The New Moon at 9’44 Capricorn is exact on Monday December 30th at 5:27pm EST- commencing a new Lunar Cycle that focuses on career, success, big business, government and the traditions and structures that endure over time and also those that need to evolve or transform in some new fashion.
This is the last New Moon of 2024 and most of the Lunar Cycle this New Moon activates will be in the first month of 2025. To end the year on a New Moon note can be quite auspicious in the sense that we have opportunities to complete and release (particularly during the Dark of the Moon December 27th-30th) and start anew in a way that helps us not carry baggage from 2024 into the new year. In Truth the ‘New Year energy’ is likely to be more palpably felt at both the Winter Solstice (December 21st) and at this New Moon on December 30th- more so than on January 1st as our obscure Gregorian calendar says it will be ;)
This New Moon is conjunct Pallas Athena in Capricorn- activating the Wisdom and War Goddess in potent ways. The Sun and Moon are also tightly conjunct Morya- a lesser known Jayne Estoeric body that speaks to what one has to endure, accept and transmute in life. It has an energy of Fate. In addition the Sun is parallel both Mars and Pluto who were recently contraparallel on December 16th and will be opposing by degree for the 2nd time on January 3rd. As such, we are in a Super Aspect portal of the Mars/Pluto opposition from December 16th through January 3rd!
There is a lot of power and potential- but also possibly a lot of intensity- activated by the New Moon and we would all do well to tap into the Wisdom and foresight energy of Pallas and the integrity and responsibility energy of Capricorn- so we can use the Mars/Pluto energy in the Highest way possible. Mars is the lower will and ego and Pluto is the Higher Will and Power. We want our lower egoic selves in service to something Higher- but this combination can make it so our egos are on power trips and power struggles can be amplified personally and collectively on the world stage. A healthy sense of restraint (but not repression) is key!
Chiron is at standstill in the New Moon chart- having just stationed direct the day before. This magnifies the Wounding and Healing journey Chiron in the sign of the God of War is on. For some of us, Chiron in Aries is about having boundaries, saying no and having a healthy sense of self preservation that may require we terminate relationships or let go of certain people or situations that are not good for us. For others of us, Chiron in Aries is a lesson in tempering anger, rage, ego and tendencies towards domination, control or violence. Will we choose wounding or healing? Reactivity or response?
The Ruler of this New Moon in Saturn who is in Pisces and is just separating from his squares to Jupiter and Mercury (December 24th and 27th respectively). Jupiter square Saturn is a transit of push and pull between expansion and contraction, freedom and restraint. Mercury’s square to Saturn on the 24th was the 3rd and final due to his Underworld (Retrograde) journey that is coming to completion (his back end shadow completes on January 2nd). Interestingly Saturn is also sesquiquadrate Retrograde Mars and semisquare Pluto- triggering the Mars/Pluto opposition! Healthy Saturn knows when to pause, defer, wait and delay action. Unhealthy Saturn represses, dominates, is controlling and power hungry and/or never activates (as in failure to launch syndrome). Right relationship with Saturn is key right now! Maturity, self mastery and integrity are worth their weight in gold.
In the New Moon chart the Moon is WAY Out of Bounds- at 28’00 North Declination- a mere 1/2 degree away from the most out of bounds point the Moon can go. This amplifies but also exacerbates the lunar energies- with emotions running extra high (also tides)! But this can also allow our intuition and perspective to go beyond what is normal as well. I HIGHLY recommend paying attention to dreams around this New Moon- as they could be quite prophetic. We are heading to the precise point of the maximum Out of Bounds Moon which occurs in March of 2025.
Finally, the New Moon triggers the Venus/Uranus square (which was exact on December 28th)- which means that wake up/shake up energies are incoming to the grounded, foundational and/or traditional aspects of our personal and collective lives. This is definitely the biggest archetypal storyline present throughout the New Moon chart- that which is toxic, stagnant, stuck, karmic and/or old paradigm NEEDS to be transformed or released. This New Moon can spotlight just what that is for each of us personally and collectively!
