full moon royal birth!

by | Jul 22, 2013 | Astrology Blog

i am posting the lunar insight for the full moon in aquarius considering this auspicious day was the birth of the grandchild of princess diana (i loved her so!).  most all the info in this full moon write up is pertinent for the royal baby’s birth chart.  the child was born with a 29’59 degree cancer sun with moon in capricorn opposite it.  he is not a leo but he has quite the royal chart!  read on for more info- and i will post a blog about his chart later this week for sure :)

full moon blessings…

~divine harmony


the midway point of the current lunar cycle that began with the new moon in cancer on 7/8 is exact on monday july 22nd at 11:16am. the full moon in aquarius is a cuspy full moon- as both the sun and moon will have just moved into the signs of leo and aquarius (respectively), symbolizing the beginning of something new that is only just starting to culminate. typically full moons are times of fruition, climax, completion or crisis- but with the 1st degree so prominent in this chart my guess is that completion of fruition won’t come for a while as something is just beginning to be stirred.

the full moon chart is potent for many reasons, the first being how many bodies are at the first degrees of their respective signs. the sun in leo and the moon in aquarius are two- but we also have venus at 0 virgo and the asteroid pallas at 0 cancer. the moon is quincunx to both venus and pallas- forming what is called a yod, or finger of god, that is formed between 3 symbols of the Divine Feminine. venus and pallas are sextile to each other, which is a harmonious connection that flows easily as earthy, service oriented virgo and watery, nurturing cancer have a lot in common. the tense aspects are made between these two feminine, yin placements and the moon in airy, detached, analytical and emotionally distant aquarius. the moon is a symbol of our emotions but when in aquarius there is a tendency to want to come at thinks from the mental perspective, rather than an emotional one. the lesson at this full moon is how do we feel all we need to feel without getting sucked under and lost in the chaos of emotional experience, but also without detached, putting up walls and denying there is anything for us to feel and process. our own relationship to the Divine Feminine (within but also as experienced with women or feminine-beings in our lives) can be tested and/or in focus.

to add to this the leo/aquarius axis is highlighted- which is the axis of ME versus WE. leo is self-focused and is here to perform, lead, act and be seen! aquarius is the sign of community and the collective, and it’s focus is on interrelationships with all (human, non-human, earthly or cosmic). where leo is here to share his individual self and gifts- aquarius is here to collaborate with others. with this axis in focus at this full moon we can find issues or Unconscious material around ego, community, self versus other come up to be dealt with. if we tend to be too focused on ourselves, our needs and desires- our work at this full moon is to see our place in a wider network and how we can show up in a way that is more harmonious to the whole. if, on the other hand, we tend to collaborate well but fear being in the limelight or taking our position as a leader- this full moon can Light up our fears of being seen, of shining and/or our fears around confidence and belief in the self. either way there are lessons to be learned- but for each of us it can be different. an honest self-check-in will help each of us to see where our edge is.

another main aspect in the chart is the t-square that is formed between the sun/moon opposition and saturn in scorpio. saturn is the planet of mastery, personal responsibility and karma. when he is involved in an aspect configuration there is some kind of testing and need to deal with reality as it presents itself. saturn is the root chakra and he demands we assess our roots, foundations and deal with the 3d world realities in our lives. saturn is forcing our hand and making us do the work, deal with life and not be in denial about the challenges or lessons that are present in our lives. with saturn in scorpio part of the testing can play out in finances, relationships (intimate ones or financial ones), and in regards to shadow dynamics in our lives. testing around our ego and identity, as well as our emotional experience and sense of safety and security- can be a focus. the good news is that if we are aligned with our integrity, being honest and truthful and doing the work- saturn will reward us! but if there are any areas of life that we are being dishonest in (with others or with ourselves) or are not fully showing up in- then saturn will make it very clear by delivering consequences for actions taken or not take in the past. he is heavy handed but he also helps us to grow up and deal with life on life’s terms. clearly this full moon is not to be taken lightly!

