lunar eclipse in aries- 10/18/13

by | Oct 16, 2013 | Lunar Insight

the full moon in aries on friday october 18th is called a blood moon and this year it happens to be a lunar eclipse as well- making this a very powerful, potent lunation! the current lunar cycle we are in began with the new moon in libra on october 4th. this was a powerful Grand Cross new moon thatt had a focus on the shifts, changes, endings and new beginnings playing out in relationships, home/family, career and the world at large. for more in-depth info on this lunation check the new moon lunar insight- but suffice it to say that a powerful lunar cycle began with that new moon and an equally powerful full moon marks the midway point of the current lunar cycle.

full moons symbolize culmination, climax or crisis. they essentially take what was seeded or intended at the new moon and show us what has become of it. if we planted and nourished the right seeds and followed up our intention with concrete action- full moons can bring to Light the fruition or fruit of our labors. alternatively if we have avoided dealing with things, set out of balance intentions or accidentally planted the wrong seeds- then the full moon energies can bring to Light all we are not looking at and it can be more like an explosion or crisis in the making. either way- knowing that emotional energies run high around the full moon is important as we navigate the portal that lies ahead.

with the full moon in the sign of aries and the sun opposite in libra we have the self/other axis highlighted. this full moon is definitely bringing to Light all that is in balance or is not in balance when it comes to relationships. how we relate to or embody the masculine and the feminine, giving and receiving, going it alone and connecting with others is a focus at this lunation. if we err too far on either end of the spectrum this full moon lunar eclipse can be a wake up call to remind us where our center is. issues that have been brewing beneath the surface in relationships of all kinds can get explosive right now- but if we are dealing with things head on and trying to move forward with contracts, agreements, compromises and the like- then this full moon can illuminate that path and perhaps show us where we need to focus more of our attention.

this lunation forms a T-square between the sun/moon opposition and jupiter and black moon lilith who are in cancer. jupiter tends to expand what he touches and his energy can be auspicious and positive or it can be excessive and impulsive. with the crazy astrology looming out there we need to be aware that jupiter can tend to get things out of perspective and things/issues/people we are dealing with can seem unstable and out of balance to a great proportion than they need to be. it is also possible that this lunation pushes people past their edges and they do truly get more unstable and out of balance. the key for each of us is to find our own center and stay strongly rooted to it- no matter the waves of energy and intensity we experience without.

with black moon lilith involved the fierce, powerful and perhaps dark energy of the feminine is feature. lilith is powerful, magical and mystical- but her shadow side is full of anger and rage at the masculine, the patriarchy and ultimately at herself. there is a healed/whole aspect of the Dark Feminine and there is a wounded aspect (as it expresses itself through human nature). being aware that these deeper, darker energies are likely to be around and possibly expressing themselves is key so that we can deal with them head on rather than feel victimized by them. the deep gift of lilith in this full moon eclipse is that we can see beyond the veil and get into the deepest, darkest shadows in relationships and in ourselves so that we can truly see what is there and then begin to work directly with it/on it. as long as we are in denial about what is truly there we are ungrounded and unable to work effectively.

another focus to the full moon eclipse chart is the fact that mars, the ruler of the full moon in aries, is in virgo and is opposing neptune. mars/neptune is a hard energy as mars wants to be direct and assertive, while neptune wants to diffuse and surrender. the best use of mars/neptune is to channel warrior energies in spiritual, creative ways. but the shadow side is to become lazy, pacifist, deceptive and/or victimized by other people’s aggression. mars/neptune will sometimes turn to addictions to check out of reality and not really have to deal with it. yet reality will be up at this full moon and it must be dealt with to get to the other side- breakdowns precede breakthroughs and if you stay stuck in denial then you will stay stuck in the breakdown phase much longer than necessary.

what is the most fascinating to me in this lunation chart is the fact that sigma- a lunar etheric body located between jupiter and saturn- is tightly tied into the sun/moon opposition. sigma is conjunct the full moon and opposite the sun. sigma has to do with karma- consequences and/or rewards for past actions taken or not taken as the case may be. with KARMA tied into this blood moon lunar eclipse it seems that a lot of what is playing out right now- in relationships, in the world, etc…- is simply the karmic retribution that is in order to balance out the scales of the past and the present. there is cause and there is effect- so we can say that this full moon will bring the full effects of positive and negative actions taken in the past. does this sound like a heavy full moon? well yes it does. but it also has a lot of potential to CLEAR THE DECKS. if we work with this lunar cycle and the two eclipses to come (the solar eclipse on 11/3 is conjunct saturn and that is all about karma as well)- we can really clear out the past in a big way and lay a solid foundation for the new, conscious aligned future we are intending.

wherever aries is in your chart is where this eclipse is activating- and if you happen to have planets around 25/26 degrees of the cardinal signs you are getting a HUGE download of energy. for more information check the weekly horoscopes and be sure to read for your sun sign and your rising sign!

blessings on this potent lunar cycle we are in the midst of! as the eclipse portal opens i highly recommend that you focus on karma and what you are ready to fully release. as new cycles are being seeded right now and your intention combined with action is what will decide what new direction you may be headed in!

~divine harmony