new moon in virgo- 9/5/13

by | Sep 4, 2013 | Lunar Insight

the new moon in virgo is exact at 4:36am PDT on thursday september 5th, 2013. with a new lunar cycle commencing we are supported in starting new things, setting intentions and embarking on a new path. with the new moon in earthy, service-oriented virgo the focus is on what we do for others, how we help and heal (others as well as ourselves) and how we take our dreams and gifts and ground them into some tangible, manifestable format.

to add to this healing/service oriented theme, chiron- the wounded healer- is present in the new moon chart. the new moon is opposite chiron- a theme that was present the two weeks leading up to the new moon as both mercury and the sun opposed chiron (exact on 8/29 and 9/3 respectively). oppositions imply relationships and there is an at odds feeling involved when they occur. with chiron opposite the personal planets old wounds and pain have been coming up in relationships of all kinds in the last 2 weeks. with the new moon opposite chiron we are supported in taking steps forward and/or navigating a new course in regards to the wounding and pain of the past. opportunities to face issues we have with boundaries, codependency, enabling, addiction, mental instability, playing the savior or the victim and/or dealing with life by being in denial are all up for us to address. both virgo and pisces (where the sun/moon conjunction is and where chiron is) love to help, heal and save or fix. they are gifted signs to have when you are a healer- but when they operate in intimate personal relationships they can generate imbalanced connections where one is attracted to wounded, victim like people they can save, or alternatively we are attracted to someone who we think can save and take care of us. either way we are projecting a fantasy onto the other- thinking we can redeem them or they can redeem us. until we start seeing this clearly and take back those projections- we will not be seeing the Truth and we likely won’t be having anything close to healthy relationships.

the new moon is well aspected by several other planets- adding to the texture and nuance of the chart. the new moon sextiles jupiter in cancer, trines pluto in capricorn and sextiles the north node- bringing in opportunities to grow, transform, empower ourselves and step away from old karmic patterns of the past that have been limiting at best and toxic at worst. the tense aspects to this new moon are a quincunx from uranus and a wide opposition by neptune (as well as an opposition by chiron). the uranus energy infuses a sudden, electric energy- as though whatever is begun is a radical departure from what came before. uranus energy is inherently unstable, so we need to flow with the changes/revelations/sudden insights that unfold- rather than hold onto the past or try to control the nature of what is happening. the neptune energy creates a lot of confusion around what is real and what is not. if you have ever dealt personally with a mentally unstable person- at some point in your dealings with them you start to question if you are the one that is crazy! neptune oppositions can be similar- it is as though you are not clear about what is Truth and what is not, and anytime you try to question and get clarity things get more confusing. the best use of neptune energy is to tune into your inner voice. take time to meditate, reflect, pay attention to dreams and the symbolism present in them. the Unconscious communicates through these realms, but you have to check your logical mind at the door as the answers will rarely come in a logical, linear form (for example if you have a dream that you died or that your mother killed you- 99/9% of the time it is not dream of what is to come. it is symbolic about something going on in your life and you need to take the time to decipher just what that is).

with the new moon in virgo the two planets that rule this lunation are mercury, the traditional ruler of virgo, and chiron- the more contemporary ruler (not all astrologers agree on this but i certainly do). mercury is currently in virgo- 10 degrees past the new moon- and chiron is in pisces opposite this new moon. opportunities to address what we think, understand and believe- and perhaps even be able to shift, heal or release things that have had a strong hold on us from the past are present at this new moon. the best use of this lunation is to set clear in intentions as close to the new moon as possible (not before- either exactly at the time of the new moon, or in the hours that follow). using the Light of the new moon to illuminate what we want and hold dear is like using the best part of the season to plant a new seed. if you were to plant a seed in the middle of winter, chances are it won’t grow (unless it’s a plant or tree that thrives in frozen soil). so we time the planting of new seeds with the best astrological weather that can support the growth of what we intend- and that is what new moons do.

where ever you have virgo in your chart is where new seeds planted are supported right now! for more information check your weekly horoscopes :) it is also interesting to look at where pisces is in your chart (it will be the house opposite where the new moon is) as that is where deep old wounds and pain are being cleared (or felt in deep ways- as you cannot clear or heal what you cannot feel).

blessings on this new moon…may you reap what you intend!

~divine harmony