Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo ~ The Return of the Grail (3/14/25)

by | Mar 11, 2025 | Lunar Insight

The Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 23’56 Virgo is exact on Friday March 14th at 2:54:36am EDT- marking the midpoint of the current Lunar Cycle we are in that began with the New Moon in Pisces on February 27th. That New Moon was a MASSIVE kick off to the Neptune Deluge of energies pouring forth right now- and this Full Moon amplifies it and also kicks off Eclipse Season.

This Full Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse and will be visible as a Blood Moon- with the partial eclipse beginning just after 1am EDT and the Totality lasting from 2:26am until 3:31am EDT (according to Nasa). The entire Eclipse from Prenumbral start to finish is just over 6 hours long- with the Full Eclipse of the Moon lasting over an hour. All of the the contiguous United States will be in the path of Totality so if you get up and go outside from 2-4am you will see it!!!

This is a South Node Lunar Eclipse in Virgo so it is magnifying where our minds keep us divorced from our hearts, Souls and Spirits. Being conscious of where our analytical, intellectual, judgmental and/or critical tendencies keep us stuck in a place that blocks the magic of the Pisces Deluge from coming in is key. We just had the rare once in 819 years Neptune/North Node conjunction at the end of Tropical Pisces (I talked about this in my Masterclass here- https://www.youtube.com/live/oBbYAimM_DM?si=X0x0f4XDYCc4t5v5)- and the Pisces energy of inspiration, mysticism, creativity, intuition and dreams is truly NEXT LEVEL. But we have to have the “eyes to see and ears to hear”- or we could miss it!

There are positive sides to the South Node in Virgo- as the Karma does not just mean *bad* things but also gifts we carry from previous lifetimes that we have cultivated and have brought to a level of mastery. The gift of the South Node in Virgo can express as a healer, someone devoted to helping or healing others, and being able to bring things into form so they do not just stay in the ethers (or the etheric waters of Pisces).

The Virgo/Pisces axis is the Axis of the Priestess. In the Tarot the High Priestess sits between the Black Pillar of Severity and the White Pillar of Mercy. Virgo is severity- with the ability to see clearly, discern, analyze and with precision get to the bottom of things. Pisces is mercy- with the open heart, compassion and altruism necessary to be merciful and kind. Ultimately we want both on tap- open heart (Pisces), healthy boundaries (Virgo). Seeing what IS (Virgo) and seeing what is possible (Pisces). Honest self checkins about where your own growth edge lies (open your heart more? work on your boundaries?  see reality?  listen to your dreams?) is key ;)

This eclipse triggers the upcoming Saturn/Uranus sextile- the first of 3 will be on April 4th. This is the closing sextile to the Saturn/Uranus cycle that began in 1988 when they cojoined at 29’54 Sagittarius. Things seeded back then are completing right now- personally if you were around back then and collectively in terms of humanity.

Saturn is the old, Uranus is the new- Saturn is the past, Uranus is the future. They both have a connection through the Karma of the Father Line- where Uranus repressed his children from being born and Saturn took over power from his father Uranus and then Saturn ate his children. Both of these Fathers were afraid of their power being taken so they became tyrants- dominating and controlling their wives and children. We are coming to a closing cycle around this power hungry patriarchal belief system in the 26,000 year cycle of the ages. But we are also coming to the close of a cycle that began in 1988- as their conjunction was at the Karmic degree of Sagittarius which relates to beliefs and ideologies.

Today Saturn is in Pisces and he is asking for spiritual mastery, while Uranus is in Taurus and he is asking that we wake up IN THE BODY- not going up and out but coming down and in (full incarnation). Because this is the end of the previous Saturn/Uranus cycle- something is coming full circle and moving towards completion. The next cycle seeded is in June 2032 with the first conjunction at 28’01 Gemini- opposite this one!!! More on that in a future blog- but a short summary could be letting go of hubris and self righteousness (29th Sagittarius, old cycle) and coming back to Beginner’s Mind (29 Gemini, new cycle).

The ruler of this Full Moon Eclipse is Mercury who is about to station Retrograde just under 24 hours after the Full Moon is exact! The Ruler of the Blood Moon Eclipse heads into the Underworld in the Tropical Sign of Aries- the God of War. We need to rein in our masculine energies of doing doing doing (or arguing, dominating and being resistant) and drop into being. The Pisces/Neptune Magic right now can only come in when we SURRENDER.

