The New Moon at 9’41 Pisces is exact on Thursday February 27th, 2025 at 7:45pm EST- commencing a new Lunar Cycle that focuses on the mystical, spiritual, compassionate and dreamy realms of the sign of the Fishes that are in the area of the sky called the Primordial Waters of Creation (from the tail of Capricornus, through Aquarius and Pisces). There is SO MUCH TROPICAL PISCES in this New Moon chart- from Ceres the Great Mother, to the Sun and Moon, Mercury and Saturn, and Neptune who is just separating from his conjunction with the North Node. The Pisces area of your chart is getting a deluge of inspiration, compassion and/or saturation of emotion. How you relate to the Watery realms of feeling and emotion can inform if this energy feels juicy and amazing or overwhelming and over-sensitizing (or maybe a mix of both?).
Having this New Moon in Pisces occur on the heels of the Neptune/North Node conjunction that was exact on February 22nd (February 6th for True Nodes) is significant. Neptune aligns with the North Node once every CHECK YEARS- and this alignment only happens at the tail end of Pisces once every 819 years. The tail end is important because when the North Node is at 29 or 30 Pisces (also 0-2 Aries) we are in the Major Lunar Standstill Portal where the moon is at the most Max Out of Bounds. This is part of a 18.6 year Lunar Standstill Cycle and the co-occurrence of that with Neptune conjunct the North Node is a rare event indeed. The last time this occurred was in 1206- which was the time of the Cathars, a very spiritual group of people devoted to the Divine Feminine in the form of Holy Sophia. I talked about this in my Masterclass that was live on Saturday February 22nd. You can watch the replay of it here-
In my Masterclass I also share about my new course ‘The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel’ which starts on March 1st with Venus’ Descent into the Underworld. The course is a journey with Venus, Neptune and the North Node- and focuses on mystical teachings, inner work, dream work and community connection. There will be teachings on the Holy Grail, the Sophia mysteries, the Grails in our bodies, the Grails in the heavens and more. It’s a very Pisces/Neptune course that auspiciously starts a few days after the Pisces Lunation. You can learn more about it here-
Essentially this New Moon happening right after the once in 819 years Neptune/North Node conjunction at the end of Pisces is MAJORLY ACTIVATING what this mystical and spiritual conjunction initiated for you personally but also for humanity collectively. This New Moon is a really good time to be intentional about what you are setting into motion in your spiritual life and creative life. It’s also an important time to pay attention to your dreams!
In the New Moon chart we have a beautiful Grand Water Trine formed between the New moon, Mars in Cancer (who just stationed Direct on February 23rd) and Vesta in Scorpio. The mystical Pisces energies are bolstered by the Will and Drive (Mars) who is ready to take action in service to dreams, ideals, visions and direction from Spirit. Vesta the Priestess asteroid Goddess is deeply devoted to her own and humanity’s transformation and evolution when in Scorpio. She is willing to dive deep and stay intensely focused on the path. This is amazing astrology for birthing new dreams, visions, ideas- or if they are already born then helping them grow and mature. Whether you are planting new seeds or nurturing ones you have already planted- the growth potential right now is massive.
The New Moon also squares Jupiter in Gemini which brings opportunities to learn, teach, travel and open our minds to new things- but it can also overdo the mental space. Pisces and the Grand Water Trine demand we FEEL TO HEAL- not overthink and try to divorce ourselves from our emotions. Jupiter is generally quite benevolent- so as long as we tend to our emotions and not use the mind to bypass them- Jupiter’s presence in the New Moon chart can bring expansion, abundance and opportunity! Just watch out for excess and overdoing and find the right balance between thinking and feeling, mind and heart for best results.
I will leave you with the Sabian Symbol and Star Sparks degrees for the New Moon (full text below). The Sabian Symbol shows an aviator pursuing his journey, flying through ground-obscuring clouds. It speaks to our ability as humans to develop powers and skills that allow us to transcend the natural 3D world limitations and operate in a Higher Spiritual realm. When we truly do our inner work we can harness our power and work with energy in seemingly magical ways. But our own inner work is based on the inner work and innovations of those that came before us (our teachers, our ancestors). We could visualize them as the wind beneath the wings of the plane we are flying- they are helping to life us up, but it is our own efforts that get us off the ground. This is a degree that speaks to the achievement of mastery- and in Pisces this is very much about spiritual mastery.
