weekly horoscopes for 4/21-4/27…

by | Apr 21, 2014 | Astrology Blog

hello friends and readers… all MEMBERS-ONLY CONTENT will be posted on the public ASTROLOGY BLOG until 4/28 when my website gets transferred over to a new platform.  so please check here for weekly horoscopes, monthly forecast and lunar insights.

feel free to pass the link to this page along to friends or family! it’s potent out there and i figured everyone could use a bit of cosmic insight to help them navigate their journey this month <3



ARIES- week of 4/21-4/27
the heat is on and it’s firing up the angles of your chart- bringing significant pressure, intensity and opportunities for transformation and change into your personal and professional relationships, as well as your home life and public life. with planetary conjunctions to the karmic south node in your sign, it is REALLY IMPORTANT that you think before you speak and act. your tendency to impulsivity, restlessness or impatience can get you into trouble this week. the astrology right now is activating to different people in different ways. some people need to get their game on and take action- instead of sitting on the sidelines passively waiting for the Universe to intervene. you, on the other hand, are great at suiting up and being the first to make a move- so your lesson right now is not to do more of that, but to instead balance that with your ability to think about the consequences, have patience, sit on it for a while and maybe count to 10 (or 100) before you say or do things. under the Grand Cross pressure that forms monday through wednesday it may feel like you can do anything but wait it out- and yet your mastery and maturity demands that you find your inner balance amidst all the chaos and change playing out outside of you. luckily some earthy taurus energy enters the picture- helping you to ground, get real, focused and anchored in your material world, your values and in your self-worth. the sweet energy between the taurus planets and neptune supports spiritual opening, intuition, creativity and heart-centered connections (with others or with yourSelf) that can help you ride out the intense energy in more balanced ways. listen to what your Spirit and Soul has to say (rather than your ego) as they can point the way towards the Light for you in dark times. also pay attention to your deepest yearnings and dreams. all the outer stuff you could attain in the world means nothing if you are not anchored to your deepest sense of Self within. getting in touch with a deeper level of self-worth, self-value and self-esteem does not have to come with a lot of bravado or fireworks. it’s actually less about what you DO and more about who you ARE.

TAURUS- week of 4/21-4/27
if you can possibly take the first half of this week off from engaging with the outside world- i would highly recommend it. the Grand Cross that forms this week is activating the cadent houses in your chart (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th) which is symbolic of endings, letting go, energy shifting and releasing. the key to navigating these shifts and changes is to be flexible, adaptable and changeable- things that the earthy, grounded sign of taurus is not especially known for! so the key to tapping into this inner reservoir of strength and ability to embrace and create change in your life is to take some time out of the physical/material world so you can commune with your spirit. particularly from monday to wednesday when the uranus/pluto square and subsequent Grand Cross form- a huge focus is on your 12th house of endings and release. with the karmic south node there you are being asked to look at some deep stuff that you have likely not wanted to look at for years or maybe even lifetimes. facing your own fears or issues with the masculine, with anger, aggression and taking action for yourself (rather than needing others to do it for you- which is more in line with receptive venus-ruled taurus) is important right now. be sure to pay attention to your dreams, intuitions and psychic impressions and also be sure to see everything around you through a symbolic lens. if you can do this you won’t miss out on the messages your Higher Self is trying to get through to you. the latter part of the week slows down- now that the sun and mercury are in your sign and asteroid Goddess juno joins them on saturday. this is the time to take all that internal reflection and bring it out into your life in some tangible, manifestable form. with both the sun and mercury sweetly connecting to neptune this weekend, opportunities to spend time with kindred Spirits who help you see the silver lining in any dark clouds that may be present can be wonderful! and with your ruler venus trine saturn in your relationship house, a new era of relating can birth itself out of all this Grand Cross intensity. it all boils down to you making peace with your own masculine energies. out of that deep work a new inner balance anchors itself and from that place all your relationships will necessarily shift.