For me the most striking element of this Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse is the conjunction of the Full Moon to Alkes- the star in Crater the Cup. This is one of the 3 Grails in the Heavens- often seen as the cup of Apollo but anciently it was the cup of a Goddess as the Grail/Chalice/Cup is a symbol of the womb. The Oracle of Delphi would be seen holding a cup or bowl of water- and she was an oracle of the Earth Mother Gaia before she ever was associated with Apollo. He came along and slayed the female water serpent Delphyne (the site was named after her)- later called a male serpent Pytho- and Apollo took over the Oracle. But originally this was an ancient Earth Mother oracular site- as all oracle sites previously were before patriarchal consciousness took over.

If you know your constellations you know that Crater the Cup sits on the back of the Hydra- the female water serpent! There is a Crow (Corvus) on her back and anciently there was an Owl constellation that has been lost over time. This is the Grail Myth hidden in plain sight. The Grail Cup on the back of the female water serpent with a crow and an owl- all of these symbols are connected to the Grail Myth.

I thought to look up some asteroids related to the Oracle of Delphi pre-patriarchy and WOW that blew my mind! We have Pythia- the name of the Priestesses of Delphi conjunct Delphine. The female name of this serpent was Delphyne or sometimes called Python-Delpyne. This latter name evokes the twin serpents that were said to be there- a male named Python and a female named Delphyne. So the Pythia/Delphine conjunction at 5 Taurus (4’55 and 5’03 Taurus respectively)- are trine to Delphi at 5’40 Capricorn who is trine to Themis at 4’34 Virgo.

Essentially a Grand Earth Trine is formed with the asteroids connected to the Oracles of Delphi (the Pythia Priestess), Delphine the female serpent’s name, Delphi the name of the site named after the female serpent, and Themis who was said to be the first Oracle there and a manifestation of Gaea the Earth Mother. We can add in the asteroid Gaea at 4’11 Scorpio and we have a Kite formation!!!

Themis was seen as Themistoclea- a priestess and oracle at the Apollo site who was the teacher of Pythagorus. This famous sacred geometry teacher was taught by Themistoclea. Even his name is a nod to the Pythia priestesses he studied under- with Pytha comimg from Pythia and Agorus coming from Agora which was the place that people would gather for philosophical debates and discourse. They say Pytho means to rot but that is not what it means- it means deep or depths, which is where the serpent(s) lived and where the oracular wisdom came from. So Pythagorus’ name means the deep gathering place- which is essentially the temple that surrounds the crack in the earth that the oracles would divine from. I thought to look at the Pythagorus asteroid and it is at 1’27 Cancer- forming another KITE with the Grand Earth Trine. WOW!!!

With Uranus conjunct the fixed star Capulus- meaning male, sexual and/or aggressive- it is clear we need to awaken to the fact that the patriarchal, masculine war model of conquering, winning, raping and killing needs to end. Even Perseus the hero is a reminder of this- his name etymologically means ‘to destroy’. What does it do to human consciousness when we venerate destructive hero archetypes?

The Grail Myth is one of the Divine Feminine (the Grail) unable to heal the king or the land because he is addicted to violence and also has a sexual wound (he is wounded by a spear in his groin- connected to his 2nd chakra of sexuality). This addiction to war and sex keeps him cut off from his own Grail (his heart) and unable to receive the healing balm of the Divine Feminine. Interestingly the Solar Eclipse on March 29th is conjunct a Sabian Symbol that literally talks about “giving new symbolic forms to traditional images”. It talks about how our symbolic forms aka myths of the past were appropriate to the consciousness back then- but if we are awakening and transforming to a new level of consciousness they no longer work and need to be changed. We need a ‘revision of attitude at the beginning of this new cycle’ of humanity.

The Grail Myth has retained the purity of the Divine Feminine but kept her full power in reserve. In the Grail Procession there is a bleeding lance and a broken sword- the weapons of war can only lead to death and destruction. The feminine symbols of the Silver Platter and Golden Grail are radiant and are symbols of nourishment (what you would put food on and beverage into). The Grail Myth has the medicine for humanity right now- it is the Divine Feminine that heals, but the masculine has to put down his sword and lance, stop fighting, stop extracting and connect to his own heart.

