Rectifying Taylor Swift’s Birth Time (Capricorn Rising, Scorpio MC with Shapley 8)

by | Jul 17, 2024 | Astrology Blog

I wrote a blog about Taylor Swift’s astrology chart last May (2023) after seeing her at the Eras Tour in Nashville with my daughter. It was an amazing concert- I was truly blown away- and I am not into concerts or being around 70,000 people. It was an amazing bonding experience with my now 13 year old who is an uber Swiftie in the top 1% of listeners on Spotify lol ;) To connect more with my kid I am part of a Swifty Facebook group and when she is in charge of Spotify we pretty much only listen to Taylor (when I am alone I listen to Audio books by Adyashanti- how’s that for Yin/Yang lol!)- so my interest got piqued to look at her chart and write about her.

During my research last year I found two times being mentioned for Taylor’s birth time- 5:17am and 8:36am. I did NOT find any proof of either of these times being accurate (i.e. Taylor publicly confirming, a legitimate birth certificate, etc…). I did see more people felt the 5:17am time was right- but again no verification of that in a way that confirmed it so it all seemed speculative.

I personally felt the 8:36am time was right as it puts one of the biggest Galactic points (Shapley 8- today at 2’41 Scorpio) on her Midheaven which correlates to MASSIVE INFLUENCE. Also a Scorpio MC (Midheaven- highest point in chart) is apt for how she constantly transforms herself- with each album almost seeming like a different genre of music. And it also speaks to her power confrontations with authority figures, bosses and CEO’s (like the Scooter Braun situation, or standing up/speaking up to Apple about paying artists for their music being played during free trials). I feel the Scorpio energy come through her work in the world and having that all up there in the 10th house is on point for that.

Last year I noticed that when the Ticketmaster crash happened on 11/15/22 it was right after back to back eclipses with the Solar Eclipse 10/25/22 tightly conjunct the Scorpio MC (by 1 degree 31 minutes) and on 11/8/22 the Lunar Ecilpse very tightly opposed her Pluto- ruler of her MC (by 29 minutes). The Ticketmaster fiasco was a massively intense thing but also the day she sold 2.4 million tickets- the most for one artist ever in a single day. You can see these eclipses majorly activating the house of career, planetary ruler of career and Galactic point that is seen as correlating with MASSIVE influence, power and wealth. When I saw this I felt like I hit the jackpot with the birth time ;)

I did check other transits and progressions last year and then wrote this blog here-

Every now and then I look up her birth info to see if there are any verified updates online and then today I randomly decided to spend TWO HOURS compiling all her major life events (known to the public) to date. I compiled over 30 major life events (usually I only use 10-15 but figured the more the better) from record releases, to meeting her longest relationship partner Joe, to the Scooter Braun situation, to winning the legal issue with the radio guy who grabbed her butt, to the stalker, to winning awards, etc… And then I let the software run for several hours calculating transits to natal and progressed, progressed to progressed and progressed to natal alignments. This is called ‘rectification’ and major life events always correspond to exact transits/progressions- so you let the software do its work and it will rectify birth time by showing the most highly correlated birth time in whatever window you give it.

I just got the results back and the time most correlated (i.e. most accurate corresponding to the transits/progressions) that blew ALL OTHER TIMES out of the water was 8:40am- so just 4 minutes off from the one I was working with. And MOST IMPORTANTLY the 5:17am was actually the 4th LOWEST correlated time (meaning the least likely). Now I did not run for the full day of 24 hours as that would probably take my computer 10 hours to do. I ran it from 4am to 10am- as both birth times out there are in that window with extra wiggle room on both sides. If there is good reason to run other hour sets I am open to doing so.

If anyone knows specific dates for things like the date of her first date with Travis, the exact dates of when her mother got diagnosed with cancer in 2014/15 and again in 2019/20 (not to be invasive but these would be defining moments in her life), exact date of start and then ending of her longest relationship with Joe Alwyn- all of that can help fine tune things. But I feel quite confident in the amount of life events that are publicly known that I have used so even without those dates I think this is accurate and the rectification software seems to validate this.

A few notes on why I see this time of 8:40am fitting perfectly are also below.

