July/August 2014 Horoscopes

by | Jun 27, 2014 | Bi-Monthly Horoscopes

***These horoscopes cover the astrology in July/August of 2014 and can be found in Find Bliss Magazine***

In July you are moving through many shifts and changes personally, relationally and professionally. Knowing when to hold on and when to let go is an important theme this month. On the other hand Benevolent Jupiter moves into your 5th house of passion, creativity and self-expression mid-month, making the coming year a time to get back in touch with your inner child. Focusing on your passions, creativity and self-expression is key- and this may even come by way of travel, education, writing or teaching. In August the Universe tests the new things you are starting in your life- are they standing on solid ground? Are you really willing to work hard for them (I’m talking blood, sweat and tears)? Pay close attention to August 25th-27th as your ruling planet Mars aligns with Saturn. This is make or break it time- so either roll up your sleeves and get to work or throw in the towel.

Communication is a key factor for you in the month of July. It’s not just what you have to say, it also comes down to how you say it- particularly if you want to be heard and effective. Watch out for subconscious/Unconscious motivation as words said cannot be taken back. Mid-July benevolent Jupiter moves into your 4th house of home and family, making the coming year a wonderful time to move, buy a home, redecorate or do something to feel more safe, secure and happy in your home situation. On a deeper level, major opportunities to clear old karmic ancestral patterns are headed your way. Get ready to work with them and liberate yourself! In August a fiery and possibly feisty energy permeates the atmosphere. Relationships with others may challenge you, but it’s how you deal with them that will be the deciding factor in what unfolds.

July is a time to address checks and balances and get your finances in order. A way of dealing with financial realities in the past is coming to an end- so this necessitates you getting wiser and dealing with things with more mastery. On the 16th benevolent Jupiter moves into your 3rd house of communication, making the coming year a time to think outside the box, open your mind, travel, teach and communicate your Truth with others. Tap into your deepest passions and creative fire and be prepared to share that with the world. August is a time to deal with details, get organized and be efficient. In mid to late August make sure that what you are being told (or maybe what you are saying) in a home, family or career situation is the Truth. Take the rose-colored glasses off so you can see reality more clearly!

Dear Cancer, July looks to be quite an activating month. The good news is that it is ripe with opportunities for you to grow, release the past and transform yourself, but this may come by way of some intensity- particularly when it comes to relationships or career situations. Luckily benevolent Jupiter moves into your house of money mid-month, making the coming year a great time to experience more abundance in your life! The key is to tap into deeper levels of self-worth, self-value and self-Love. When you realize how wonderful you are from a grounded, humble place- the doors of abundance will open up in ways you never expected! In August your desires are put to the test. Are you really willing to work hard for what you say you want? If so the Universe will support you! If not, maybe you need to rethink things and shoot for something that is your true heart’s desire.

Much of July is best spent in reflection, meditation and/or retreat- as planets piling up in the hiddenmost house in your chart require that you disconnect from the outer world so you can hear the messages they are sending. Major spiritual shifts and aha moments are possible if you can take time to turn within this month! In mid-July benevolent Jupiter moves into your sign, bringing you gifts of abundance, growth, opportunity and expansion in the coming year! In August your deepest desires are put to the test, so this is the month to show that you really are ready to work hard for something. Facing fears, limitations or the reality that certain things/situations/people may be holding you back is important. Mid-month you have star-quality so use it wisely! By the end of the month something may be ending, but it’s just the precursor to a new beginnings. Let go and let God/dess!

In mid-July benevolent Jupiter moves into your house of spirituality and the Unconscious, bringing amazing opportunities in the next year for spiritual growth and expansion that is unprecedented! The key to accessing all that is available to you is time away from the fray to meditate, reflect, introspect and retreat. Stop doing so much and just BE ;) In August you can have some major aha moments that rock your everyday world- so be sure to stay open to your ideas and beliefs being challenged. Mid month to the end of August there is a focus on relationships. Being honest, open and direct is important- and make sure you ask that of others. This can be a time of taking the rose colored glasses off, but that does not mean that relationships are no longer worth it. It just means that now they are realistic and from that place real change and growth can be had.

