fall equinox…

by | Sep 21, 2013 | Astrology Blog

the sun moves into libra on sunday september 22nd at 1:44pm PDT. this marks the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere and the spring equinox in the souther hemisphere. the equinoxes are the midpoints of the solstices and they mark the time of year where day and night are of equal length. the difference is that spring is when Light is growing, while fall is when LIght is diminishing. so for those of us in the northern hemisphere the fall equinox begins our journey into and towards the dark.

for a depth psychologist (like yours truly) the seasons are perfect archetypal imagery for the cycles that our Soul’s go through. we plant seeds at spring, they ripen in summer, we harvest them in the fall and in the winter we live off of what we have harvested (essentially we reap what we sow) and we let go of the past so that a new cycle can commence in the spring time.

we just had the harvest full moon in pisces this week (on thursday the 19th) and it is called the harvest moon because the fall equinox was one of the harvest festivals. it is essentially a time of reaping all we have sown and seeing if the seeds we planted bore the fruit we had expected. this can be literal- as in going out and picking crops we planted, but it is also very symbolic as we reap what we have sown emotionally, spiritually and psychologically as well. the fall equinox is a great time to give thanks for the abundance, nourishment and support in our lives- and to also address where find lack or where something did not work out as expected. addressing our part in it and seeing how we created the very situation we see lack in is key as we cannot change situations until we are willing to change ourselves.

as the sun moves into libra the focus shifts to relationships, collaboration, compromise and connection. we do not sow seeds in our lives in isolation- our relationships with others either support or negate what we are doing. looking at relationships in the coming month is going to be very key- especially considering that the sun will trigger the jupiter/uranus/pluto T-square from now until the first days of october. we can expect some major shifts, change, revelations and perhaps transformations or desolations of relationships, commitments and contractual arrangements in our lives. anything outdate, toxic, no longer working or worse- already breaking apart- is up for review. it is a great time to separate the wheat from the chaff. we don’t want to store the entire plant we are harvesting as not all of it can be used. we take what we can use and we leave the rest so that it can become fodder for the next planting cycle. in the coming month we are supported in doing this symbolically in our relationships and commitments to others- taking time to separate the wheat from the chaff will help us all clear out and get read for the new year to come.

with the sun in libra, the ruler of the equinox chart is venus who is currently in scorpio and separating away from her conjunctions with saturn and the north node (exact 9/16-18). venus is involved in a grand water trine in the equinox chart with retrograde chiron in pisces, jupiter in cancer and black moon lilith in cancer. this sweet grand water trine supports emotional and relational healing. with black moon lilith involved we can find some deep, dark stuff comes up to be cleared and healed in the coming season. this is personal but it’s also collective. there’s a lot going on in the world that needs more awareness and healing energy to be sent there (like fukushima!). with venus involved in this chart women can be a powerful conduit for the Divine Feminine energies that so badly need to permeate this planet. venus also quincunxes uranus, opposes the moon in taurus and squares mars in the equinox chart. she is one of the most aspect planets and in the sign of scorpio she is shining a Light on the shadow so that we can see it, heal it and/or integrate it.

this equinox is a potent portal and it will lead us into some very powerful astrology in the last quarter of 2013. so take time to be still tomorrow- even if only for a few minutes- and contemplate all you are grateful for and what you are harvesting in your life right now. and then set some intentions about what it’s time to let go of. see the difference between wheat and chaff in your life and then start tossing the extra baggage- emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and physically. we are heading into hibernation mode- so be sure to honor the inward, downward impulse in balance with all the work that needs to be done. when we die we all have only our own Souls to walk us to the door- be sure you have done enough to acquaint yourself with your Soul now when you are still living ;)

equinox blessings…

~divine harmony