full moon in virgo- 3/16/13

by | Mar 14, 2014 | Lunar Insight

the full moon in virgo is exact on sunday march 16th at 10:08am PST, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle that began with the new moon in pisces conjunct wounded healer chiron on 3/1. with a chironic new moon, this whole month has been focused on our deepest wounds and pain. yet chiron is the wounded HEALER- so opportunities to heal, expand our awareness and consciousness and help or heal others are also present this month. with the full moon in virgo opposite the sun in pisces, we have checkpoints to see where we are at on our path of healing. if we have fallen off the wagon (literally or metaphorically) this can be a time of picking ourselves back up and getting realigned. if we have been doing the deep Soul and emotional work asked of us the past 2 weeks, then this full moon can illuminate the details of that journey and where the next steps are taking us. with the pisces/virgo theme present- we are being asked to find balance between the spiritual and the material, intuition and intellect, forgiveness and discernment. what we are working towards is a BALANCE- so if you are erring too far in either direction, use this full moon to self-adjust (or the Universe will do it for you!).

full moons tend to bring things to Light, climax or crisis- as the sun is 180 degrees opposite the moon and the conscious self is illuminating all that is not being addressed or looked at in the Unconscious. this can be insightful and awakening or it can be intense, chaotic and overly-emotional. it all depends on what is up for us to address and how much we have or have not been trying to repress the information or Truth that is coming to Light

with this full moon in virgo our mental habits, attitudes, judgements and analytic capacity are up for review. if we tend to be overly heady and intellectual- this full moon can highlight that tendency and make it feels as though our minds might burst. on the other hand if we tend to overdo the pisces energy and not pay attention to what needs to be attended to, this lunation can be a reminder about the practical realities present in our lives.

the full moon makes some sweet, supportive aspects and some more intense ones. first of all, she makes a tense aspect to mercury- who is the ruler of this lunation (mercury rules virgo). with moon/mercury we have a pitting of emotion against intellect, feeling against thinking. the tendency to confuse emotions with thoughts or thoughts with emotions is high right now. being discerning and being able to differentiate between what we think and feel is a lesson right now. in addition the full moon makes a tense aspect to venus- which can further confuse our basic needs with our desires. we need food and water to survive. yet we may want an expensive meal with great wine to gratify our palates. one is a necessity, while the other is a desire. differentiating between what we need to survive and thrive, versus what we want but is not necessary is key right now.

the sweet aspects this full moon makes are to mars and saturn- bringing in an anchored, grounded energy to an already earthy full moon. mars and saturn are currently in aspect to each other- helping us to get focused, directed and masterful about our wills, drives and desire nature. with the full moon connecting to both of them we are supported in taking action around the realizations and illuminations that this full moon brings. whatever is coming to Light is coming to Light so we can deal with it. it’s not something to be swept under the carpet, and with the saturn energy involved we are not likely to want to. yet we do need to keep in mind that mars is retrograde- so some of this realization and action taken may need to play out on the inner levels first. as we come to know some deeper Truth within ourselves, when the time is right to act we will know what to do and we will be ready.

another interesting thing about the ruler of this lunation is the fact that mercury is in aquarius, separating from his square aspect to saturn- and he is still in his shadow phase from his retrograde journey that ended on 2/28. mercury is in his shadow when he is going over the degrees of the zodiac that he has already gone over twice (the backend shadow) or is going to go over two more times (the front end shadow). when you include the shadow times of mercury’s retrograde journey the whole time spans about 2 1/2 months- rather than just the 3 weeks that mercury is actually retrograde. during the shadow mercury is visiting old ground and we are still in some ways rethinking, reviewing and revising rather than completing things. with the ruler of this lunation still being in his shadow, something about this full moon is related to the past and aspects of it that we are still mulling over and trying to figure out and complete. this can be wonderful in the sense that new insights into old problems come in, but on the other hand we may find ourselves muddled in old issues that we just cannot seem to get ourselves out from underneath. it can be tedious and frustrating- particularly if we are genuinely trying to complete something and we keep running into blockades to progress or completion. if this is the case, know that mercury will be moving into pisces and passing his shadow phase the middle of next week. mercury will be approaching neptune all week long- so stay open to intuition, inspiration and visions of what is True to come in. mercury/neptune is not a linear, logical energy- you have to have some faith and trust (balanced with discernment!).

one last thing to note with the full moon chart is mercury’s involvement with the uranus/pluto square. all weekend long leading up to the full moon mercury in aquarius activates both uranus and pluto- bringing the breakdown/breakthrough duo into communication and thinking. sudden shifts in thinking or sudden information coming to Light in relationships with others may be a focus. keeping the mind open and allowing whatever Truth wants to reveal itself to do so is key. watch out for the tendency to be stubborn and stuck in your ways- as that will not support the transformation and evolution that wants to happen. that and when we do that the Universe usually has to take much more dire measures to get our attention! it’s always better to move in the direction of the current- rather than try to swim against it ;)

this full moon gives us opportunities to ground down and be present- even in the midst of our pain! doing this for yourself and for others can be illuminating and powerful :)

for more information on this lunation- check your weekly horoscopes and be sure to read for sun sign and rising sign!

have a blessed full moon…

~divine harmony