a lighter weather pattern is coming!

by | May 27, 2013 | Astrology Blog

this week marks the time when the tides and weather patterns shift a bit. THANK GODDESS! we have been in a deluge of intense astrology since the first eclipse at the end of april. on top of that we have saturn in deep and intense scorpio and we are in the midst of the on-going uranus/pluto square energies that are uprooting and turning life as we know it upside down! it’s been full on lately and i know we could all use a little breather. well here comes one!!!

this week starts off with mercury and venus (the mind and heart) aligning with expansive, abundant and optimistic jupiter. this is super auspicious and can help us to have faith, believe, trust and see the possibilities! we still have some heavy energy this week- particularly on monday when the sun in gemini tensely aspects saturn and on saturday when the sun triggers the uranus/pluto square.  but these energies are more likely about things already playing out in your life, rather than something new coming up to be addressed.  so the gemini area of our charts pose issues and problems, but with jupiter there it also poses solutions and resolutions of conflict. the key is to be able to see both sides of situations in our lives (a la the twin sign of gemini who can always see two or more sides of anything) and to be able to get outside of our own egos to see what is the right thing to do or say.  with the mind and heart aligning at the start of the week we are supported in finding a bridge between our thoughts and our feelings so that we can action on them from a more balanced, conscious place.

at the end of the week mercury and venus moves into cancer, commencing a shift of energies that will be a prominent feature this summer. with the mind and heart moving into watery, emotional and sensitive cancer we have a focus on home, family, roots, foundation, sustenance, safety and security. this summer we have a grand water trine forming (exact in july) that is VERY AUSPICIOUS and all about opening up and/or healing around emotions, the heart and the Soul. this week marks the shift of the airy gemini planets into watery cancer- giving us a preview of the grand water trine energy that is to come. for water signs cancer, scorpio and pisces this grand trine is going to be amazing. for all the signs it will fall somewhere in your chart- read your weekly horoscopes for more info on what is being illuminated for you!

at the end of june jupiter will move into cancer, where he will stay for a year long transit. with the two teacher planets (jupiter and saturn) and the two spiritual planets (jupiter and neptune) in all of the water signs we have some amazing opportunities for spiritual teachings that open our lives in expansive, heart-opening ways. it’s gonna be amazing and for some it can be like a water source found in the middle of a long, dry desert. it’s been intense lately, so i know we can all use something sweet to soothe our Souls right now.

stay open to miracles!

yours in the stars…

~divine harmony