the Dark Goddess brings the shadow to Light…

by | Aug 24, 2013 | Astrology Blog

we are in the middle of the Grand Cross between venus in libra, jupiter in cancer, uranus in aires and pluto in capricorn. all month long jupiter began his first of three triggers of the uranus/pluto square (which last until april 2014). jupiter tends to amplify, expand and/or exacerbate what he touches and when involved with the intense, potent and volatile uranus/pluto square he can tend to throw more fuel on the already very hot fire! now we have venus getting in on the action- taking the T-square of jupiter/uranus/pluto and turning it into a Grand Cross. a grand cross is just like what it sounds: a cross upon which 4 or more bodies make aspects to each- creating friction, tension and irritation between the bodies involved. venus squared pluto early this morning and she will oppose uranus and square jupiter at the beginning of next week- so we are IN THIS right now in a BIG WAY.

have you looked at the news of late? there is a fire as large as the city of san francisco going on in northern california and it has entered into yosemite and is perilously close to the water supply there. we also have news of the fukushima incident being taken to a level 3 alert as news that tons of radioactive water are leaking into the ocean- and have been for some time. i highly recommend you remove seafood from your diet- particularly pacific caught- as radioactive elements are now showing up in fish and sea life on the west coast of america. we also have the private manning sentence and the eruption of dissident voices who are not happy with the sentence and who think their country is not serving the people but in fact serving other interests. there is also the growing awareness around GMO’s and how genetically modifying our food has links to all kinds of diseases, cancer, food allergies as well as killing off bees- key players in agriculture and the health of our plant and flower life. the list goes on and on and on. and yup- we can thank the grand cross for bringing it all into our conscious awareness!

one aspect of the grand cross that i did not write about (i had noticed it months ago and totally spaced on it until today) is the fact that black moon lilith, asteroid lilith and dark moon lilith are all involved in the grand cross chart. the Dark Goddess is the fierce, powerful Divine Feminine who sees into the shadows, takes no shit and shines a Light on all we do not want to see but that needs to be seen in order to heal it, transcend it or deal with it. with the Dark Goddess all over this chart we have the fierce kali, black jaguar mother energy- who fiercely protects her young but also fiercely smacks them across the face when they are doing something terribly, terribly wrong. what we are doing to our Mother Earth is disgusting. we are poisoning our food, dumping shit into our oceans, crucifying people who bring Light to the shadow- and Mother Earth is crying out to get our attention! the Light Feminine is kind and nurturing in her energy, but the Dark Feminine is more fierce in her approach. if we won’t wake up and take a stand- she will force our hand. she will hit us up with a 2 by 4 on our heads- repeatedly- until we get it. we need to wake up!

for a break down of the Dark Goddess involvement with the grand cross chart- here is is: true and mean black moon lilith and asteroid lilith are currently conjunct jupiter in cancer- who is also conjunct the fixed star sirius that has connections to Higher Consciousness. dark moon lilith is in aquarius opposite ceres, the Great Mother asteroid Goddess, and dark moon is also contra parallel mercury, newly in virgo. essentially the Dark Goddess joins venus, jupiter, uranus and pluto on the CROSS- and she is flaying us out alive, forcing us to see the shit going on in our personal and collective lives and demanding that we take a stand, take action and deal with things rather than be in denial. we cannot spiritually bypass the physical experience. we are all spiritual beings in human bodies. the fixed star sirius is all about bridging the sacred/spiritual with the mundane. if we have been splitting from this reality (which can sometimes be the case in the spiritual/new age world) then the astrology right now is making us come back into our bodies, come back down to earth and assess the damage. this is not about being negative or fear-mongering- this is about seeing what is actually going on on our planet and taking a stand for our Mother!

at the start of august i made a comment that the august astrology looks to be the most intense of the year- even more so than the eclipse portals which come with their usual intensity and power. it’s the last part of august that venus gets involved- bringing the intense energy into our personal experience, into our relationships, financial reality and into our connection (or disconnection) with the Divine Feminine. on the heels of that powerful full moon this past week (tuesday the 20th)- we have a lot to look at and bring to conscious awareness. personally, collectively, environmentally, politically. take your pick! it’s coming at us from all sides.

the best use of this energy is to become an agent of transformation, evolution and change. this is not the time to sit on the sidelines and wait this one out. we need everyone on the field. we need everyone who cares about the earth, about awakening, about evolution and shift- we need everyone to stand up and be accounted for. you can start with your own personal life- attend to the one area that is the most toxic and out of balance. JUST DO IT and don’t sit on your butt waiting for it to pass, denying it or putting it off any longer. then choose one collective thing you are super passionate about- the oceans, the food supply, freedom, democracy, Truth in whatever form, whatever- and then become a voice for it. take action about it. spread awareness. we have too many people zoning out in front of tvs, computers, iphones- drugged up on sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs- people are asleep because they are being hypnotized. we need to wake up.

may this intense astrology serve as the wake up call we need. and may it happen with grace and ease.

~divine harmony