june 4th and 5th…

by | May 24, 2012 | Astrology Blog

we are approaching a very profound, powerful and potentially intense couple of days. june 4th and 5th are timed with not one, but 3 powerful celestial events! due to the nature of these events it is best if we are aware of the energies present so we can work WITH them rather than have them work against us.

the first of these events involves the lunar eclipse in sagittarius on june 4th 2012, exact at 4:12am PDT. this is the midpoint of the current lunar cycle we are in that began with the solar eclipse in gemini on may 20th. we are in the eclipse portal/wormhole right now- which is a profound period of evolution and change. these evolutionary energies are potent and they can catapult us onto a whole new dimension of our journey! they can also rip us away from attachments/patterns/relationships from the past that no longer serve our evolution. solar eclipses tend to initiate, activate and commence new things, while lunar eclipses serve as times of ending, releasing, death (that precedes rebirth) and surrender of the past. with the lunar eclipse in sagittarius some aspect of what we need to let go of involves our attitudes, beliefs and anything that stands in the way of a deeper connection to our Higher Selves. this lunar eclipse is at the potent degree 14’14 sagittarius. numerologically the number 14 has connections to archangels heirarchy, spiritual teaching/teachers and reverence. it is also said to be a maturity number and have very karmic energies attached to it. this is very interesting considering this eclipse is also conjunct the great attractor- a powerful point in the heavens that is the convergence of tens of thousands of milky ways. it is essentially the grand central sun of our galaxy and many, many others, and it is a point towards which all these milky ways are speeding towards at 14 million miles per hour. spiritually the significance of this point in the heavens is profound. it has connections to Higher consciousness, evolution, Ultimate Truth and enlightenment. to have a such a profound point activated by the lunar eclipse is really, really significant! (for more detailed info on this lunar eclipse check the lunar insight posted next week)

the next event during this two-day window involves neptune’s station retrograde at 3’09 pisces on the 4th at 2:05pm. neptune is the planet of mysticism, spirituality, and connection to the Unconscious. he is also the planet of delusion, deception, addiction and confusion. with his station retrograde in his home sign of pisces the veil between the worlds is thin- or perhaps non-existent! a lot of information/awareness can come through- so paying attention to dreams, intuition, psychic perception and synchronicities is key. neptune governs the Unconscious and the waters of the world- so eruptions of both are possible (symbolically and literally). we have to be aware that the potential for spiritual openings as well as mass deception and delusion are BOTH possible. this is a time to question reality AND question our fantasies. the collective desire to be kept sedated/unware of Truth can be really potent right now, but so is the collective ability to break through the veils and see to the Truth!

then the following day (june 5th) we have the rare and auspicious venus transit of the sun, exact at 7:54pm. venus will essentially cross the face of the sun, something she only does once every 120 or so years. she does this in pairs, so the last time this occurred was back in june of 2004. since then we have been in particular window of time- an 8 year venus cycle that has profound implications on the Divine Feminine manifestation in the world and of course in our personal lives. the symbolism of the Divine Feminine eclipsing or crossing the face of the solar/masculine/ego consciousness (sun) activates and brings Light to/resurrects the Goddess in her dark and light forms in powerful ways.  this venus transit is highly anticipated and is very important to the mayan people.  in fact a huge part of the 2012 mayan prophecy is directly related to this venus transit!  

as you can see there is a lot going on during this potent couple of days which can be felt as increasing in its intensity right now, it will perfect itself on june 4th/5th and it’s implications can be felt far into the future. if you have planets, placements or angles at 14 sagittarius, 3 pisces and/or 16 gemini (where each of these celestial occurrences take place) then these few days will particularly important for you. 

i highly suggest you take some time to drop in and do something spiritually significant (for you) during this window of time. certainly do not spend it all on the computer- buried in your work and unaware/unaffected by the evolutionary energy available to all. we are in a period of profound shift and this is only just the beginning. from here on out the energies are building potently. the first uranus/pluto square is later in the month (june 24th), which initiates us into a 3 year period of unprecedented evolution and change!

the best use of the above energies is to open your mind and release stagnant beliefs and attitudes from the past (eclipse in sagittarius), tune into your intuition and dreams and listen to what they are trying to tell you (neptune’s station) and find balance with/give expression to the Divine Feminine within you and without.

into the wormhole we go!

~divine harmony