GEMINI- week of 4/21-4/27
the Grand Cross that has been forming all month is exact the first half of this week- bringing an evolutionary, transformational energy to key areas of your life. it is important to remember though that oftentimes before we can experience a breakthrough, we have to move through the breakdown of all that is not working or not in alignment in our inner and outer lives. humans are a funny creature, and will often wait until things are really, really bad before they will choose to make change. a huge part of the teaching right now- personally and collectively- is to be ready, willing and able to see what needs to change before it comes to a head. hindsight is 20/20, but the capacity to develop spiritual foresight that is 20/20 is one of the more powerful siddhis (spiritual powers) you can attain. the changes unfolding for you play out in how you deal with financial or emotional relationships, and also regarding your capacity to give and receive Love. finances and emotional relationships all have their roots in self-worth- so rather than over focus on outer circumstances it would be better if you focused your energy within to see where your worth and value of yourself could be worked on. in the giving/receiving Love department- the source is self-esteem. self-worth and self-esteem may sound the same, but they are actually different. in my experience self-worth sources from the 2nd chakra and self-esteem sources from the 3rd. self-worth says “i am valuable because i exist and i deserve to exist here on planet earth” whereas self-esteem says “here are the great things that are unique about me, this is what i am proud of about myself”. self-worth is related to the taurus house of values, money and material world- whereas self-esteem is related to the leo house of creativity, self-expression, passion and fun, and this Grand Cross activates both of them! you are in prime territory for delving deeply into where you do not feel good about yourself and where you can do some deep healing work around the roots that lie in the past so you can release them and bring those fragments of yourself back fully into the present. the latter part of the week is great spent in meditation, reflection and introspection. with lots of planets piling up in your 12th house and aspecting neptune- you can get answers to questions your linear, logical mind cannot figure out if you pay attention to your dreams, intuitions and psychic impressions. the keyword for you this week: surrender.

CANCER- week of 4/21-4/27
the highly anticipated Grand Cross is exact this week, as uranus squares pluto on monday and then retrograde mars triggers the jupiter/uranus/pluto T-square (that was exact on sunday the 20th). for all the cardinal signs this falls in the angular houses- which are the most important in terms of activity and self-identify. you have rebellious, revolutionary uranus in your career house- shaking up and waking up your purpose in the world. you have the Lord of of the Underworld pluto in your relationship house- transforming, ending and rebirthing your intimate one-to-one relationships. you have debilitated mars (he is in his opposite sign of libra and retrograde- so he is not working the most efficiently right now) in your house of home, family, roots and the past- activating a lot of deep psychic/childhood/past life stuff so you can address it, heal it and clear it once and for all. and lastly, you have jupiter in your sign- truly a boon from the Universe as jupiter is exalted in cancer and his expansive, growth-oriented gifts take precedence since he is in the sign of your sun (or in your first house if cancer is your rising sign). what does this all mean? well it means that even though life around you is shaking up, waking up, breaking down and breaking through- you have the planet of spiritual and material growth ensuring that whatever you move through, it will be for the best for your Spirit and Soul. the key this week is to attune to the Higher Mind/Higher Self perspective, rather than focus from the ego which only has the capacity to see the little picture. old karmic patterns up this week- but it is important to not to stay stuck in them and keep playing them out ad nausea. it’s time to make a change and shift the frequency to a Higher vibration. the latter part of the week the energy shifts to earthy, practical, sensual taurus. with all the taurus planets piling up in your house of friendship and community, i highly recommend you connect with kindred Souls and do something social to lift your Spirits. the tendency to hibernate like a crab in your shell when the going gets tough can help you reserve your energy for the big things that need your attention, but at some point this hibernation can become isolation. so make sure you are not isolating yourself- get out there in nature, with friends and do something creative, spiritual and/or fun this weekend!

