happy feast day of mary magdalene

by | Jul 22, 2017 | Astrology Blog

today is the feast day of magdalena- the apostle of the apostles. she is an expression of the Divine Feminine and Dark Feminine- the Veiled One whose Light has been hidden for the last 2000 years- but like the Moon herself she is coming out of her Dark Phase and back into the Light.

the lost teachings of the Divine Feminine, The Great Central Moon and of Sacred Union that can only occur when both the Masculine and Feminine are respected and honored together as equals- are being brought back by her emissaries of Light. the priestesses and priests of the Rose and the carriers of the Grail.

this guided meditation is in honor of magdalena. journey to visit with her in her elder years as crone in her cave in st baume, france. she has much to teach us right now- if we would only listen.


