2013- the year of the Goddess!

by | Dec 18, 2012 | Astrology Blog

we are at the end of a year that was heralded and/or feared by many. as 2012 comes to a close can you look back and see just how profound a year it was? the energetic frequency has risen and time seems to have speeded up- and guess what? the intensity and potency of the present moment is not going anywhere anytime soon! 2013 looks to be an even more powerful year- in more ways than one.

when i first started hearing about the 2012 phenomena i was part of a spiritual community that had a common belief: 2012 was the year of ascension. many of my friends in this community took this literally and thought that the good people would ascend off the planet (much like the rapture is described in the bible) and all the bad people would stay here and duke it out until they die. when i heard this the depth psychologist in me immediately smelled the shadow that was not being acknowledged.

of course it would be SO much easier to just split the good people from the bad people. all the killers could stay here and kill each other and all the lovers could go to another planet and love each other. it all fits into a nice pretty package. thing is, we each have a killer AND a lover contained within us. we each have ALL the archetypes: child, mother, father, king/queen, pauper, victim, hero, leader, follower, and so on. the macro contains the micro, the outer expresses the inner. take your pick- every mystical tradition has some motto for how everything is a reflection of everything else and that we all come from the same star dust/dirt (meaning we all have the same roots/origin and we are made from the same substance).

the issue with putting all the bad people on one planet and the good ones on another is that it gets very subjective when you decide who is good and bad. do we just put killers on the bad people planet or do we put thieves too? and does a person who killed to save their child get labelled as bad? what about a thief who steals food for his family to eat? of course the big CEO’s who have stolen money from their companies- they go to the bad planet, right? what about america as a nation who has killed so many children via drone’s and genocide? hmm…the issue gets very, very tricky- doesn’t it?

there is NO WAY to split good and bad- as there is no way to take yin away from yang. everything in this 3D reality is a balance (or imbalance as it were) of opposites. you cannot have light without dark, masculine without feminine, inner without outer. to desire one one of those options but exclude the other is immature and bottom line it is spiritual bypassing. the whole point of being a spiritual being having a human experience is to be in the body while being in touch with/aware of our Spirit nature. it is to be in the paradox, to dance the sacred dance of Light and the Shadow. we all have shadow- and anyone who tells you they don’t is a liar (maybe all the liars should go to the bad people planet??). this year of 2012 has been one big reminder that in order to exist here on earth, in this Universe, in this time and space- we have to hold both aspects of Light and Shadow in our consciousness, or else we will split from one of them and project it out onto others. those OTHER bad people- they have all the shadow. that other country, that other race, that other religion, that other person over therer, etc… this splitting is the whole reason the world is in the place it is today. until we can see ourselves in everything and everyone one- we won’t really get that we are all ONE and we won’t find the peace most all of us say we seek.

2012 was an initiator of this journey down into the depths of Union- but it does not stop there. uranus/pluto only just began and takes us all the way to 2015. there are more radical activations, illuminations, changes and evolution coming our way! there are also more breakdowns that precede breakthroughs (my mantra for the uranus/pluto years we are in). wherever anything is out of integrity/out of alignment/stuck/stagnant/no longer working- uranus and pluto will come in and pull the rug out from underneath us. why, you ask? because we are building our lives on a toxic foundation that NO LONGER WORKS. if we won’t choose to take down the old paradigm then the Universe will do it for us. sudden events like the connecticut tragedy are heartbreaking ways of trying to wake us up- but guess what? they work. do you see the outpouring of Love? do you see all the parents who can FEEL what it must feel like to be in the place of the parents who lost their kids? do you see the adults who ponder what they’d do if they were there when hell broke loose? would they have shielded the kids like the hero teachers who died did? would they cower in fear? can you put yourself in their shoes? can you empathize??

another thing i have noticed in the spiritual community of late is this desire to not go into the shadow of this experience (the connecticut tragedy)- to stay in the Love and Light frequency. i agree with this to a point. part of the whole reason things like this happen is that the world needs to wake up and FEEL to HEAL. if you are staying in the Love and Light but have not shed a single tear or felt any emotion whatsoever for those that died and the families who have lost loved ones- you are missing the point and ironically not truly in the heart (even if you think you are). the spiritual journey is about moving into the heart- and the heart feels EVERYTHING: love, sadness, loss, joy, grief, bliss. the heart does not filter out the ‘bad feelings’ and only experience ‘the good ones’. to be a truly heart-centered person you sit in the center of emotion and you feel what pass through you- much like the wind passes through a room. you don’t hold onto that wind- but you give the wind its expression. you don’t make barricades and walls to keep the wind out- that is not the ultimate purpose of the heart.

it is important we all get this lesson, because if we do not heart-breaking things that help break our heart open to more Love will happen with more and more intensity and at a higher frequency. i am not predicting doom and gloom here- i am trying to help you see we all have a choice in the matter. if you are already awake (which is highly likely if you are even reading this blog) then you need to do something about your wakefulness. sitting in meditation in an exclusive ashram resort, eating raw, organic and non-GMO and posting your insights on facebook won’t cut it. if you are awake you now have a much greater responsibility to the world around you. it’s the price of waking up- and you cannot go back to sleep!

