mercury moves into gemini…

by | May 15, 2013 | Astrology Blog

midday today mercury moves out of earthy, stable, stubborn taurus and into airy, moveable and changeable gemini. he joins venus and jupiter (the greater benefics) who are already in this sign- helping to lighten up the energy out there considerably! the sun and mars will be moving into gemini in the next month or so as well- making for a pile up of energies in one of the lightest, fun-loving and youthful signs!

what is interesting about the ingress of so many planets into gemini is that the first aspect they make after their ingress is a square to neptune in pisces. gemini is the sign of rational, logical thinking while pisces is the sign of intuitive, psychic feeling. with these two signs in square aspect there is a push pull between the mind and the heart, intellect and intuition, 3d reality and alternate reality. positively this can be a great week for spiritual pursuits, meditation, creativity and romance- but because the aspect made is a square there is equally the possibility for deception, denial, delusion, addiction and confusion. neptune makes all things seem pretty and perfect, when in fact they may not be. seeing things/people/situations for what they are, not what they could be, is key.

mercury will square neptune on saturday so from now until then take things with a grain of salt, meditate, don’t try to figure it all out and set it into stone. wait and see is a great attitude right now. it’s a dreamy time though- so pay attention to your dreams, intuitions, synchronicities and the like. they may in fact come to fruition, but for now i suggest you let them take root and watch over the coming weeks for their viability and potential to reveal itself. on the same note, take all things you hear, say or think with a grain of salt. the neptune energy needs to work itself through and it may not be until after the last lunar eclipse (which is square neptune) that we will see clearly what is to be done.


~divine harmony