquarius) but today they are both in Direct motion. Saturn is schooling us about the shadow side of the Age of Aquarius and what we need to watch out for. Particularly using tech, AI, and the mind- to want to escape feeling and emotion- being aware of what is coming up to be address today and meeting it as it is is key for transformation and evolution (personal and collective)


Have a blessed week…