a few other notable aspects in the chart should be mentioned. for one mars is conjunct jupiter, they are separating by the time of the full moon but they made their conjunction the same day (earlier monday morning). this complete’s mars’ activation of the Grand Water Trine that began the weekend of july 20th-21st. mars activates the spiritual and emotional healing potential in this Grand Water Trine. if used well we can take actions that are for the Highest Good and that are aligned with Universal principles that guide all of the cosmos. it’s a very auspicious energy that has a lot of positive potential- but it must be consciously used to make the most of it. yet both mars and jupiter will be moving further in the degrees of cancer and later in the summer (august and september) they both will trigger the uranus/pluto square- forming a cardinal grand cross of massive proportions! i like to think of the uranus/pluto square as the upsets and upheavals in our lives, and the grand water trine as the balm to the Soul that helps us understand why they are happening and helps us to see and get how it’s the best thing for us in the long run. change is the only constant in life- but especially this summer- so seeing what needs to change and embracing it and taking a proactive stance about it is definitely going to be rewarded!

another significant aspect configuration in this chart is mercury, now direct, in cancer- conjunct fixed stars sirius, canopus and parallel arcturus. two of these fixed stars have very mystical histories (sirius and arcuturs) and the other one is one of the brightest stars in the sky. all 3 of them have the potential to illuminate, bring to Light and make things crystal clear. mercury is also conjunct true black moon lilith- bringing the Dark Goddess’ perception of the Truth and ability to see beyond shadow and ego to the mix. mercury forms another Grand Water Trine with the evolutionary north node and chiron the wounded healer- and at the same time mercury activates the uranus/pluto square. i find it interesting that these two aspect configurations are happening at the same time throughout the summer. it reminds me of the oyster who gets a grain of sand in his shell and due to the irritation and friction he ends up creating a pearl. the uranus/pluto square is the irritation and friction that is upsetting us and making certain areas of life very uncomfortable right now- while the Grand Water Trine is the pearl that is forming out of this upsetting, irritating experience.

another significant aspect of the full moon chart is uranus, the ruler of the full moon. uranus just stationed retrograde and in this full moon chart makes many aspects- all of which are intense. uranus squares mercury, sesquiquadrates venus, squares mars and jupiter, squares pluto, and quincunxes the north node. uranus is the rebel, revolutionary and great awakener and when he makes intense aspects he plays the trickster who is pulling out the rug from underneath us and/or turns our lives upside down on a dime. his energy is meant to clear out the old, toxic crap in one fell swoop- and as such he is not meant to be easy, breezy, or comfy cozy. he is meant to wake us up out of our denial, out of our addictions and out of our Unconsciousness! this is liberation at its height- it’s also inherently unstable, anxiety-producing and outright scary. life as we know it is changing at a rapid pace and the degree to which we are holding onto the past is the degree to which we will find uranus amping up his energy and forcibly removing those very things we have a tenacious hold on. with uranus ruling this full moon we’d do well to stay open to seeing Truth in all its myriad of forms- and also to take action and facilitate the changes/transformations/evolutions that need to happen in our lives- personally and collectively.

and last but not least i have to mention all the amazing and powerful fixed starts showing up in this chart! i have already mentioned sirius, arcturus and canopus- but we also have regulus, fomalhaut and deneb adige featured in this full moon chart. some of these are royal fixed stars and are associated with the archangels who watch over the quarter directions. the chart really has quite a bit of Higher Consciousness flowing through it- which can come through via the downloads we get in our dreams, meditations, intuitions and psychic impressions. this full moon is guru purnima in india- associated with the guru who shines Light and dispels darkness. we all have the potential to see into our own shadows with greater clarity, awareness and insight- and we all have the potential to realize more Light and consciousness during this full moon. but we must remember these fixed stars- and gurus or spiritual teachers in genernal- operate at many levels, dimensions and frequencies. if we are only paying attention to the 3d world and it’s information (or misinformation) we may be missing out on the potential seeded in this time. if we are overly focused on our ego selves we will miss the Bigger Picture.

it’s a potent full moon! enjoy the lunar vibes…

~divine harmony