Star Gate, Solar Gate, Lion’s Gate ✨🦁✨

by | Aug 4, 2023 | Astrology Blog

We are heading into a powerful Stellar/Solar/Leonine Gateway in the next several days! It’s an amazing time for Living from the Truth of your Heart, Shining like Ten Thousand Suns, and authentically expressing your creativity and originality!

We have the Solar Gate of Lughnasadh on August 7th when the Sun aligns with the precise mid-fixed degree of 15 Leo. This is the Gate of Sacrifice and Harvest. The Sun is no longer reaching for the Highest Light as it did at Summer Solstice. It is now descending and helping us to do the work of Embodying that Light. This is the High Holy Day to sacrifice the ego so that the Higher Self can lead. It’s a time of the 1st Harvest where in ancient days we would begin to gather food and store some for Winter ahead. It is still Summer and warm- but we know that the cold, dark days are to come and we do the work to prepare for it.

On August 8th we have Lion’s Gate! What is Lion’s Gate? Every year around this time there is always A LOT of controversy flying around social media about this celebration. Some say it is woo-woo nonsense with no astrological or astronomical alignments. Others who really do not know their astrology or astronomy make wild sweeping claims about this gateway that makes professional astrologers annoyed. What is the Truth!?!?

Well I discuss this and so much more in my Masterclass on Lion’s Gate. This 2+ hour Masterclass looks at the myth and archetype of Lion’s Gate as well as the legit astronomical alignments behind it. From now until end of day August 9th I am making this Masterclass available by Donation. You can donate anywhere from $4.44 to $33.33 (the regular price of the Masterclass) and you will get immediate access to watch it. You can donate to access this class here-

During these Gateways I will be on Sacred Land that connects deeply to my Spirit and Soul- and also my bloodline and DNA. I will be largely offline in the next few weeks but all my membership content will be posted as usual. I may pop into Star Family every now and then to post pictures and share- but I will not be back to regularly scheduled postings until August 28th.

I hope you have a beautiful Solar/Stellar/Lioness Portal ✨🌹✨



P.S. My Solar Gate Call will be up by end of the day Friday August 4th