atlantean new moon…

by | Jul 5, 2013 | Astrology Blog

this new moon is POTENT so i am posting the lunar insight write up (members-only content) on the public astrology blog for all to see.  if my writing resonates for you and your journey check out my subscriber service that includes weekly horoscopes, monthly forecast, lunar insights on the new moons/full moons and more!




the new moon in cancer is exact on monday, july 8th at 12:14am PDT. the dark moon cycle that preceded this new moon activated the uranus/pluto square while saturn stationed direct. that is one potent end to a lunar cycle, which gives way to what looks to be a potent beginning to the next one! powerful endings and beginnings are happening right now! look around you to see where this is happening in the world around you as well as in the personal lives of friends, beloveds and even in your own life!

new moons are the beginnings of new cycles and are times to commence things, plant new seeds and set intentions. with the new moon in watery, emotional, family-oriented cancer the focus for this upcoming lunar cycle is on our roots, foundations, emotional realities and relationship to the past. to add to this the asteroid atlantis is conjunct both the sun and moon. the symbolism of atlantis is potent. positively it speaks of an ancient civilization who was further developed than we are now. atlantis was a place where spirituality and science were not do divided and things like crystalline technology, astrology, telepathy and more were prevalent. but it is also a civilization that fell and was wiped out over night because the use and abuse of power and technology outran the balance of spiritual awareness, wholeness and integrity. essentially a small group of power-hungry people went too far and the rest of the people who either did not know about it or did not stand up to change went down with the ship. what an interesting symbolism for this new moon! it brings to mind opportunities to make major changes in how we let the world and our lives be run. it’s an opportunity to turn over a new leaf, take a stand, put our money where our mouths are! have we gone to far in one area of life (personally, politically, globally, collectively?). well then it’s time to change! NOW! before it’s too late! there’s definitely an urgency to this new moon- urging us to WAKE UP!

to add to this the new moon is conjunct retrograde mercury. mercury will cojoin the sun a few days later, which marks the midway point of the current mercury retrograde cycle (from june 26th to july 20th). this often coincides with aha moments, insights, and information coming to Light. whatever it is that we are rethinking/reviewing/revising- the sun/mercury alignment is trying to shed really bright Light on it so that we can see it for what it is very clearly. part of what is being illuminated can be our relationship to the past and the tenuous, perhaps toxic hold it has on us. this is a collective thing but it’s also very personal. i highly recommend paying attention to the ties, attachments and past karma’s that you are still dragging around with you on your journey through life. do you really want all that baggage attached to you forever? family baggage, emotional baggage, fears around safety and security- you name it, it’s up right now to be faced and released- if you so choose!

this new moon is also conjunct two fixed stars- sirius and canopus. they are some of the brightest stars in the sky- which serve to shine Light on all that we are not seeing or looking at. sirius helps us to find the sacred that lies concealed in the profane (essentially bridging the spiritual and material worlds) and canopus is the path finder who helps us to see the right path that lies ahead. with this much potent star energy aligned with the new moon the opportunities for illumination, clarity and awakening are potent!!!

there is a lot of Dark Goddess energy in this chart as well. jupiter in cancer is conjunct black moon lilith, stationary saturn (who just went direct the day before) is conjunct persephone, and out of bounds mars in gemini is parallel asteroid lilith. the fierce, powerful, intense and penetrating Divine Feminine energy is rampant right now- and thank Goddess! we need her insight and intensity to penetrate beyond the facade and get to the Truth. the Dark Goddess is no lightweight! she forces us to see ourselves as we really are and she also makes us take personal responsibility for our lives and how they got there. look at all we have done to harm Mother Earth! do we need a massive wake up call to get everyone on board with treating earth- and all sentient beings- with the respect and Love they/we all deserve? i certainly hope not. it is sad to see that most times humans will not wake up until the shit hits the fan. if life is going along easy breezy- why rock the boat? it’s not until the boat is rocked and big waves start coming that people start questioning things and making changes. if you don’t want this kind of thing to happen- personally or collectively- i challenge you to start making the necessary changes in your life NOW. face your shadows and demons and do the hard work it takes to transform them. as more people do this deep work it will extend out into the collective and it will contribute to the global shift that needs to take place. it is up to each one of us to take a stand!

to add to this we have not one, but TWO grand water trines forming in the chart. one is between jupiter in cancer, saturn in scorpio and neptune in pisces. this grand water trine will be exact between july 17th and 19th and speaks of very powerful emotional and spiritual healing that is available to us all! in addition to that we have the sun/moon/mercury conjunction trine the north node and trine to chiron- making another grand water trine that helps open up and expand our emotional energies, Soul connection and connection to the past. with the evolutionary north node and the wounded healer lining up in this grand trine the opportunities for deep healing, awareness, consciousness and shift are nothing short of profound. of course this is not a silver spoon in the mouth aspect- we have to do something with the energies present in order to make use of them. healing can happen but you have to work for it- and go into the places that scare you. evolution and growth can happen- but you have to be willing to leave what does not help you grow behind. this water astrology is great for emotional healing- but you have to be willing to go into the emotional material from the past so that you can face it, feel it and release it. we have to do our part- and then the Universe can do their part. we have to meet this astrology half way.

another focus in the chart are venus and ceres in leo. these Goddess energies have been going through the wringer the last week or so- and they will do so for another couple of weeks. they both began by a square to saturn, then a quincunx to neptune, then a quincunx to pluto and finally a quincunx to chiron. all the heavy hitters are testing the Goddess of Love, beauty and money and the asteroid Goddess of mothering, nurturing, safety and security. unresolved issues in finances, relationships and home/family situations can be up big time. we are being asked to reassess our needs and desires- and particularly the ones that are coming from our ego. venus and ceres in leo can be big hearted, magnanimous and generous- but the shadow side manifests as narcissistic and entitled. we are being asked to see where imbalanced related to ego are- whether it’s being over blown with our egos or alternatively being the sacrificial lamb with no boundaries or sense of self- and then we are asked to deal with it (or be dragged down by it- you choose!).

and of course, last but certainly not least, the uranus/pluto square is playing out in the background of the chart. this astrology will be in the background of any chart from 2012 to 2015 and is in fact a defining astrological signature of the times right now. breakdowns precede breakthroughs- so the transformation you seek will likely require some kind of sacrifice of the old/the past. uranus/pluto is exposing all the weak spots in the structure and fabric of our lives- personally, financially, emotionally, relationally, politically, environmentally, globally and more! this is not fun astrology (until you start becoming the agent of change) but it is necessary as change will not happen without it. uranus is square this lunation and pluto is opposite it- so the new chapters and intentions seeded or begun right now should be focus on transformation, evolution and growth. if you are avoiding any of the above then this lunation could be a reminder of where you are going off course. we do not want to repeat the atlantis experience! we need to wake up and make a difference. this is the astrology that seeds spiritual and political activists. this is the astrology that draws the line in the sand and makes you choose.

what will you choose?

yours in the stars…

~divine harmony