Full Moon in Leo ~ Putting your Authentic Self first (2/12/25)

by | Feb 10, 2025 | Lunar Insight

The Full Moon at 24’06 Leo is exact on Wednesday February 12th at 8:53am EST- marking the midway point of the current Lunar Cycle we are in that began with the New Moon in Aquarius, Lunar Imbolc and Lunar New Year on January 29th, 2025. The Leo/Aquarius axis that is being highlighted is one of Me vs We, individuality vs community, personal consciousness versus collective consciousness. Finding the right balance between self and other is one of the biggest life lessons we all have to learn- and this Full Moon will no doubt bring up lessons and opportunities for growth and evolution around this theme!

Some of us default to the self too much and we need to learn to be more relational and learn to be in partnership spaces where there is equal sharing and exchange, where we think of others not just ourselves and genuinely care for people beyond just our own needs and desires. Some of us default to others and need to learn to stand on our own two feet alone, putting our own needs first, while also standing in the spotlight- shining and being seen in Leo fashion! Honest self check-ins about where our own growth edge is calling us forward is key- and the astrology this week will certainly force your hand if you have been ignoring/denying/avoiding that growth edge!!!

In the Full Moon chart the Sun is conjunct Ceres the Great Mother and Mercury the Mind- with all 3 of them opposite the Full Moon in Leo. This polarization of community and/or family needs and ideas of what is right are at odds with what we need to do to live from the Truth of our own hearts (which may be wildly opposite of what our community and family tells us is right). With Ceres involved this also puts the spotlight on home, family, mothers/parents, children, childhood past and even Mother Earth herself.

This opposition of Sun/Ceres/Mercury to the Full Moon in Leo is being intensely squared by Uranus- bringing in some very sudden and unexpected WAKE UP/SHAKE UP TERRITORY! Tense Uranus transits that align with the Sun, Earth and Moon can bring earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural environmental events (literal but also metaphoric). It can also BLOW OUR MINDS OPEN- as Uranus seeks to shake us out of our stupor and challenges our attachments to safety, security and the past. Uranus in Taurus can also challenge our values OR challenge us to stand up for our values even in the face of others telling us we are wrong!

The Full Moon in Leo can magnify ego in those who need to tone it down- but it can also fire up healthy ego in those who need better boundaries and need to learn to stand up for themselves. The medicine of this Full Moon will be different for each of us pending what it is we need- but with Uranus involved in a T square what we can be absolutely sure about is that change is coming. So bracing down and resisting is NOT the medicine of the moment. Being ready, willing and able to change is the much better choice ;)

In the Full Moon chart Uranus tensely aspects the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus- 4 of the 5 personal planets are being challenged by the Rebel and Revolutionary. As we are in the Age of Aquarius- this can be about the shifts and changes happening on a collective level that are in service to the new Age. But this is tense astrology- so the awakening or change may come via shocks, endings and sudden/unexpected things playing out. As Uranus is the Planet of unpredictability- you never know what you are going to get when Uranus comes calling! What you can predict is that it will NOT be uneventful ;)

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon is titled “A large camel is seen crossing a vast and forbidding desert”. This degree speaks to self sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure- and demands we find within ourselves total independence from our surroundings and utter self-reliance. How very Full Moon in Leo- as this sign asks us to focus on ourselves ONLY. Camels are animals that carry within themselves all they need for survival. Dane Rudhyar tells us that “in order to be released from the bondage of the ‘old world’ we should be completely self-contained emotionally”. With the tense squares of Uranus to Aquarius planets- we may need to let go of people, friends, groups or communities we have been a part of – so that we can evolve and grow and learn to ‘keep our own counsel’ and find our own resources from within. It also may be that we need to let go of people who have a hard time letting us shine or cannot support us in the fullness of our radiance.

The Star Sparks degree talks about ‘A circle of neat houses, each one is identical’. It’s a degree that speaks to the modern era of everyone living in track housing, all doing the same thing, each of them hiding their light under a bushel of conformist behaviors. It talks about the feeling that we need to pacify and appease others- and care about “what the neighbors might think”. And then it goes on to tell us that there is a deeper being within us, lurking behind the safe version. When we are ready to stop hiding and pretending and trying to be good and perfect- this deeper Self will appear.

