the full moon in gemini is exact on tuesday december 17th at 1:28am PST, marking the midway point of the current lunar cycle that began with the new moon in sagittarius on december 2nd. full moons occur when the conscious self (sun) is completely opposite the Unconscious (moon) and symbolizes a time when things are brought to Light, fruition, climax or crisis. with the sun in sagittarius and the full moon in gemini this is an information and communication lunation- with a focus on what we think, believe, say and understand. taking time to gather information and question what we have been told and/or what we think we know- as some new idea, vision or version of Truth is likely trying to arise.
this full moon is interesting as it makes very few aspects- which essentially focuses the power of the full moon in a very intense and dramatic way. the full moon’s only aspect (other than opposite the sun) is an opposition to mercury, the ruler of this lunation (mercury rules gemini). the sun in sagittarius is conjunct mercury and they are both opposite the full moon- pitting the linear, logical, conscious mind against the emotional, intuitive, irrational self. there is likely to be intense mental energy up at this full moon, but also emotional energy- particularly of the Unconscious variety. if there are any situations in which we have been denying emotional or logical truths- this lunation can help us to see the Light!
another fascinating facet of the full moon chart is the fact that the full moon and sun opposition lay at two very important points in the zodiac- 26 gemini and 26 sagittarius. 26 -27 sagittarius (where the sun is) is known as the galactic center or the center of the milky way galaxy- a very important point in terms of evolution, consciousness and awakening. it is also know as the gate of God/dess- the point through which we can access the Divine. the degree opposite where the sun lies (26-27 gemini) is also significant as it is know as the gate of man. so we have the full moon activating the gate of God/dess and the gate of man- essentially opening up and activating a portal through which we can access more of our own Divinity. it is interesting to see that the sign of the lower, mental mind is associated with the gate of man (gemini), while the sign of the Higher Mind and Higher Self is associated with the gate of God/dess. it is key at this lunation to keep an open mind and to be willing to see more than we already know or understand- as the opening at this midway point of the lunar cycle we are in is powerful.
mercury, as ruler of this lunation, is important in the full moon chart for several reasons. first of all mercury is out of bounds- which means he is beyond the apparent path of the sun. a simple way to envision this is to think of the sun’s path and how it goes as high in the sky as it will at the summer solstice (in the northern hemisphere) and how low it goes in the sky at the winter solstice. this creates the apparent path of the sun. most planets stay within the bounds of the sun- which makes them accessible and ‘normal’ to our everyday consciousness. sometimes though, on rarer occasions, they go out of bounds- taking them out of the sun’s path and making them more intense in nature and expression. this can be great in that the gifts of the out of bounds planet are amplified, but the shadow is that the out of bounds planet can get excessive or be hard to access since it is so far out of bounds. with mercury in sagittarius out of bounds we have the philosophical, spiritual, Higher Mind amplified but also exacerbated. tuning into your own intuition and grasping what is True for you (not what others think your Truth should be or what they are telling you is True) is key right now. but we also have to beware of self-aggrandized thinking, believing we have the one version of Truth, and also we need to be aware of anyone trying to prostelytize. people can be very passionate about what they think and feel at this full moon- but it is key that we take everything with a grain of salt!
to add to this mercury is currently in quincunx aspect with retrograde jupiter in cancer, the planet that rules the sign mercury is currently in right now. quincunxes are aspects that create tension with a need for adjustment- and we have this happening between a very mental planet (mercury in sadge) and a very emotional one (jupiter in cancer). being able to differentiate between what we think and what we feel, what we understanding linearly and what we understand intuitively is key.
to add to the spark, excitement and instability of a very airy, all-over-the-place gemini moon- we also have uranus stationing direct 8 hours and 11 minutes after the lunation. stationary planets are the most powerful in the sky- so with uranus stationing we have the rebel, revolutionary and great awakener dominating the day and week. expecting the unexpected, going with the flow and being prepared for sudden shifts, changes, endings and new beginnings are all recommended. in addition, uranus is in aries- the sign of will, anger and drive. so be prepared for sudden eruptions of yang energy around you and within you. having a healthy outlet for anger and rage is important- as if you don’t or if you repress it it can come out in weird ways like illness, accidents or depression.
another planet will be stationing in 4.5 days time- and that is venus in capricorn. she is currently slowing to a stop, preparing to go retrograde on december 21st. her 6 week inward/downward journey will last until january 31st- giving us all time to rethink, review, revise and revision our relationships, finances, self-worth, values, structures, obligations, commitments and expectations in our lives (or of/by others as the case may be). with two planets stationing within days of the full moon- there is a lot of energy playing out this week to manage and navigate. it’s important that we attend to what is coming up and that we do what we need to do to ground in the midst of all the intensity- as lack of grounding will amplify the chaotic energy and make this week feel much more destabilizing.
it’s important to remember that anything that comes up this week is meant to come up so you can deal with it and address it. if you find yourself flying through the week with no problems- just feeling liberated and free- then perhaps you’ve done your work previously and now you get a break ;) either way- this week is about questioning things, finding what is True for you and then taking down old limiting structures in your life so that you have space for the new wanting to come in.
the next new moon is a powerful Grand Cross lunation- so take the last two weeks of this cycle to properly deal with and clear out what ever comes up so you are ready to kick off the new year in style! in particular, the new year’s eve energies this year are wonderful for purging and releasing the past- as we actually have a dark moon on the last day of the year (a rare occurrence that only happens once every 19 years). it’s perfectly times with the cycles of the cosmos and it’s an extra push from the Universe to really truly end on cycle so that you can really truly begin a new one. no half cocked versions or one foot in, one foot out. choose your direction and then move there with intention!
~divine harmony