LEO- week of 4/21-4/27
the first part of the week is dominated by the fiery, feisty and intense Grand Cross forming between mars, jupiter, uranus and pluto. this highly anticipated event (by astrologers anyway) brings many things into your personal life to a head so-to-speak. with mars opposite uranus in your houses of lower mind and Higher Mind- you have MAJOR opportunities for mental/perceptive shift about the world around you and your place in it. major aha moments and bolt out of the blue awarenesses are possible- but the key is that you need to be open to seeing what you could not see or did not want to see before. this paradigm shift requires not just a spiritual/Higher Visions prespective- it also requires your ability to see how this integrates into your everyday, mundane life (and also how you can practically apply it). the jupiter/pluto opposition plays out in your house of spirituality and the mundane- asking you to look at how you connected or disconnect you are from the sacred or the profane worlds. do you over focus on Spirit at the expense of reality? or alternatively do you over focus on the 3D world at the expense of your Spirit? with benevolent jupiter in your 12th house you have spiritual protection and the ability grow in leaps and bounds- but to do this you have to be willing to surrender your ego and get into some deep emotional stuff around your relationship with the feminine that you have been avoiding dealing with. to add to this you have black moon lilith in your sign- and she is highly activated throughout the week by nearly all of the outer planets. you have the capacity this week to get in touch with some very raw, primal energy and power- but to do so you have to be willing to look at not just your Light but also your deepest, darkest shadows. leo is the only sun-ruled sign, so the tendency is to stay in the (sun)Light and keep things positive! yet one half of the yin yang symbol is black- so to experience true enlightenment you cannot just stay in the Light all the time, you actually have to acknowledge, work with and integrate your darkness and shadow. the latter part of the week the planetary pile up in your career house brings focus to your life path, purpose and calling. something new is coming in and it involves weaving more creativity, spirituality and service into what you are doing. stay open to the new that wants to come in and get ready to plant seeds of intention (at the next new moon/solar eclipse) that will take your career aspirations and dreams far in the coming year!

VIRGO- week of 4/21-4/27
similar to fellow mercury-ruled sign gemini, this grand cross activates the parts of your chart that relate to self-worth and self-esteem. retrograde mars and the evolutionary north node are in your 2nd house of self-worth, money and values, while pluto is in your house of self-esteem, creativity and self-expression. this Grand Cross that is exact this week takes you into deep places within yourself so that you can see where you need to take better care of yourself, stand up for yourself and/or believe in yourself. with uranus and the karmic south node in your 8th house of intimacy, transformation and power- you are being asked to look at where you need to make radical changes and departures from ways of being and doing that are of the past. when dealing with shared finances, resources or emotional situations you need to work on finding a balance of give and take, self and other. you do not have all the answers, but neither does someone else. your tendency to do it on your own and handle it all needs to be balanced with allowing others to take the lead and be responsible for shared aspects of life. you do not have to handle everything (in typical virgo perfectionism fashion). the latter part of the week downshifts considerably, as lots of planets/asteroids pile up in taurus and your 9th house of Higher Self. if you can travel, take a course or do something to open your mind and get out of your comfort zone i would highly recommend it! with sweet neptune in your relationship house involved with these taurus placements your spiritual, philosophical or physical explorations can be great for your relationships. sometimes when we keep on dealing with the same old familiar stuff- we get a bit stuck and uninspired. but simply getting in the car and traveling somewhere you’ve never been can inject some freedom and spontaneity into situations that just need a little fresh air. this weekend is a great time to do that! it’s also a great time to communicate from the heart- so share your Truth and listen to the Truth of others. somewhere in between the two, that honors both points of view but is not entirely either, is the meeting point you should seek in your relationships this week.

