~Monday January 27th through Sunday February 2nd~ 


***All Times are Eastern Standard Time***



This week we have an exceptional New Moon!  The New Moon content is linked below-

Lunar Insight- https://divineharmony.com/lunar-insight/new-moon-in-aquarius-the-measure-of-intelligence-is-the-ability-to-change-1-29-25/

FREE Lunar Gate Call- https://divineharmony.com/astrology-blog/free-lunar-gate-call-for-the-new-moon-in-aquarius-lunar-imbolc-lunar-new-year-1-29-25/

Lunar Horoscopes will be up by afternoon of 1/29


My New Course “The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel” opened up for registration with this New Moon- https://divineharmony.com/theholygrailbecomingthevessel2025/


Monday January 27th-
At 1:11am Venus in Pisces contra parallels Neptune in Pisces- forming an aspect by declination that will be followed by an aspect by degree on Saturday 2/1- forming a Super Aspect between these two as Venus heads into her Front End Shadow of her upcoming Retrograde journey tomorrow. All week long this Super Aspect is STRONG- and it’s the first of 3 Venus/Neptune conjunctions so we really want to PAY ATTENTION to where our personal heart (Venus) and Higher Heart (Neptune) are calling us forward! This can be uber magical, mystical, spiritual, romantic and/or inspiring! But it can also be about taking off the rose colored glasses, seeing clearly, setting proper boundaries and not allowing yourself to be taken advantage of. Some of us need to OPEN OUR HEARTS MORE- others of us need to set CLEAR AND HEALTHY BOUNDARIES so that our beautiful open hearts can stay open and we can stay healthy as we move out into the world. Honest self checkins are key! Pay attention to your dreams this week- your unconscious can give you just the messages you need to get clear on where your journey is calling you forward :)

Chiron in Aries sextiles Ceres in Aquarius at 5:00pm- linking the Wounded Healer planetoid with the Great Mother asteroid Goddess. Wounding and healing in home/family dynamics, in relationships with mothers, children or family members, and around safety and security in life can be incoming. Chiron in Aries is teaching us to come into right relationship with will, ego and anger as well as boundaries, agency and assertion. Ceres the Great Mother in Aquarius demands we find healthy detachment- particularly if we ‘over mother’ or over caretake. Healing is possible when you take action to find the right balance between self care and other care today!

At 9:53pm Mercury moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius- shifting the Mind and Intellect from Earth to Air, Yin to Yang, traditional to futuristic. Mercury in Aquarius thinks outside of the box and is visionary in perspective. Communicating originality, embracing new ideas and staying open minded is supported now! Explore technology, spirituality and Higher Wisdom in the coming weeks. Just watch out for being too intellectual and detached from emotions which is the shadow of both Mercury and Aquarius.

At 10:46pm Mercury at 0’03 Aquarius sextiles the Mean North Node at 0’03 Aries (and the South Node in Libra)- linking the conscious Mind and Intellect with the Node of Destiny & Evolution. Pay attention to things you hear, think, say or otherwise receive as information today. The Universe is showing you the path forward- it’s up to you to follow the signs! Mercury forms the LAST ASPECT to the Mean Nodes before they change signs on 1/29! PAY ATTENTION to any last messages or information incoming about the old Nodal Cycle that needs to be completed- so you can deal with baggage, let go and move on. These lessons can relate to speaking up, taking a stand, taking action (North Node in Aries) and/or ending relationships that are karmic or seeing what is out of balance in life (South Node in Libra).


Tuesday January 28th-
Venus enters her Front End Shadow this morning- heading into the preview period of her Underworld Journey commencing on March 1st. As Venus enters Front End Shadow she does so in Super Aspect with Neptune (bookending the week). The personal heart needs to surrender to the Higher Heart. The small self needs to dissolve and merge back into Wholeness with the Higher Self. The ego self does not get slaughtered or conquered or killed- that is a patriarchal war mythic lens. The ego self dissolves its rigid boundaries that cut it off from Source. It is a remembering of more of who we are- that can feel like a death to the ego but it is not a death. It is a remembrance of Who We Really Are. PAY ATTENTION TO ALL DREAMS YOU HAVE THIS WEEK- they can be deeply insightful and instructive.