The Sabian Symbol for this degree speaks to overcoming fear. And the Morya influence speaks to fate. This makes me think of the Caroline Myss quote “Fate is how your life unfolds when you let fear determine your choices. A path of destiny reveals itself to you when you confront your fear and make conscious choices.” Can we overcome the fears of limitation, restriction, repression and the old patriarchal paradigm that DOES NOT WANT TO CHANGE- and as such needs to die (in science the precursor to death is stasis or the refusal/inability to evolve or transform). We can stay stuck in fear and fatalistic events OR we can face our fears and find our destiny!
In its highest this Sabian Symbol degree speaks to “the ideal of peace and happiness…(that) includes all living organisms on this planet. The power of such a culture of harmlessness and compassion generates trust everywhere.” This very peace, joy and compassion IS the choice of Wisdom over war- one I do hope humanity chooses collectively and one which we can each choose individually which will contribute to the collective.
The Star Sparks degree talks about finding “the strength and vitality to be able to withstand the shock of no illusions, no protective veils, nothing but what shows up to be met on its own terms.” Very on point for the “get real” energy of Saturn/Capricorn. This degree asks us to “see beyond belief and ideology that the whole of Earth existence is exquisitely fine-tuned to allow for optimal growth and evolvement for each and all”- reminding us that “shadows prepare us best for the blazing inner light at that summit just ahead.”
My shadow work teacher Robert Masters says “everything can be used for awakening”. Rumi said “Both Light and Shadow are the dance of Love.” YES we can learn through heartache, loss, breakdowns and endings. YES we can learn through love, compassion, surrender and new beginnings. YES to it all. The secret is that it’s up to us and what we choose. Sometimes we are in the Underworld and it’s because we need to be for our evolution and growth and all we can do is surrender. But at other times we are in the Underworld of our own making and actually it is up to us to want to leave it and take action to exit the reality we are stuck in. Discerning which it is takes a lot of self awareness and wisdom born of experience ;)
So at this New Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pallas Athena, Morya and parallel Mars opposite Pluto- what we will choose? Will we choose fate or destiny? Wisdom or war? Wounding or healing? Reactivity or response? Duality or Union? It is up to us! Let us all choose wisely and let go of the old and open to the new as we seed a new cycle for the new year ahead.
Blessed be <3
by Dane Rudhyar
KEYNOTE: The overcoming of fear and its rewards.
The man who radiates perfect harmlessness can call the wildest creatures to him and can establish with them a partnership based on mutual respect and understanding. Every living entity plays a role in the world’s ritual of existence; beyond these specific roles, which too often separate one entity from another, the communion of love and compassion can bring together the most disparate lives.
At this last stage of the fifty-sixth sequence we are presented with a picture extending the ideal of peace and happiness through culture so it now includes all living organisms on this planet. The power of such a culture of harmlessness and compassion generates TRUST everywhere.
by Ellias Lonsdale
Capricorn 10
A man drinking blood from the vein in a horse’s leg.
Seeing something you never could see before. Becoming alerted to all the missing parts. Being pervasively shown what is lacking, what is wrong with this picture. Gaining the strength and vitality to be able to withstand the shock of no illusions, no protective veils, nothing but what shows up to be met on its own terms.
This bolstering of soul force brings with it as well a challenge, an opening, a possibility of a rare kind. To follow this path will require repeated dosages of tapping Source to be able to sustain the journey. Yet if the heart is willing, it can be accomplished.
Along the course of this greater journey, the crystal clear seeing faculty begins to allow for a seeing through all the outer phenomena into what truly is. This is a rare, distinctive, and highly unusual direction to take. It brings us back to a place we once inhabited a long time ago. This time, we must stay awake and observant and remain within our individual center of being faithful to what our experience has led us into.
Then it does happen. We remember, we realize, we break through to the place where we know how it really is around here from the inside. We drop all our doubts and fears. For we see beyond belief and ideology that the whole of Earth existence is exquisitely fine-tuned to allow for optimal growth and evolvement for each and all.
Paradoxically, along the way to getting there, we must entertain and try on for size every single model of negating and going against the spirit in this life. For we need to know intimately what it feels like to be removed from all consolation, all inward nourishment. Only then will we allow ourselves to enter upon deep sacred territory, aware that everything depends upon seeing truly and being unto the whole. Shadows prepare us best for the blazing inner light at that summit just ahead.