2013 is the year that follows 2012 numerically, and symbolically it will take us deeper on our path of Union of opposites. we have five eclipses in 2013- thee in april/may and two in october/november. do you remember the summer of 2009 when we had three eclipses back to back? it was HIGH FREQUENCY and super activating. you can expect more of that in mid-spring of this year. we also have 2 more uranus/pluto squares, one in may and one in october- both, incidentally, book ended by the eclipses (falling smack in the middle of the eclipse portals). an eclipse portal by itself is powerful, but add in the uranus/pluto square energy and you have something positively POTENT and potentially explosive (in good ways, or not so good ways). this energy will support and further the awakening going on on planet earth (and in other Universes as well) and some of it may not be pleasurable to the ego, but it will be just what the Higher Self ordered for the Soul and Spirit to WAKE UP.

i believe that if you honestly step up and choose to do this work before the Universe has to force you, the manifestation of the energy can change. where previously it was disaster, catastrophe and loss that woke us up because we were so addicted to being asleep something massive had to happen to wake us up from our drug-induced stupor- if we choose the path of consciousness and awareness it can be Love, connection, community and integration that comes through our experience. it’s a choice, but the fine print is that BOTH/AND are likely to happen. if you are doing your work and something negative befalls you it does not mean you are not awake or doing your work (although it is best to check in first to see if the Universe is pointing out an area of denial where you need to be more honest with yourself) . it means you are in the paradox- walking the path in Light and Love but acknowledging, engaging and integrating the Shadow. it means you are experiencing BOTH/AND.

this path is not about splitting, it’s not about only experiencing what is good and right. it’s about being here in it all and showing up again and again- as a Lighthouse for others who get overshadowed by the storms and as a friend along the path who also just trying to figure it all out. it’s also about BEING with the emotions and experiences that come up along the way. a quote i stumbled on once (that i cannot find a reference for) states “the emotions of the Soul are real- intensely real, but they are not personalized. the Soul can weep over injustice or the stupidity and greed of humanity. it can rejoice over the budding of a flower, or a little act of kindness. these are the keenly felt emotions of Love devoid of self-interest, Love that perceives the possibilities and grieves the inability to respond.” herein lies the practice- being in the emotion of the Soul while also staying in the Higher perspective of Spirit- so that we feel the pain of the world without personalizing it/internalizing it. can you do both/and? can you stay in the paradox? can you swim in the ocean without drowning?

the most auspicious celestial magic of 2013 is the grand water trine playing out in the spring and summer. currently saturn is in watery scorpio and neptune is in his home sign of watery pisces. next summer (6/25) jupiter will move into watery cancer and will build to a perfect grand water trine that will be exact mid-july. this includes the involvement of the two teacher planets who teach by very different energies: jupiter by expansion, abundance and opportunity and saturn by contraction, reality and karma. it also includes the two spiritual planets: jupiter rules overt spirituality- where we read a book, take a course, travel somewhere to expand our inner experience, and neptune rules a more internal spiritual process- where we close our eyes and meditate or dream and expand from the inside out. with the teacher planets and spiritual planets lining up in the watery element of emotion, intuition and the Soul we will have MAJOR opportunities to tap into those deep wellsprings of emotion and Soulful connection that is so very needed at this time. spiritual openings of massive proportions are possible next year- the kind that have the potential to open us all up in beautiful, heart-centered ways. i am very excited about this grand water trine and have high hopes for it- yet those hopes won’t manifest and become tangible if we don’t DO THE WORK and ACT from that space of the heart. as deepak chopra says, “Love without action is meaningless and action without Love is irrelevant.”

as you can see 2013 is shaping up to be one powerful year. the title of this blog is that this is the year of the Goddess, and yet you may wonder why i have not mentioned her up until this point? well if you know anything about the Goddess you know she contains the all. she is maiden, mother, queen and crone. she gives birth to life and she also takes life. her Soulful roots lie down in the depths of our emotions- she is not above them or beyond them, she IS them. she is also the earth and all her bounty- she is the ground we walk on, the air we breathe, the Mother we get nurtured from, the bodies we inhabit. the watery grand trine to me is a boon from the Goddess. to add to that the number 13 is a sacred number to the Goddess and in chinese astrology we are heading into a water snake year- water being very yin and the snake also being very sacred to the Goddess. i feel very deeply within my bones an awakening of and healing of the split from the Divine Feminine and i personally feel 2013 is going to be a watershed year in that respect. i am not making any concrete predictions- that is not my forte or my interest. but i am sharing my deep intuitions- which many people around me who have a deep connection to the Goddess also share.

in the coming year of watery snake Goddess energy i highly recommend you listen to/tap into your dreams, intuition and psychic ability. look beneath the surface to get to the heart of things. and while you are at- move deeper into your own heart. not the heart that is all Light and Love and split from the Shadow- but the heart that can live in and contain the paradox of the all. that is Kali- the Dark Mother who creates and destroys all that is and ever will be. we can only project and experience our inner shadow/destroyer outside of us if we cannot own what is within. the best thing you can do in the year of 2013 is own your shit. may we all do that. and may we all wake up, open up our heart chakras and feel all the pain and all the ecstasy and then find that center space in the midst of it all that is pure presence, living from a wide-open heart.


~divine harmony