heliocentric uranus square pluto…

by | Nov 22, 2013 | Astrology Blog

as many of you know we are in the midst of some powerful astrology right now. from 2012-2015 uranus in aries squares pluto in capricorn, pitting the rebel and revolutionary against the powers that be. this is something happening collectively, but also personally in our day to day lives. the mantra for uranus/pluto is ‘breakdowns precede breakthroughs’. so wherever anything is out of balance, stuck, stagnant, toxic or out of integrity- uranus/pluto will come in and shake things up, unearth the Truth and help us to wake up!

from 2012 to 2015 there are a series of 7 uranus/pluto squares. four of these have already occurred, with the most recent one happening on 11/1/13. the next exact uranus/pluto square is not until next spring (2014)- but tomorrow we have the ONLY exact heliocentric uranus/pluto square, making the whole month of november and this weekend in particular very powerful.

most astrology that we read about and that i write about is geocentric. geocentric means it is centered around earth. we live on earth and we view the planets and stars from our perspective down here. yet there is another kind of astrology called heliocentric- and this occurs when we observe the planets and stars from the perspective of the sun. the argument for focusing on geocentric astrology is that we live on earth so we should be focusing on astrology from this perspective. yet the argument for focusing on heliocentric is that earth is a part of a larger system (our solar system) and the center of that system is not earth, but in fact the sun. personally i see validity in both viewpoints and i think they can work together in very helpful, illuminating ways.

in heliocentric astrology planets never go retrograde. retrograde journeys only happen when are seeing planetary movements from earth. in truth the planets do not stop and go backwards- and so when we are looking at heliocentric astrology any aspect made will only be made once. so the uranus/pluto square that occurs 7 times on planet earth (due to both planets going retrograde and direct over the 3 year time span), will only occur once in heliocentric astrology. and that one time is exact tomorrow, saturday november 23rd at 1:35pm PST.

the way i see the difference between these two perspectives is that uranus/pluto is waking up/shaking up earth in geocentric astrology, whereas in heliocentric uranus/pluto is waking up/shaking up the whole solar system! with our sun being at the point of flipping poles (forecasted to happen before the end of 2013- and this happens once ever 11 years)- we are definitely in a pivotal point of massive shift on many levels.

i think this astrology is serving to take the masks of denial, avoidance and fantasy down so that we can see reality and deal with it as it presents itself. again this is personal, but it’s also collective. anywhere that life is out of integrity, this astrology can shine a very harsh Light on it and force us to address it.

there are many situations up in the world right now that this astrology can support in bringing to Light. i think the best use of this energy is to not go into FEAR (which is very easy to do) but to get clear, focused and in alignment with what the Universe/our Higher Selves/Mother Earth is asking of us. the next step is to DO IT! fear and anger are two emotions that actually have a purpose! they are designed to get us to pay attention to something and to take action around it.

this weekend is a great time to meditate and tap into a wider collective view of life on this planet. we are not alone, we are not only affecting ourselves. we are interconnected with everyone and everything- similar to the human organism that is comprised of many cells that form the entire body. we need to be thinking with this HOLISTIC perspective- we need to be addressing issues in our lives with this wide angle vision.

the month of november is definitely a powerful one! and it’s not over yet! take time to tune into what aspects of your life you are ready to revolutionize and transform- and then get to it (always calling in grace and ease(! as we each do our inner personal work we contribute to the collective and support the shift the whole Universe is prepping to take! let’s get this show on the Higher Road!

~divine harmony

p.s.  thanks to fellow astrology pat hardy for pointing out to me the exact date of the heliocentric uranus/pluto square.  also thanks to barbara hand clow for her take on this potent astrology.