The 8 Solar Gates

The 8 Solar Gates: Journey through the Wheel of the Year

♥ Offered by Divine Harmony ♥

The 8 Solar Gates

In the 8 Solar Gates of the Solar Year we will learn about the power and medicine of the Luminous Sun. We will share astrology, mythology, shadow work and a guided meditation for each of the 8 Solar Holy-Days to celebrate the Journey of the Sun from birth to death to resurrection, ascension and subsequent descension which takes us back into full Embodiment of our Light and Divinity here on Mother Earth. This Journey of the Sun mirrors our own journey of awakening and re-membering.

“As above, so below; as without, so within; as the Universe, so the Soul.” ~Hermetic Maxim

These calls trace the path of the Sun through the Quarter Days and Cross Quarter Days: Winter Solstice/Yule, Imbolc, Spring Equinox/Ostara, Beltane, Summer Solstice/Litha, Lammas, Autumn Equinox/Mabon, Samhain and back to Winter Solstice again to start the cycle anew. You can start at any point in the Solar Cycle as they all cycle back to each other in the Great Spiral of Life!

Many modern teachings about the Solar cycle focus on the Sun’s Light, the masculine and the return to the Father- but in this journey through the wheel of the year we will be journeying with both the Light and the shadow, the masculine and the feminine, the Father and the Mother. We will learn why the point of the journey is not only to Ascend and achieve En-light-enment but it is also to Descend back to Earth and fully Embody that Light to be a Lighthouse in the world.

If you sign up for the Galactic Benefactor membership you get these calls as part of your subscription service. The Solar Gates are also offered on a sliding scale for those who want to purchase directly or donate more for the calls.  You can sign up for the entire year’s journey (8 calls) for $150-$300 a year. You can also pay for these calls one at a time for $25-44 each. To register for the whole journey or to register for the next Solar Gate call you donate here- PayPal.Me/divineharmony13

(***please be sure to write in the notes that you are signing up for the full year of the Solar Gates and/or the name of the specific gate you are signing up for***)

I am very excited to be offering this journey through the Solar Mysteries and look forward to you joining me.

Blessings of the Sun sent your way…

~Divine Harmony


The first Solar Gate call for Winter Solstice 2017 can be found here-

The 2nd Solar Gate of Imbolc can be found here-


Beautiful, esoteric art by Nahima- 


Solar Dates for the Solar Gates in 2018/19:
(***calls will be released at least 3 days before each Solar Gate***)

Yule (Winter Solstice) 2018- 12/21/18 2:23pm PST
Imbolc- 2/3 7:14pm PST
Ostara (Vernal Equinox)- 3/20- 2:58pm PST
Beltane- 5/5/18 12:03pm PST
Litha (Summer Solstice)- 6/21- 8:54am PST
Lammas- 8/7 12:13pm PST
Mabon (Autumnal Equinox)- 9/23- 12:50am PST
Samhain- 11/7 9:24am PST
Yule (Winter Solstice)- 12/21- 8:19pm PST