fire and water- Spirit and Soul!

by | Jun 26, 2015 | Astrology Blog

we are in a powerful time astrologically speaking where many planets are in fire signs and many are in water- which brings focus and activation to the Spirit and Soul. a significant alignment is underway between venus and jupiter in leo trine uranus in aries (exact all this week and next week)- bringing an expansive, positive, growth-oriented energy to relationships, our values and personal self-worth. this astrology is a defining signature of the landmark decision of the supreme court to legalized same sex marriage nation wide!

yet it’s not all fire right now as water is very present- so the realms of emotion, sensitivity, dreams and intuition are strong as well. we have an approaching sun/mars conjunction in cancer and both are trine to neptune in pisces. and on wednesday of this week (6/24) we had chiron station retrograde in watery pisces. this is amazing astrology for delving into our emotions and clearing out stagnancy or stuckness from the past. but it’s also deeply sensitizing and could be overwhelming- more like a deluge than a sprinkling of water!

fire and water can combine to make steam- but fire and water can also combine to make boiling water or fire can put water out. working with these two elements in ways that support their co-habitation and ability to work together is key (otherwise you might find your temper boiling or your inner fire going out). finding ways to express your passions, creativity and will in sensitive, aware ways is key. ultimately we are asked to work towards balance between yang, masculine expression (fire) and yin, feminine expression (yin). yang is assertive and dynamic while yin is passive and receptive. finding the perfect balance between the two is unique for everyone- as some people tend towards more yang or more yin and so in order to find balance they need to do more of the opposite energy.

another defining signature of this week and next is the tense aspect between fire planets and the Wounded Healer planetoid chiron in pisces. he stationed this week (6/24) and as such he is one of the most powerful bodies in the sky. next tuesday both venus and jupiter quincunx chiron and on friday mercury squares chiron- confronting us with some of our deepest wounds, pain and vulnerability. there is massive expansion in the astrology right now but there’s also some major contraction. if we overdo the fire, expansion energy we could find ourselves spiritually bypassing the deep, darker stuff coming up that we need to move through and process. if we overdo the water, emotional energy we can find ourselves overwhelmed by our experience and unable to deal (and perhaps turning to addictions to manage too much sensitivity). if we can find a way to navigate both in equal measure then we can go deep and face what needs to be faced while still being strong enough to rise up and understand the Bigger Picture and Greater Perspective at work!

taking time to honor both paths of the Spirit (fire) and the Soul (water) is key right now!

many blessings sent your way…

~divine harmony