a new lunar cycle is commenced at the new moon in sagittarius which is exact on monday december 2nd at 4:22pm PST. new moons occur when the sun and moon are aligned and are known as times to plant seeds, initiate things and start on new journeys or new adventures. with this new moon in expansive, abundant, fun-loving sadge we are supported in opening our minds, taking risks, traveling, learning, teaching, writing, speaking and publishing! it’s a great time to look at where we want to grow in life and then go for it!
this new moon is highly aspected, making it exceptionally potent and powerful when used consciously. first of all the uranus/pluto square activates this new moon, but they do so in harmonious ways. the sun/moon conjunction trines uranus in aries and semisextiles pluto in capricorn- bringing the sweeter energies of both planets into the mix. uranus brings an ability to change, wake up and envision the future- while pluto brings an ability to transform, let go of the past and empower ourselves.
in addition to the uranus/pluto square, we have both neptune and chiron in pisces in square aspect to this new moon (chiron is the most exact aspect). with pisces planets squaring sagittarius planets we have a need to look at our tendency to idealism, fantasy, unreality and over-optimism. both sadge and pisces prefer to see the positive side of things and both can be known to wear rosy colored glasses. seeing reality right now is key, although it may not be easy. the key is to see our visions with clarity while still being able to see the blocks, shadow and things that are not working in our lives. ignorance is not bliss and denial will have consequences- so balancing the sadge/pisces optimism with some healthy dose of realism is key.
the new moon/chiron square can force us to look at old wounds and pain around boundaries, codependency, enabling, addiction, and victimization. this new moon harkens back to the september 5th new moon in virgo that was opposite chiron. check points around what may have come up for us personally back then can arise. opportunities for expanded awareness, healing and consciousness are present- but we have to be willing to do the work required to get there!
the ruling planet of this new moon is jupiter, who is currently retrograde in cancer. in the new moon chart jupiter is conjunct mean black moon lilith and is opposite icarus- the man who flew to close to the sun. jupiter is already a planet that resonates with icarus- as they both have lessons around boundaries, taking on too much and hubris. with jupiter/BML opposite icarus we can be challenged to find a balance between going for it and believing in ourselves, while knowing our limits and/or dealing with limitations and restrictions in our lives. the shadow side of this energy can express if we over do it or self-aggrandize- as then we may find our wings burned and we are forced back down to the reality of earth! keep this in mind as you set your intentions and move forward in the month ahead- realistic assessment of what is possible, honest and right is key.
this new moon can be a powerful time to get clear on where we want to grow, expand, explore and open up to the possibilities! it’s just key that we find balance between our dreams, visions and ideals and our ability to manifest them and make them tangible in the world. staying true to our integrity and vision is key this lunar cycle! and inner journeys are just as significant as outer ones- so don’t over focus all this great sagittarius energy on outer goals or you will miss out on the spiritual expansion possible ;)
~divine harmony
p.s. check the weekly horoscopes to see where this new moon falls in your chart! be sure to read for sun AND rising sign.