Wednesday January 29th-
ANNOUNCEMENT- I am opening registration for my new course The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel today after the New Moon. This course starts March 1st timed with Venus Retrograde. There will be an EARLY BIRD offer price good until end of day 2/4. I will post the landing page link here after the New Moon and will also send it out via my newsletter. If you are not on my newsletter list you can sign up here- https://divineharmony.com/newsletter/

At 1:49am the Mean North Node moves out of 0’00 Aries and into 29’59 Pisces, South Node moves from Libra to Virgo- shifting the Nodes of Destiny and Karma into the their new home signs! The North Node in Pisces reminds us that our evolution and growth is deeply connected to spiritual awakening, compassion and altruism and the power of our imaginations in help us to create what is possible in life. The South Node in Virgo reminds us that our karma is tied up with being too analytical, critical and judgmental- only believing what the 5 senses can prove is ‘real’. The Virgo/Pisces axis is the axis of the Higher Priestess. She has one foot in the material world (Virgo) and one foot in the spiritual world (Pisces)- and she becomes the bridge between the two. Some of us need to get out of our heads (Virgo) and into our Hearts (Pisces). Others us of need to get into our emotions (Pisces) in order to truly heal (Virgo). And others still need to stop just focusing on what IS – and start dreaming up what is POSSIBLE. Finding your own growth edge and where you are being asked to evolve past it is key. I will speak to the Nodal Shift in the Yearly Horoscopes for 2025- so stay tuned!

At 2:52am Mercury cojoins Pluto at 1’58 Aquarius- aligning the Mind and Intellect with the Lord of the Underworld. This is the 2nd conjunction of Personal Planets to Pluto in Aquarius (the first was the Sun on 1/21)- so it is an important time to PAY ATTENTION to what is incoming as it can prove insightful about the 19 year journey ahead of us that is Pluto through Aquarius. Conversation can be deep, transformative and revealing today! It can also be intense and exacerbate power struggles- so navigate with care. This is a great transit for shadow work, therapy or any kind of diving deep (shamanic journeys, research, investigation)- that supports you in getting to the Truth of matters. Use it wisely!

Mercury in Aquarius semisquares Saturn in Pisces at 5:31am- creating tension between the Mind and Intellect and the Lord of Karma and Father of time. This morning Mercury is triggering the Saturn/Pluto semisquare- the 3rd and final of these was on Sunday 1/26. Communication, ideas, and thinking today is challenging to an old order. The Saturn/Pluto semisquares from May 2024 until this past weekend have been the opening semisquare to the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of January 2020. Seeing what was seeded then in terms of new cycles of mastery and transformation OR in terms of new cycles of oppression and control is key- as we connect the dots from then to now the story line arc will make more sense. Saturn in Pisces demands we take the rose colored glasses off and GET REAL about WHAT IS. Pluto can be intense but he also reveals what is toxic, stagnant or stuck so we can deal with it and release it so we can evolve and grow. Pay attention to your dreams overnight for messages from the Unconscious about where you are being called forward to grow and what you are being asked to leave behind.

At 6:36am Retrograde Uranus in Taurus trines Pallas Athena in Capricorn- linking the Wisdom and Warrior Goddess with the Higher Mind, Rebel and Revolutionary. Stay open to insights, aha moments, and bolt out of the blue awarenesses. Potential for radical shifts and openings- work wise, career wise, politically, financially and more are present! Be willing to do things different for a better result. Both of these bodies have wisdom, insight and genius capacity. YOUR MIND IS LIKE A PARACHUTE- it works best when it is open ;)

The New Moon at 9’51 Aquarius is exact at 7:36am EST- commencing a new Lunar Cycle that focuses on community, humanity, revolution and change! This New Moon marks Lunar Imbolc and initiates the Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake (I will talk about this in my Livestream event for the 2025 Yearly Forecast). In the New Moon Chart we have Pluto, Mercury, Sun/Moon and Ceres all in Aquarius- bringing a visionary, inspired and eccletic energy. The New Moon is trine Jupiter- so TRULY what we set into motion at this New Moon has wings to FLY. The key is to be focused on innovation, thinking outside the box, doing things from a new perspective and breaking free from old paradigms. Let your highest hopes, dreams and wishes for yourself and humanity take flight!

For more information on this New Moon check the Lunar Insight here- https://divineharmony.com/lunar-insight/new-moon-in-aquarius-the-measure-of-intelligence-is-the-ability-to-change-1-29-25/

The Lunar Gate Call here (posted as PUBLIC ACCESS)- https://divineharmony.com/astrology-blog/free-lunar-gate-call-for-the-new-moon-in-aquarius-lunar-imbolc-lunar-new-year-1-29-25/

The Lunar Horoscopes will be posted by the afternoon of 1/29.


Thursday January 30th-
At 11:22am Uranus stations Direct at 23’15 Taurus- making the Rebel, Revolutionary and Great Awakener the most powerful planet in the sky! The past several months of Uranus retrograde has been a time to focus the energies of change and revolution within, but now that he is waking from his slumber we can expect some big shifts and outer movement in our personal and collective lives. Our need to embrace change and be free needs to be balanced with some grounding and stability or we will feel like we have been plugged into an electric outlet that is giving more energy that we can process. Stay open to shifts and changes- but watch out for impulsivity, reactivity and conflict orientation at home and in the world around you. Use Uranus’ energy to be out with the old and in with the new! Just make sure you can determine which is the baby and which is the bathwater ;) If you have not read my Uranus in Taurus blog about this being a Revolution of Embodiment you can read that here- https://divineharmony.com/astrology-blog/uranus-in-taurus-the-embodiment-revolution/

The Sun in Aquarius trines Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini at 5:59pm- linking the Conscious Self and ego with the Planet of expansion and abundance! The Sun/Jupiter trine perfects the New Moon’s trine to Jupiter- and the last couple days of January have a lovely expansive, benevolent energy to tap into. This is a great time to be social, connect with others and get your ideas and visions out there! Lucky breaks and doors opening are possible- don’t be so focused on the old doors that closed that you miss out!