LIBRA- week of 4/21-4/27
the Grand Cross that is exact this week involves social planet jupiter and outer planets uranus and pluto- with the only personal planet involved being mars who is currently retrograde and in your sign. mars in libra is not the strongest of placements- it’s actually the placement of his ‘detriment’ because he naturally rules the sign of opposite of yours (aries). mars is the warrior, will and drive and he typically wants to act decisively, forthrightly and directly! yet when he is in libra he tends to vacillate- weighing options and trying to keep everything in a state of peace, balance or harmony. the positive side of having mars in your sign is he can help you to take action, speak up and set boundaries! but he can also exacerbate your tendency to want everything to be peaceful and perfect- so the shadow side is you can find yourself stuffing anger and rage and then it will later come out in passive-aggression, accidents or depression. this week it is is really important that you tune into where you may be stuffing emotions- particularly as it relates to relationships. if someone in your life seems aggressive, angry and selfish- look to see where maybe you are being the polar opposite expression of passive and extremely other-focused at the expense of yourself. the positive use of this Grand Cross is being able to make changes in your personal, professional, home/family and relationship life. yet what is rumbling deep inside this week may not fully materialize or culminate until mars stations direct in later may (5/19) and then moves forward to activate the Grand Cross again (6/14—8/1) this time in direct motion (where he is less restricted). so perhaps the best thing you can do this week is to get clear about what you want and need in your relationships and also get clear on what is no longer working for you. this is key not only in your outer relationships but also in your INNER relationship with your own masculine and feminine aspects of self. your inner masculine is the side of you that set boundaries, provides a container, takes action and deals with things head on in your life. looking to see where you need to do this more efficiently and more completely for yourself can brings many aha moments and insights which can flower into something significant in the coming months. the latter part of the week has a sweet grounded energy with lots of taurus planets piling up in your 8th house of transformation, empowerment and intimacy. opportunities to dive deep into your own stuff and face fears as well as integrate deep gifts within yourself are present right now. the new moon solar eclipse next week starts a brand new cycle of empowerment for you! but it’s up to you to get aligned and clear about what that means and what you are willing to embrace as well as depart from in order to initiate and embrace the possibilities present for you right now.

SCORPIO- week of 4/21-4/27
we are in the midst of a Grand Cross forming between mars, jupiter, uranus and your ruling planet pluto- bringing significant things to a head in both personal and collective life. for you this plays out in your houses of thinking and beliefs- making this a spiritually significant moment with opportunities for you to see your little mind for what it is. mars in your 12th house is digging up a lot of Unconscious fears and past karmic patterns- which is wonderful in terms of doing deep Soul work and facing stuff that has been holding you back for years, maybe lifetimes! yet it can also be intense and the desire to deny, turn to addictions and generally avoid the deep inquiry available to you now may be high. the Grand Cross is ruled by two planetary dynamics- one is venus in pisces and the other is saturn in your sign and your ruling planet pluto. venus in pisces is asking you to tap into deep self-Love and inspired creativity. the sweetness she brings to you can make the rocky terrain you are navigating worthwhile. yet at the same time saturn/pluto are in mutual reception and they are demanding an arduous task of you- that of totally dying, transforming and rebirthing your sense of self and your ideas about who you are, why you are here and what life is about. most people in the world don’t want to go here- because to do this work means you have to necessarily shatter your illusions and delusions and then rebuild your life from the ground up. it’s easier to turn the TV on, have a drink or go shopping- all in the hopes that we can drown out the sounds of our Soul and Spirit that are trying to get our attention. luckily you have an internal BS meter- as you are one of the few signs that can stay deluded for long without the Universe making your life incredibly intense as a means to force you to change. this comes with the territory of being the only pluto-ruled sign. the key is learning how to master these energies so you don’t become obsessive, compulsive and all or nothing. the tendency to black and white thinking does not leave room for shades of grey- and it makes you live a life of polarization (love/hate, masculine/feminine, outer life/inner life). yet the key to mastery is INTEGRATION, not polarization. and this astrology is all about helping you to get to that place. the latter part of the week calms down (thank God/Goddess!)- with a huge focus on your one-to-one relationships. a new chapter is about to open up for you in the relationship department. it is important that you set the foundation on a deep sense of self-Love, self-worth and self-respect. when you Love, value and respect yourself- you then have the capacity to Love, value and respect others. when you put that kind of frequency out- it’s the kind of frequency you will get back. contemplate this this week- as next week’s solar eclipse in your relationship house is a time to set intentions about what you are calling in in the relationship-department!