We all have inner masculine and inner feminine within. This is not just about gender- it is about essence. We all have an Inner Divine Couple that needs to come back into Union. The two serpents on the Staff of Asclepius the Healer are said to be a nod to the twin serpents Python and Delphyne when they were in Union at the original Oracle site. My guess is the male Python got slayed by Apollo so the female Delphyne hid- under the ecliptic, keeping the Grail on her back, awaiting the time humanity would be ready for the Grail Wisdom to be fully restored. AND THIS ECLIPSE IS BRINGING IT BACK.

At this Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo conjunct Alkes in the Holy Grail Cup- I recommend calling back the full power of your own Grail Wisdom and your own Grail Heart. We all have it in us- perhaps sleeping but it is most definitely there awaiting an awakening, like Sleeping Beauty awaiting the kiss from her prince. It is within us from our past lives, our family lines, our ancestors and more. Call back the Power of the Grail to heal and awaken you and also all of humanity. Blessed be <3


P.S. My writing above was long enough but both the Sabian Symbol and Star Sparks for this Eclipse are powerful- you can read them below. Pay attention to Mary (archetypal Divine Feminine figure), innocence, being there to spread the news that Spirit will prevail!

IF YOU ENJOY THE ABOVE CONTENT- My Stargate Mystery School teaches new and ancient myths (pre-patriarchal). This course is available on demand here- https://divineharmony.com/stargate-mystery-school/

You can learn about my other courses like Astrology & Your Shadow, Embodied Astrology, the Alchemy of the Asteroid Goddesses, Calling in the Light and more here- https://divineharmony.mykajabi.com/store


by Dane Rudhyar


KEYNOTE: The need to keep a vibrant and pure simplicity at the core of one’s being as one meets the many tests of existence.

Coming after the preceding symbols this one tells us that, though great, spectacular and resolute efforts are needed in order to achieve one’s higher goals of destiny, still the essential quality as one journeys on “the Path” is a pure, spontaneous, fresh and nonviolent approach to all encounters. This of course is Jesus’ entreaty to his disciples — that they should be like “little children.” Without such a deep, heartfelt simplicity the seeker after spiritual experiences or Initiation is bound to find himself glamorized by his own successes, and to see his ego feeding on the drama of struggle and victory.

This is the fourth stage of the thirty-fifth five-fold sequence and it presents us with a subtle hint of technique. Beyond individual prowess and social eminence, the individual whose innocence is fixed upon spiritual realization should genuinely radiate INNOCENCE.


by Elias Lonsdale

Virgo 24
A silver trident.

Standing for something. Publicly, openly, freely showing conviction, vision, attunement to the whole. Making a big issue out of seeing and knowing what we all need to get in touch with. Making sure nobody can get away with ignoring or avoiding the truth at hand.

Being granted a distinctive point of view which is fundamentally innocent, naïve, hopeful, visionary, and empowering. Bearing the ideal of what is intended, what is possible, what is emergent. Given the assignment to show that we can understand and champion the best, the finest, the truest in our nature and our capacity.

Propelled to insist, to stand strong, to hang in there. Fundamentally uncompromising and unimpressed. Just knowing that certain things must get across and it really doesn’t matter if it hurts or who likes it or whether the self is seen as marvelous or terrible.

Great dispassion in perspective. Standing back alone. Yet played through by the invisible to the greatest possible extent. Inspired. Guided. Given explicit instructions by those who know and care.

Entrusted with crucial matters. Chosen to carry things through. Perhaps even knowing with expanded faculties the Source, the ultimate level. Definitely shown what needs to be seen when it is time.

Possessed of a lofty spirit. Character that is impregnable. A remarkable way to be in dark times. Just not adaptive to fashion, to what is popular, to what is decreed practical.

Principles. Guidelines. The vertical. Able to stay aligned with the greater cosmic truth and to speak for this. Yet much of it is silent, evocative, more of a vigil than a battle cry. It is simply being there to spread the news that spirit will prevail inevitably.