Thank you to all who attended my live Masterclass yesterday as we headed to the precise Neptune/Mean North Node conjunction last night! The replay for the Masterclass is now available on my YouTube channel. You can access it here or click on the video below-...
Astrology Blog by Divine Harmony
Stay up to date with the latest Astrology news and Cosmic Insights from Divine Harmony. The Astrology Blog features unique and FREE Astrological insights on a variety of topics. Astrology Blogs also feature news about Divine Harmony’s new and upcoming offerings!
FREE Masterclass ~ Neptune conjunct the North Node (2/22/25)
I had a FREE Masterclass on Saturday February 22nd, 2025 at 2pm EST. This Masterclass happened as we built to the Neptune/Mean North Node conjunction in Pisces that was exact later that evening. YOU CAN REGISTER TO RECEIVE THE LINK TO WATCH THE REPLAY- as this event...
Watch the Replay of New Year’s Day Livestream Event ~ The Astrology of 2025
Hi friends 2025 Yearly Forecast Livestream Event Our Livestream yesterday was so much fun! We had YouTube issues at the start. I set up everything EXACTLY AS DIRECTED and magically when I went live from Xoom to YouTube it went live on a new livestream link not the one...
Pluto into Aquarius & the Transformation of Humanity (VIDEO)
This Masterclass was filmed when Pluto first ingressed into Aquarius in March of 2023. As of November 19th 2024 we have Pluto in Aquarius FOR GOOD for the next 19 years (20 years if you include the back and forth ingress into Pisces) PLEASE BE SURE TO FAST FORWARD to...
Blessed Mother Night (12/20/24)
I wanted to wish you a Blessed Mother Night tonight as we are in the DEEPEST DARKEST currents of the Dark of the Sun right now. The night before the Winter Solstice is the night the Great Mother goes into labor to birth/rebirth the Sun- which is why we call it Mother...
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius ~ Revisioning myth to inspire humanity to heal (11/25/24)
On Monday November 25th 2024 Mercury stations Retrograde at 22’40 Sagittarius- bringing the Winged Messenger to a Standstill as he heads into his 3 week Underworld Journey. Mercury Retrograde is a time to rethink, review, revise and go over the past. When in...
Uranian Chaos with my Newsletter- latest send posted here <3
I am posting my recent Newsletter here on my Astrology Blog- as I have had some big issues with my newsletter not sending out and am in the process of transitioning to a new newsletter service. Read on below for more detailed info on Calling in the Light that starts...
Happy Mary Magdalene Feast Day (7/22)
Happy Mary Magdalene Feast Day! There are many variations of the name given to this beloved woman… Mary Mara Miriam Mariam Maryam Maria Mariamne Mariamene Marya It is said her given name in Aramaic at the time she lived on earth was Marya- which means Master or Lord....
Rectifying Taylor Swift’s Birth Time (Capricorn Rising, Scorpio MC with Shapley 8)
I wrote a blog about Taylor Swift's astrology chart last May (2023) after seeing her at the Eras Tour in Nashville with my daughter. It was an amazing concert- I was truly blown away- and I am not into concerts or being around 70,000 people. It was an amazing bonding...
Calling in the Light ~ Livestream Replay now available
My new course Calling in the Light starts on Sunday August 4th, 2024 and you can learn more about it here- I had a Zoom Meeting about the course and you can now watch it on my YouTube channel here-...
Pluto at 29 Capricorn ~ The last dying breaths of patriarchal extraction culture
We currently have Pluto heading into the Karmic Completion Degree of 29 Capricorn (or 30 Capricorn if you round up)- and it is symbolic of the final push for a huge purge and release of the shadows of patriarchal consciousness. Last week my friend told me about the...
As Above, So Below ~ Why we need new myths to save humanity (VIDEO)
I just recorded an interview with the Keepers of Humanity online global conference on Saturday May 11th. My interview was titled 'As above, so below- ~ Why we need new myths to save humanity'. You can watch my interview at the link below. Thanks to Jocelyn Starfeather...