Throughout July the focus is on your career and professional life. Many shifts and changes playing out in your life are bringing you to a new awareness of what you are meant to do and want to do. Home/family situations and relationship challenges can seem to pull your energy away, but it is up to you to balance them all so that you don’t lose sight of yourself and your goals. In mid-July benevolent Jupiter moves into Leo, bringing his expansive, growth oriented Light to your friendship circle and social interactions. Get ready to meet new people who are kindred Spirits and join forces with people who have common goals and dreams. In August money matters may put you to the test. You want to balance inflow with outflow, generosity with mastery and responsibility. Good things are coming your way, just show the Universe you can manage the good things you’ve already got ;)

You are in the midst of some major changes to your belief system and understanding of your place in the world around you, and July definitely puts you to the test. You are being challenged to let go of outdated ideas, thinking and belief structures passed down to you that no longer resonate for you who you are today. In mid-July benevolent Jupiter moves into your career house, so the next year gear up for some amazing developments in your life path and purpose. The key is to stay tuned into your passions, originality and creativity. Don’t sell out- stay true to your Soul! In August you are challenged to align your persona life with your professional life. Make sure you are not working to live as workaholism can take it’s toll on you. By the end of the month you should have a better idea about where you are moving forward and what you are leaving behind.

In mid-July your ruling planet Jupiter moves into Leo and your 9th house of Higher Self, where he will stay for the next year. The coming 12 months is a wonderful time for travel, exploration, teaching, learning, publishing and opening up your mind. Get ready to take a major leap into your evolutionary future! Pay close attention to July 24th as the Sun and Jupiter align to show you what is possible in your life! In August you can find yourself in the midst of a spiritual crisis. Don’t worry this is a good thing as it challenges you to see your life from a Greater Perspective. Facing fears and diving into the unknown will take you into places you could never dream of. Mid to late August you are challenged to see your family, home situation or past with rose colored glasses taken off. Once you’ve done that it will be much easier to deal with reality.

You are in the midst of some profound changes and transformations in your life and the focus in July is on your relationships and the evolution or dissolution of one-to-one connections in your life. Getting clear on who or what supports your growth and who or what doesn’t is key right now. In mid-July benevolent Jupiter moves into your house of transformation, empowerment and intimacy- making the coming year a wonderful time to go deep into yourself and even deeper in your relationships. In August your friendships or community connections come into focus. You are in a process of weeding out relationships that no longer serve, while at the same time staying open to meeting kindred spirits who are more aligned with who you are and where you are going. It’s also a month to get serious about your hopes and dreams- just make sure you take it one step at a time!

Much of the month of July requires that you get organized, efficient and healthy in your day to day work life. It may not be fun, but dealing with the details is a must right now. In mid-July benevolent Jupiter moves into your relationship house, so the coming year is wonderful for relationships of all kinds! Stay open to new, positive people coming into your life and helping you grow. Pay close attention to the 24th as whatever transpires then can give you insight into what the next year will be all about for you. In August challenges may arise in work or professional arenas. You need to balance being hard-working with being playful and having some fun. Towards the end of August you can seed new cycles in your career path, just make sure you aren’t cutting corners. Work hard and it will pay off!

In July benevolent Jupiter moves into your house of work, service and health- making the coming year a wonderful time to find more fulfilling work, deepen what you are already doing and/or get your health and vitality back on track! In August you are challenged to shift your beliefs and perceptions of the world around you so that your work or health can expand and benefit. What fears hold you back from doing or being more? Where do you hold back your light or fire at the expense of yourself? On August 5th you have major opportunities to align more with your Higher Self and let that part of you be in the driver’s seat! Mid to late August relationships come into focus. Be honest and upfront with others and ask the same of them. Take the rose colored glasses off and deal with relationship situations from a realistic place for best results.