SAGITTARIUS- week of 4/21-4/27
as one of the two jupiter-ruled signs (the other being pisces)- you are most tuned into the positive, optimistic, growth-oriented side of things. jupiter is the largest planet in our galaxy (that we know about) and as such he gifts his larger than life, unbounded energy to your sign! right now jupiter is in cancer, the sign he is exalted in, and he is transiting your 8th house of transformation, empowerment and intimacy- showing that you have unusually significant opportunities to do shamanic/shadow work right now. seeing your own stuff, getting into your emotions, facing your fears and moving past them are possible right now. all it takes is your belief in yourself and an ability to navigate the deeper, darker depths- rather than just stay on the surface of things. the Grand Cross that forms this week activates the houses that relate to self-esteem and self-worth, as well as the houses related to giving and receiving Love. you have an ability to create a re-set point in your life where what you do and how you relate to others starts to come from a deeper sense of Self that is not rooted in anything external to you, but is actually rooted deeply in your own Soul. you have fiery aries in the house of self-esteem, but with capricorn in the house of self-worth behind the scenes you are your own worst critic. not being so hard on yourself and not expecting that your value comes from what you own or do in the world is important. you are worthy simply because you exist- just like everyone else inhabiting this planet right now. the latter part of the week the planets pile up in taurus- the sign of self-worth- and they do so in your 6th house of work, service and health. as you come more clearly into alignment with Who You Are at your core- then the work you do in the world will shift as well. if you are already on the right path then expect that to go up a couple notches in the coming weeks with the solar eclipse in taurus next week. but on the other hand, if you have been living your life for others and doing things expected of you, rather than what you actually want to do for yourself- then this solar eclipse is about realignment. getting grounded, focused and serious about your craft and the hard work, step by step that you have to do to get there is key. you have lots of inspiration and ideas- but this eclipse is about manifestation and practical application. when you were younger roots and commitments felt entangling and suffocating- but as you mature you start to realize that the right roots and commitments actually become your Source of sustenance and security. focus on what is right for you and then get ready to set new things into motion next week!

CAPRICORN- week of 4/21-4/27
can you feel the earth move under your feet? do you feel the sky falling down (falling down)? okay yes i am singing an old song right now- but truly the Grand Cross astrology this week is all about moving and shaking- inner and outer shifts and changes playing out on a dime. there has definitely been an upswing of earthquakes around the world- and likely a few more possibly big ones to come- but my focus in this column is on the inner realities (spiritual, emotional, psychological). so from that perspective, i am curious about what inner shifts are playing out in your life? you are one of the lucky ones that get the Grand Cross in the angular houses of your chart- so the shifts, changes and rearranges playing out right now are activating the most important parts of your life: personal life, relationship life, career life and home/family life. all of them are activated right now and it may lead to a point where ‘somethings gotta give’- meaning something that you are doing is really, truly no longer working and you have to finally do something about it. this week is more about getting clear on what that is on an inner level and maybe making some moves that start to shift your energy in the right direction- but it likely won’t be till mars stations direct on 5/19 and then activates the grand cross again from 6/14-8/1 that you actually fully implement and anchor all the changes or shifts you feel you are meant to make. the latter part of the week slows down and brings some anchored, grounded energy in the from of taurus planets in your 5th house of creativity, self-expression and self-esteem. the weekend is a great time to get in touch with your inner child and do things that you LOVE. next week’s new moon/solar eclipse starts a brand new cycle related to love, passion and joy- but you have to take time to get clear about what you love, what you are passionate about and what brings you joy. don’t expect it to show up on a silver spoon! you have to work for it and you also have to allow yourself to indulge in it. if you are over focused on controlling the chaos outside of you- you will miss out on the opportunities to create art, make Love or get inspired that actually gets birthed out of intense energies like the Grand Cross. so if you happen to feel the earth move under your feet or the sky falling down (metaphorically speaking)- i recommend not freaking out and instead moving with the energy of change. and better yet- maybe you can start your own moving and shaking that incites the changes you are intuiting, instead of just waiting for them to happen to you ;)