Thanks for reading :)



Reading, Pennsylvania
8:40am Eastern Time

Ascendant/Rising is 9’13 Capricorn, Midheaven/MC is 3’31 Scorpio



Her fans call her Mother- Moon/Jupiter conjunction in the sign of the Mother (Cancer) in the 6th house of work and service

I cry a lot but I am so productive- Moon/Jupiter and Chiron in Cancer opposite Capricorn Rising and ruler Saturn along with Neptune conjunct Ascendant

Her deep connection to her Mother and Grandmother (her Mother Line)- Moon/Jupiter in Cancer (also this is connected to her kindness)

Taking on the Patriarchy- Scorpio Midheaven conjunct Shapley 8, Pluto/Black Moon Lilith conjunction in 10th, Mars in Scorpio in 10th. Scorpio/Pluto/Lilith/Mars are all POWERHOUSES and are very Reputation Album (this also corresponds to her massive influence and power and her constant transformations happening in her music)

Wounding in Relationships- Chiron the Wounded Healer in 7th house of Relationships opposite chart ruler Saturn conjunct Neptune (Neptune can make for ignoring red flags in relationship)

Her Star Power but also Humility- South Node of Karma in Leo (the sign of being in the spotlight), Sun in 12th (the house of surrender and spirituality)

She actually has an Unaspected Sun- which is her Golden Shadow meaning her Sun is her gift to fully activate (I think she had done a good job at that!)

Mercury/Uranus conjunction- her lyrics are unique, do not always rhyme and are very innovative. Mercury also aspects Neptune and Saturn- which is great for creativity and bringing things into form.

Her PROLIFIC song writing (and recording and concert tour)- Jupiter is the planet connected to larger than life anything. She has Jupiter on her Moon, opposite her Mercury and ASC as well as opposite Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. I know this one well as I have Jupiter conjunct Mercury and I write A LOT and it’s easy for me/I love it. My friend has Jupiter conjunct Venus and the amount of art paintings she puts out are insane. Jupiter BOOSTS things- and she has tons of Jupiter (not to mention a Jupiter ruled Sun in Sagittarius)

Her work ethic- Capricorn ASC with Scorpio MC- both of these signs WORK THEIR ASS OFF
also Moon/Jupiter in 6th of daily life and work (she loves her work- it is her joy!) trine Juno asteroid of Commitment on her MC of Career (very career focused but also can be married to career which proves difficult for relationships)

Her tightest aspect in her chart is Juno in Scorpio on MC square Vesta in Aquarius in 1st near to Venus. This speaks to the push pull between her commitment to her career and her own devotion to being different, outside of the box and not being controlled (no doubt has been hard to navigate in the music world)


LASTLY the Sabian Symbol degrees feel on point for ASC at 9’13 Cap (rounds up to 10) and MC at 3’31 Scorpio (rounds up to 4). I am putting some of the highlights of these degrees below but if you want to read the full text you can do so further down the page.


KEYNOTE: The overcoming of fear and its rewards.

This degree speaks to KINDNESS, harmlessness and compassion generating trust. One of the things I personally find most amazing about her is her kindness to fans and people she meets (and the fact that she sings about it like in Marjorie). I lived in Hollywood and I saw a lot of celebs who were unkind. I think it is hard to get super famous and stay grounded and kind with your heart open- not impossible but not easy to do.



KEYNOTE: “The educative power of ceremonies which impress the great images of a culture upon its gathered participants.” THE POWER OF SYMBOLS is evident, above and beyond the mere biological act.

SHE USES SO MUCH SYMBOLISM AND ARCHETYPE its insane. I am a mythologist and I personally view everything through the lens of symbol and archetype. She is very good at this.


FULL DEGREE TEXTS BELOW (take from Dane Rudhyar Sabian Symbols):

10 CAPRICORN ASCENDANT (9’13 rounds up to 10)


KEYNOTE: The overcoming of fear and its rewards.

The man who radiates perfect harmlessness can call the wildest creatures to him and can establish with them a partnership based on mutual respect and understanding. Every living entity plays a role in the world’s ritual of existence; beyond these specific roles, which too often separate one entity from another, the communion of love and compassion can bring together the most disparate lives.

At this last stage of the fifty-sixth sequence we are presented with a picture extending the ideal of peace and happiness through culture so it now includes all living organisms on this planet. The power of such a culture of harmlessness and compassion generates TRUST everywhere.


4 SCORPIO MIDHEAVEN (3’31 rounds up to 4)


KEYNOTE: The educative power of ceremonies which impress the great images of a culture upon its gathered participants.

A community of human beings is ensouled by a few basic symbols which structure and illustrate the group’s particular culture and way of life. Rituals and social ceremonies of all types (from a baseball game to a ticker-tape parade for returning heroes, or a religious service in an old cathedral) incorporate these symbols in traditional forms of activity. As they participate in these collective presentations of commonly accepted values and ideals, the minds and feelings of young people are formed by these symbols. They take the values for granted until the day when they choose to assert their individuality — or their participation in a generation’s revolt — by scorning the traditional rituals, including as well business rituals. Then they may poignantly search for new ones to participate in!

This fourth stage symbol pictures for us the method by which a community of feelings is built during the formative years of childhood and adolescence. The zodiacal sign Scorpio is especially related to rituals including the sex rituals which unite the communicants at the roots of their beings. In these sex rituals too, THE POWER OF SYMBOLS is evident, above and beyond the mere biological act.