The Star Sparks degree talks about an old witch on a windy promontory calling to the sea. This degree is intense and deep and evocative. It speaks of the moment the elements and the Earth herself says ENOUGH to the humans who have gotten too far out of balance with nature, and out of balance with their hearts, Souls and Spirits. It also speaks of the moments in human history where ‘the only thing remaining is the grace of Divine Mother’s intervening power”. And ultimately this degree is a guiding Light for those beings who are chosen to heed the signs, feel the portents and become the cleansed vessels through which peace and the grace of the Divine Mother can stream through.
This is precisely the intention of my new course The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel!!! The whole point of the course is to work to open up to the Descent of the Divine Feminine and purify our vessels so that we are ‘cleanses’ and the peace and grace of the Divine Mother can stream through. (And no I did not see this Star Sparks degree for the New Moon and schedule the class around it- but the Universe apparently did!). If you feel called to join me on this sacred journey you can register here-
Blessed New Moon in Pisces to you! The Pisces card in the Tarot is the Moon which is said to ‘increase on the side of mercy’. May we all increase our capacity for mercy, love, kindness and receptivity. If this is our goal and we do the work to attain it- this Pisces lunation on the heels of Neptune conjunct the North Node at the end of Pisces will be pure magic and will most certainly be a Lunar Cycle that uplevels your capacity to operate in the Spiritual realms with greater mastery.
P.S. Please Note due to several requests I created a 6 month payment plan option to join the course <3 You can find it on the landing page here-
Also the Limited Time Discount Offer for the course of $55.50 off with coupon code NEPTUNE10 expires end of the day Monday 2/24!
by Dane Rudhyar
KEYNOTE: Man’s ability to develop powers and skills which by transcending natural limitations allow him to operate in mental-spiritual realms.
This symbol in a sense synthesizes the implications of the four preceding ones: the dedication to the community of men (present and future), self-assertion and the ambition to reach a social goal. Man is seen mastering difficulties implied in a type of operation transcending his organic limitations and the narrow boundaries of a localized “living space.” He does so as an individual in command of powerful energies, but also as heir to the industry of countless innovators and managers.
This is the last symbol of the sixty-eighth five-fold sequence of evolving stages of consciousness and human activity. It evokes the achievement of MASTERY.
by Ellias Lonsdale
Pisces 10
An old witch on a windy promontory. She is calling to the sea.
The greater elements cast us about in their spell of urgency, their gathering squall of the Earth herself saying, Enough. Those who are chosen to heed the signs, to feel the portents, become swept away by the tide of change and engulfed in the eddies of what always stays the same.
Having a convincing, persuasive, first-hand experience of everything raw and direct, huge and stunning. Being right on that edge where you’re the first to catch the wave, to realize what is coming and what it means to us all. Yet not being able to reveal this to others in a form they can fathom. You have to be there to know it this way.
The overwhelming surge of collective events becomes a perpetual challenge to meet, to integrate, to metabolize into a form that can be passed on to those drier and more separative. Because the messages, the omens are heavily laced with warning and cautionary indications, the conviction arises that the news must get through, but the vibration of being a believer makes it very hard for others to enter upon what is being offered in any way that fits their lives, their styles, their minds, their points of view.
Nonetheless, this is a solitary vigil of one appointed to go out on that edge and stay there and keep tuning into the signs and indications. In ordinary life, this becomes a force that pulls way too hard on the heartstrings. In apocalyptic times, it is commonsensical, right on that spot, there when needed.
Inside the inside of this frequency, a far subtler resonance is alive. This involves a whispering, an interior tone that is never strident and always sacred and revelatory. When this layer is tapped, all the fireworks disperse and the only thing remaining is the grace of Divine Mother’s intervening power, playing through in wondrous ways. Such a tone underlies all the huge edges all the while and is itself on the far side of the troubles. From that wondrous inward sphere, consolation and peace stream into cleansed vessels.