happy birthday america!

by | Jul 3, 2014 | Astrology Blog

i wanted to write something about the 4th of july because on this holiday weekend we have some powerful, intense and transformative astrology. every year we each have our solar return- the time when the sun returns to it’s natal placement. and this year america’s solar return involves uranus and pluto- which means we are in for a powerful, intense and transformative year as a nation!

early friday morning (7/4) the sun opposes pluto- highlighting the pluto transit our country’s sun is undergoing. and if you know enough about the astrology right now you know that uranus and pluto are in a square aspect- so if pluto is activating america’s sun, so is uranus. so the breakdown/breakthrough duo is set to dramatically change our sense of self and orientation as a nation. there are many amazing astrologers who are forecasting what this can mean for our country on a political, financial and ecological level (check out netpunecafe.com for some great articles). i am not going to be going that route though. to be true to my personal passions and area of expertise- i want to look at this astrology and it’s spiritual and psychological implications. we truly are set up for a dramatic encounter and hopefully healing/integration with the Soul of our nation. which personally i think we need right about now.

in the natal chart of america (i am using the scorpio rising chart)- we have our sun in cancer conjunct the fixed star sirius. this fixed star is POWERFUL and it’s imagery and symbolism is steeped in american culture (although perhaps hidden in plain sight). sirius is all about making the mundane sacred- and many ancient cultures have stories about highly evolved beings (aka aliens) coming down from sirius to bring consciousness and a higher evolutionary frequency down to humans on planet earth. in truth, people who have prominent sirius in their charts tend to have some of this ‘star’ quality- making them channels for Higher information and Higher awareness (although not all of them become conscious of this and use it consciously). so our nation was destined to be a star in some respect because of the fact that sirius sits on it’s sun.

but to add to the story of our nation’s sun- we should look at the closest aspect to it- and that is a square to saturn in libra. saturn is exalted in libra- so it’s one of the best placements for this heavy hitter planet. but even in his exalted phase, saturn square the sun brings a very harsh inner, critical voice. always trying to be better, do better, be perfect. with saturn in libra there could be the tendency to hide behind a perfect facade, not wanting to show vulnerability or imperfection to others. a person with a sun/saturn square would have father issues- either the father was highly critical, demanding and authoritarian- or the father was non-existent (either literally or just emotionally). so there is a journey in the lifetime of facing old pain and wounds around not feeling loved, seen, worthy- and then integrating a better version of the Father archetype. moving away from the authoritarian, patriarchal, perfectionist Father figure- and towards a more loving, grounded, responsible, masterful and mature Father figure.

as a nation- we have this challenge because of this aspect- and the uranus/pluto square is set to activate both the sun and saturn throughout 2014 and 2015. pluto first opposed the sun on march 7th of this year and will do so 4 more times (due to pluto’s erratic orbit)- with the dates may 24th, january 1st 2015, august 24th and october 25th being the exact dates (the days/weeks surrounding the above dates are most potent). uranus first squared america’s sun on april 15th- the day of the first of four total lunar eclipses that last until 2015. all 4 of these eclipses will be visible in northern america- meaning that they will have more impact on our nation (where eclipses are visible from is where the eclipse energy is experienced the most). the next two uranus squares will be november 11th (11/11!) and january 29th 2015.

the pluto aspects to saturn aren’t exact till next year- the first being on february 20th 2015, then june 13th and december 24th (christmas eve 2015). uranus already began activating saturn though- with the first aspect on may 15th 2014 and the next two on september 30th and march 7th 2015.

remember that uranus/pluto is powerful energy that seeks to transform, change, die and rebirth something in our personal or collective lives. so with uranus/pluto and america’s sun we have an opportunity to make a profound shift- spiritually, psychologically, ecologically and more. yet as human nature would often have it, we don’t tend to make changes unless forced to do so. so hopefully we as a nation will choose change, evolution, shift- before it chooses us!

i looked at the progressed chart for our nation and our progressed jupiter is at 15’23 cancer and it is retrograde- so it is closely conjunct our natal sun/sirius conjunction and in square aspect to saturn- and also in the line of fire for the uranus/pluto square. interestingly in the scorpio rising chart jupiter is in the 12th- showing an angel on our shoulder watching out for us (maybe the sirian’s themselves?). we also have the north node in cancer in the 12th conjunct the ascendant and transiting jupiter just crossed the true north node (on june 29th) and will be crossing the ascendant in the next week. so we have benevolent, abundant, lucky jupiter protecting us- yet as a nation that identifies with jupiter a lot we need to be aware of where we overdo things, feel entitled, take on too much or get too big for our britches.

america’s solar return chart has the sun involved with a Grand Cross between the sun, moon in libra, mars in libra, uranus in aries and pluto in capricorn. so that april Grand Cross energy is technically not over- we have it for the whole next year because it’s in america’s solar return chart! what does this mean? it means we have opportunities to come to a crossroads as a nation and make choices and changes that benefit ourselves and the world around us. yes we also have opportunities to go down another road- but i am not going to direct any energy in that direction. there are enough people doing that! we need more people with positive voices- who can see the shadow, name it and accept it- and also see the Light, name it and integrate it with it’s opposite.

we are in Truth, an alchemical nation. look at the imagery on our dollar bills, in our capital cities. they are ripe with deep images that reflect an awareness of the esoteric, the depth psychological, the alchemical and the spiritual. somewhere along the road we lost touch with it- or it got submerged unground so that only a few were aware of it (which is my guess). what i think our nation needs is a spiritual rebirthing- which gets us in touch with our esoteric, alchemical, Divine roots- not from a place of ego (oh look at us- we are the best!) but from a place of humility and service.

the royal fixed star regulus moved into earthy, feminine virgo, after a 2000 year stint in royal, masculine leo. this shows a shift of power, leadership and authority from the masculine to the feminine, from a place on high to place down low and in the trenches, from a place of divine rite (meaning you were born into money/power so you get it passed onto you) to a place of earning it through committed service. i believe that we, as a nation, need to not only understand this shift- but implement it. the stars forecast what is going to happen, but it is up to us to align with the energy currents and become agents of shift and change versus victims of it.

i sure hope our nation sees this opportunity for shift and embraces it. either way- it will embrace us. why not make it a mutual affair?

happy 4th of july!

~divine harmony