Friday January 31st-
At 12:49am Retrograde Mars in Cancer quincunxes Ceres in Aquarius- creating tension between the Will, Drive and ego and the Great Mother asteroid Goddess. There can be intensity coming up in home/family situations, in relationships with mothers or children, or in family dynamics. A lot of emotions are present and we do not want to suppress/deny them- but also we do not want to explode out in them in destructive ways. Healthy detachment will help us step back from emotional subjectivity and emotional reactivity so that we can find a wider-angle view of things. This occurs overnight- pay attention to your dreams for messages from the Unconscious.

Neptune in Pisces semisextiles Hygeia in Aries at 12:20pm- forming a minor aspect between the Higher Heart and Planet of Compassion and the Goddess of Healing and Wholeness in the sign of individuality. Profound healing is on offer right now- if the open heart of Neptune in Pisces can be balanced with the fierce and uncompromising boundaries of Hygeia in Aries.


Saturday February 1st-
At 2:50am the Sun in Aquarius semisquares Venus in Pisces- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the Goddess of Love and Beauty. The Sun is triggering the Venus/Neptune conjunction happening just before noon today- bringing a push/pull energy between our minds and desires for detachment and our hearts and need for emotional connection and Love. Being aware of where we are defaulting to mind or heart in excessive ways is key- as ultimately we need them working together. But one has to lead- and is the HEART not the mind that needs to lead. The Mind is the faithful servant, the Open Heart is vehicle of the Higher Self. This morning getting clear on where you need to make adjustments on your own path of Mind/Heart balance is key.

Pallas Athena in Capricorn squares Eris in Aries at 9:14am- creating tension between the Wisdom and Warrior Goddess and the Goddess of Discord and Chaos. Big things are going on politically and behind the scenes. Pallas is magnifying what needs to be seen and dealt with. Eris is pulling back the curtain to reveal the shadow. On Wednesday of this week Pallas trined Uranus and now today she squares Eris. There is big astrology unfolding right now politically, environmentally and more! Find your center in the storm- find your grounding in the midst of uncertainty. STAY OPEN TO TRUTH BEING REVEALED AND STAY OPEN TO RADICAL, FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE!

At 9:32am the Sun in Aquarius semisquares Neptune in Pisces- creating tension between the Conscious Self and ego and the Planet that dissolves ego boundaries. This astrology can be great for mysticism, inspiration, romance and creativity- but it can also exacerbate tendencies to disassociate, be ungrounded, overly-idealistic and escapist. Aquarius and Pisces are the last two signs of the Tropical Zodiac so tapping into the transpersonal, transcendent energy without escaping the body and being human is key.

Venus cojoins Neptune at 27’59 Pisces at 11:33am- aligning the lower heart with the Higher heart in beautiful ways. When personal love joins with Divine Love the capacity for off the charts compassion, agape, altruism, forgiveness and kindness is present. This can be uber romantic, idealistic, creative, mystical, artistic and psychic. We just want to make sure we are grounded with good boundaries- as it’s easy to project all our Light onto others and miss seeing the shadow. It’s also easy to see the potential but that potential may not be realized for 10 more years or 10 more lifetimes. So staying in the present moment so we can SEE WHAT IS while living with an open heart that is sacredly guarded by healthy boundaries is key. This is the first of 3 Venus/Neptune conjunctions due to Venus’ upcoming Retrograde journey. PAY ATTENTION to what is incoming right now (and this whole week since we have had a Super Aspect between the two since Monday morning, with Venus entering Front End Shadow Tuesday morning). You are being a given huge insights into what this Underworld Journey will be about for you personally and also what it will be about collectively.


Sunday February 2nd-
There are no major transits today.

Today is Calendar Imbolc, Solar Imbolc is tomorrow. Lunar Imbolc was on 1/29 with the New Moon.

This is the Gate of Emergence- the Waxing Cresent Moon phase of the Solar Cycle (as seen from the Northern Hemisphere perspective). As such it is a great time allow something to emerge from with you- like the growing/waxing Sun.

You can learn more about this Solar Gateway in my Solar Gate Call that will be up by Thursday or Friday this week.

My Solar Gate Call will be available here- https://divineharmony.com/solar-gate-calls/


Have a blessed week…