Interestingly this degree also talks about a new world and an old world- just like the Sabian Symbol does! And it appears to remind us that the transition from the old world to the new one- that we are all taking on this journey into and through the Age of Aquarius- is really born of the choices we make on the innermost levels. It’s not so much about outer changes and revolutionary events- as much as it is about INNER CHANGE AND REVOLUTION. It starts within and then extends without.  As Shakespeare said “To thine own self be True”.

Are we ready to acknowledge that the old world and all that it symbolizes is no longer who we are after all (and probably really never was us to begin with)? It is only when each of us chooses to evolve and grow- despite the neighbors, despite our family, despite what the patriarchal world demands- that the Inner Soul and True Self will start to emerge. Like the caterpillar coming out the cocoon in a new form- what appeared to be death and loss was in fact a transformation to a Higher Way of living. But the passageway to get there is very much a solo journey. It requires that we turn within, allow the old to break down, and allow the new to take form on the inner levels. It is a very solitary path.  At a certain point we will have to let everyone and everything go- so we can listen to our own voice and our own Soul- so we can find our True path that in not being influenced by the needs, judgements or demands of anyone else around us.

I leave you with a poem that evokes this solitary journey so well- called ‘The Journey’ by Mary Oliver. You can read the poem as well as the full text for the Star Sparks and Sabian Symbol degrees below.

Have a blessed Full Moon!


P.S. My new course “The Holy Grail ~ Becoming the Vessel” starts on March 1st! You can learn more here- https://divineharmony.com/theholygrailbecomingthevessel2025/

On February 22nd I will be having a FREE Masterclass talking about the Neptune/North Node conjunction, the Astrology that lies ahead, my course and more details on it, with time for Q&A. More info will be coming soon. Be sure to be on my newsletter list in order to get the registration information- https://divineharmony.com/newsletter/


The Journey
by Mary Oliver

One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice—
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
“Mend my life!”
each voice cried.
But you didn’t stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do—
determined to save
the only life you could save.


by Dane Rudhyar


KEYNOTE: Self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure.

The camel here represents a living organism that is able to sustain itself independently of its environment at the start of a trying journey. (The original formulation of the symbol did not refer to “a man on camel back.”) The organism carries within itself what is absolutely needed for survival. At the deeper human level ‘of consciousness it is easy to see the value of self-reliance and self-sufficiency as one enters the occult Path leading to a more dynamic and more inclusive realm of existence.

The camel carries water within its body, and it is said that the dromedary is able to utilize the matter stored in its large protuberance as food. The suggestion here is that in order to be released from bondage to the “old world” we should be completely self-contained emotionally; having absorbed the mental food which this old culture has given us, we are ready to face “the desert,” nothingness, Sunya . . . until we reach the “new world.” We need TOTAL INDEPENDENCE from our surroundings and utter SELF-RELIANCE.


by Ellias Lonsdale

Leo 25
A circle of neat houses, each one identical.

Feeling surrounded, enveloped, taken over by that which is uniform, conventional, and devoid of special characteristics. Holding the light within under a bushel of conformist behaviors. Not knowing how to get along in this world without a pacifying and appeasing of what the neighbors might think.

The suburbs. The places we hang out that are neither here or there. The anonymity that goes with taking on the style of the track, of the herd. Nobody special in here, nothing to disturb anybody.

But in the nighttime, on the inner, away from ordinary consciousness, a different tune is being played. The stage is set. The outer world is taken care of. Everything secured to make the other side of life something to enjoy, to explore, and to lose the outer self within, only to find somebody else here.

Who is that being lurking behind the safe version? What are they really doing in there? Could it be that there is somebody home and that this deeper self is engaged in creating a path to follow that will lead far beyond the idolatry of appearances?

The process of outlasting old tired patterns by playing them out to our hearts’ content, only then to find that we have just begun. The endless grind of repeating ourselves and hiding and pretending and trying to be so good.

Somebody cooking up a new world in here. Somebody else working out arduously the patterns of the old world. The attention is riveted to the outer one. For it takes close attention to make sure nothing shows.

Being placed within an old familiar pattern to see how long it will take and how much we do need to go through before we acknowledge that this is no longer who we are after all. The late, delayed, threatened, pressurized journey into soul when everything else falls flat and the inner soul cries for emergence.