Winter 2014 Quarterly Horoscopes

by | Feb 24, 2014 | Bi-Monthly Horoscopes

***these horoscopes cover the astrology from the end of january through end of march 2014 and can be found in FIND BLISS magazine***


Powerful forces are at work at the end of January, asking you to address home/family and career balance in your life. With Venus moving forward you can start to make decisions and take action regarding relationships in your life- career as well as intimate. February is a great time for retreat, reflection, facing your fears and unrealized dreams. Things can be a bit feisty and sudden on the 25th as Jupiter squares Uranus in your sign. Opportunities to make sudden changes in your life present themselves- just be sure you don’t act impulsively or rashly, as consequences can follow. March is a time to slow down as your ruling planet Mars stations retrograde in your house of relationship. Dealing with one-to-one connections in your life may feel draining, but there is something there for you to address and you’d do best to not avoid it. See all connections as mirrors- what are they trying to make you see about yourself?

Thank Goddess your ruling planet Venus stations direct at the end of January- as all that introspection and reflection may have been necessary but at times it likely was not fun. Now that Venus is direct you can start to feel like you are coming back to life, and hopefully you have a new vision or awareness about where your Higher Self is guiding you. On February 25th you’d do well to watch what you say- as Jupiter in your communication house squares Uranus in your house of the Unconscious and you never know what will come out of your mouth, or perhaps what will be revealed to you in communication with others. In March you are asked to slow down, attend to health issues and/or work organization and efficiency- thanks to Mars stationing retrograde. And no- the relationship focus is not over! As Saturn stations retrograde in your house of relationship on the 2nd, the coming months are a time to deal with karmic relationships and clear out the past. You will come out feeling a lot lighter having done it!

There’s a focus on money in January, particularly at the end of the month. Addressing issues of power and control in financial, emotional or intimate relationships is necessary. In February your ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde in your career house, bringing a time of review, revision and rethinking about your life path, purpose and calling. Don’t make any moves until after Mercury stations direct on the 28th- until then gather information, ask questions and stay open. In March there is a focus on your children, your passions or your self-expression- as Mars stations retrograde in your 5th house. Addressing boundaries, imbalances, unfairness or repressed anger can be up as well. On the 6th Jupiter stations direct in your money house, which is great for abundance!

Relationships are a huge focus in January and February, particularly from 1/31 and 2/25 as Jupiter in your sign triggers the Uranus/Pluto square. Major shake ups, wake up calls, breakdowns and breakthroughs are in order as relationship in your life get a good cleansing. Certain connections are moving towards transformation, while others are ending- but either way your focus should be on growth, integrity, Truth and evolution! In March the focus is on your career path and how you balance it with your focus on home, family and roots. Old past issues can resurface to be addressed. It’s time to clear out the past so you no longer carry the baggage from it with you into the future. I suggest you do this work now, as April will be a potent month and the clearing out you do now will mean smooth sailing later!

In January and February the focus is on the work you do, your daily routines and your overall health and well being. During this time you are being asked to find a better balance between work and play, health and indulgence. Opportunities to see where old ways of being and doing things no longer serves you can arise, but it is up to you to do something about it! On February 6th Mercury stations retrograde in your 8th house of intimacy, shared resources and debt- asking you to rethink, review and revise your financial, emotional and sexual commitments. By the 28th when Mercury stations direct in your house of relationship you should have a better idea of where relationships are going and what you need to do about them. In March the focus is on your inner life, home life and spiritual life. Make sure you take time to turn within and get clear on the past so that you can move towards your future unhindered!

Rethinking, reviewing and revising your passions, your creativity and self-expression is the focus in January and February. Questioning what you most value and what is enduring in your life versus what is not is useful right now- as upon reflection you can get clear on what needs to change. On February 6th your ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde in your house of relationship, helping you to extend this questioning period to your one-to-one relationships. Revising issues from the past may arise, if so it’s an opportunity to get clear once and for all. On the 28th Mercury goes direct- so wait until after that to take any definitive actions in your life. In March the focus is on money. Getting clear about your bottom line, your bank balance and your inflow and outflow is useful right now. Addressing financial relationships and boundaries helps to bring clarity about how to move forward- so don’t neglect dealing with the details!