AQUARIUS- week of 4/21-4/27
this Grand Cross week brings a twofold focus for you- and the key in navigating the week ahead is your ability to have one foot in two worlds. on the one hand lots of planets are piling up in your 4th house of home and family, asking you to attend to your roots, foundations, safety and security in your life. as the only uranus-ruled sign- you often tend to think of safety and security as boring and roots and foundations as suffocating or limiting- but in truth you cannot build anything up if there is not a solid foundation upon which is it is structured. you are being asked to find a deep sense of yourself in the world that has nothing to do with what you DO or what you HAVE- and everything to do with who you are at your deepest essence (your Soul/Spirit). this deep place of inquiry requires lots of reflection, introspection and meditation- yet at the same time this very intense Grand Cross is kicking up the dust in our personal and collective lives and it is demanding your immediate attention! with mars and uranus activating your houses of individual and collective, and jupiter and pluto activating your houses of mundane and spiritual- you are in a place where a new balance between self and other, physical and immaterial is needing to be struck. facing any deep fears you have around structure, commitment and grounding is important right now. but it’s also important to look at where you may fear being seeing in all your wacky, craziness that is unique to you. you are not here to fit in with the traditional expectations of the world (or your family or friends) but you are also here to collaborate and connect with others. so it’s not a time to be a loner and disconnect, but it’s also not a time to get lost in a group mind experience. it’s a time to find a way to have one foot in both worlds- so that you are true to yourself and your calling but you are still able to connect with and work with others to realize that calling. joining forces with other like minded Souls may be the key- so seek out your tribe so that you have a team of kindred spirits who have similar goals and ideals they are working to attain. when you sync up with this wacky but grounded group- you’ll be amazed at how quickly things will manifest in your life! i highly recommend paying attention to your dreams this week, as the deep messages that come up can give you insight into where your career path and life purpose is leading you. it can also help you see where you are still stuck and what you need to do to shift so that you can awaken to next level and prepare for the next chapter of your growth.

PISCES- week of 4/21-4/27
as the most sensitive of all of the signs i find it hard to believe that you are not feeling the amplified energy in the collective. hopefully this increased sensitivity is not inciting you to turn to substances or addictions in order to manage or avoid dealing with all that is coming at you. being so sensitive has it’s downsides but it also has its upsides. you are most tuned into the collective, and as such you are most able to contribute to the shift and change the collective so desperately needs. the key for your dear pisces is grounding and self-worth. when you are anchored and when you value and trust in yourself- the things you can do in/for the world are amazing! the Grand Cross this week demands this. you have mars in your house of boundaries and empowerment, jupiter in your house of self-esteem, uranus in your house of self-worth and pluto in your house of community. as you deal effectively with boundaries in your financial, intimate and emotional life you can find that both self-worth and self-esteem get bolstered. this can then impact your role in your community and help you to open up to greater aspects of your calling. all the while the planets are also piling up in your 3rd house of communication- helping you to get clear, focused and anchored in what you believe and understand about your place in the world and the purpose of life. next week’s solar eclipse in this same house can start a brand new cycle in your thinking, beliefs and ability to share that with others in some form of communication (writing, speaking, teaching, publishing). with these 3rd house planets aligning with neptune this weekend, there is a very sweet, spiritual, creative energy present that i highly recommend you tap into. the inspiration and visions that neptune is gracing you with need anchoring and grounding in order to manifest- and that is what this solar eclipse can do for you. this week you’d do well to address any imbalances in relationships and focus on giving to yourself so that you can balance that with giving to others. when you feel the waves of energy wash over you this week (this month, this year!)- work to find your center. your sign is the one that symbolizes the great ocean- which you can get tossed about by OR you can learn to navigate and harness the deep, powerful energy of. do not check out- but instead check IN. when life is chaotic- meditate. it’s only from within (not anyone or anything without) that you will find the answers you seek.