This Winter is a powerful one for you, considering your ruling planet Venus stations direct on January 31st in the root of your chart. The last 6 weeks of rethinking, reviewing, and revising your values, finances, relationships and connection to the past is over. Looking at your current home/family life and seeing how the roots of today relate to the past can help you to see things more clearly and also help you see where you are ready to make some changes. On February 18th the North Node of evolution and growth moves into your sign- making the coming 19 months a huge time of expansion for you, but it is key that you focus on yourself rather than others. On March 1st as Mars stations retrograde in your sign, the whole month is about facing your own anger and seeing where it’s time to speak up, take action or deal with life head on. Don’t look to others to do it- do it yourself and watch your whole world open up!

In late January Jupiter will oppose your ruling planet Pluto in your house of communication, bringing majorly powerful and perhaps intense opportunities to open your mind and see a much Bigger Picture. With the ruler of your house of relationship stationing direct on the 31st, your deep rethinking, reviewing process around relationships and what is right for you is over and now it’s time to take action and implement decisions made during this time. On February 25th the energy is high and restless, as something seeks to shift and change in your life despite your desire to resist it. In March as your ancient ruler Mars stations retrograde in your hiddenmost house, it’s time to retreat, seek some solitude, face fears and delve into your own Unconscious. Turning within will help you find answers to any issues that lie without- so focus on the Source!

Money matters are the focus for you in January and February- as your ruling planet Jupiter triggers the Uranus/Pluto square. Major shake ups, wake up calls, breakdowns and breakthroughs are possible when it comes to finances, your bottom line, and your inflow and outflow. With Venus stationing direct in your house of money on January 31st- the past 6 weeks of rethinking, reviewing and revising your relationship to the material world are over and it’s time to move forward. On February 6th the ruler of your house of relationship (Mercury) stations retrograde in your house of home and family, asking you to focus on relationships past and present so that you can get clarity on what is going on. In March Mars will station retrograde in your house of friendship, so the relationship focus is not just family and intimate- it’s also social connections. By Springtime you should have a much better idea of who is in your life and why- and who no longer fits the person you are becoming!

This winter is very significant for you, as Jupiter in your house of relationship triggers the Uranus/Pluto square in January and February- bringing focus to relationships in your life, your career path and purpose, and how both are radically transforming! With Venus stationing direct in your sign on January 31st, you complete a profound 6 week journey of questioning your values, your Truth, your relationships and your path. Taking time to look at structures, traditions and expectations in your life and seeing if they still work for you is key at this time. In March the focus is on your career path and life purpose. The whole month is a time to get clear on why you are hear and pursue only that which feeds your Soul. As you get more aligned, what does not fit will fall to the wayside. Let it. A new path is unfolding for you- go where your heart leads you!

This winter has a very reflective, spiritual focus for you- as Venus stations direct in your 12th house of spirituality on January 31st. Her 6 week journey inward and downward was a time to rethink, review and revise your values, your relationships, your finances and your greatest fears about being grounded, committed and anchored here on earth. Now that she is direct you can start to move things forward. On February 6th Mercury stations retrograde in your money house, asking you to get more clarity about finances and the bottom line. On the 28th Mercury goes direct in your sign, so all that you have questioned and revisited can be acted upon and integrated into your daily path from then on. March also has a focus on spirituality and your Higher Path- with Mars stationing retrograde in your 9th house. Questioning what you believe and opening your mind for Greater Vision is key! Don’t hold onto old ways of believing or understanding- let them go and see what rises up to meet you!

Friendships, community associations and your role as a leader in your community is a focus this winter, as Venus stations direct in your 11th house on January 31st. Rethinking, reviewing and revising contracts, expectations, financial arrangements and/or commitments in your life was a focus for the past 6 weeks- and now it’s time to move forward. In February Mercury stations retrograde in your sign, asking you to question your life path and direction and dive down deep to see what parts of you still want to rise to the surface. Mercury goes direct on the 28th- so wait until then to sign on the dotted line or fully commit to something. March is a time to address financial, emotional and/or sexual relationships. Dealing with anger, the need to take action or take a stand, and/or find a better balance between give and take, self and other is key. Getting in touch with your own raw power is a side effect of this- tap into your own Source and take action from that place for best results!